View Full Version : What Is The Point In Playing Anymore?

06-11-2014, 09:16 AM
When most of us first started off playing Kingdom Age, there were clearly defined 'objectives' if you would behind playing, of which most of us enjoyed doing. Now, I'm going back to include the time period before the guilds formed here as well. We had the following clear-cut things we could work on:

• Attacking Other Players
• Raiding Other Players
• Limited Time Quests & Objectives
• Infinite Time Quests & Objectives
• Social Aspect
• Guild Wars
• Guild Activities
• Building Our Kingdoms

Now, in the last year and some underneath the management of GREE after they bought the game out from Funzio, almost every single on of these points has been destroyed. Almost, but not quite, as the social aspect of a game is truly difficult to kill

• Attacking Other Players - With the recent increase in vault capacity to the tune of 30 new levels, attacking others for gold has become pointless. While not everyone has been going at the vault upgrades, the fact that you will be able to sit on over 10,000,000 gold without having to worry about losing any has destroyed, or will destroy, the PvP aspect of the game.

• Raiding Other Players - This is the other side of the PvP aspect in every-day play. Which will soon be destroyed as well, thanks to the new LTB, the Tree Fort. The ability to buy three of these, with a Lv 10 sitting at a hefty 100,000,000 defense, means that for the price of ~75,000,000 gold before upgrade cost modifications are made, a player can be sitting on 300,000,000 defense. And then, you factor in the building defense boost, of which a lot of players have a 50% - 150% boost, we are now looking at 3 level 10 Tree Forts giving people a boost of anywhere from 450,000,000 - 750,000,000 defense. So, this aspect as well as the other aspect of PvP, attacking other players, is now useless.

• Limited Time Quests & Objectives - This has long since become a chore, as each LTQ is more like a job rather than a fun aside to be played at one's convenience. Oh, 50 boss levels wasn't difficult enough? Let's crank it up to 100 levels now, and give our players another 24 hours in which to do it in. Oh, killing five to ten enemies per stage wasn't difficult enough? Let's make the last few levels 30 - 50 kills each, and at an energy cost that is insane, and then let's bump up the health pool. I won't even bother touching on Box Events, given that we're now getting Orbs for summoning the Raid Boss now from them. The point is that every LTQ feels like a job to work on, yet it's an obligation if one wants to 'keep up with the Jones' as the saying goes

• Infinite Time Quests & Objectives - At one point and time, these were worth doing. Decent rewards, decent units, plus it got us on the maps and pounding away at units. However, these became useless a year ago, since stat inflation made every reward useless. The only thing map-wise people might care about is the Lv 4 masteries, as they reward one skill point for doing it.

• Social Aspect - This is the one thing GREE still hasn't figured out how to touch; if they could, I'm sure that they would destroy it as well over a short period of time. Then again, they are driving hoards of us away from their crap game, so I suppose an argument could be made that they are actually destroying this aspect of the game, just at a slow pace

• Guild Wars - This one is also a bit obvious. We all keep choosing to throw money at it, yet we have subtle hackers who are able to score for free what others might spend $100 - $300 US Dollars to achieve. The stat disparity has been making this a climbing issue, and now with the Tree Fort LTB, we'll be seeing almost every member of the Top 3 Guilds untouchable, with a nice chunk of the Top 10 also untouchable, thanks to the nearly 1,000,000,000 defense increase some of them are sure to acquire thanks to the LTB currently going on this cycle. So, we can smash our faces into the walls, but what is the point of wasting gems on that? And oh, just in case someone wants to try and bring it up, a 4% Conquest Attack Boost will not even come close to countering this issue that has now been created.

• Guild Activities - I'm referring to the accumulation of gold for bonuses, the GLTQs, etc. These are mostly falling underneath the same issues as Raiding & Attacking others, and the LTQ Issues that have arisen over time. Lately GREE has taken to giving us GLTQs that have an insane amount of experience with mobs that have an equally insane amount of Health and require a few metric tons of energy to kill even one of them. Accumulating gold for the vaults to obtain more bonuses will now be annoying or boring, depending on if you are one who sits and accumulates, or tries to go out and raid. Either way, this is now royally screwed up.

• Building Our Kingdoms - Another issue that has been made rather boring from recent changes. Can't sit on enough gold to upgrade your buildings, or you fear that you won't be able to hold onto it? Upgrade your vault. Tired of being raided or attacked all the time, and want more defense to make you nigh untouchable? Build you those three tree forts, the first few levels are quite cheap, and the gold costs fit in your rather sizable vaults for the first few levels. Umm... I suppose we can add decorations to our kingdom? Oh yeah, no one else besides us sees those anyways, so you can obtain a false sense of accomplishment, and that's about all.

So, I probably missed on or two things, but really, what's the point? The only reason I even bothered writing this post out is because I'm downright infuriated at how GREE has taken a great game from Funzio and utterly ruined it, and has turned it into this... slag heap.

I had almost felt bad about the fact that I was the one who set off all of the people contacting Apple for refunds. Yes, it was my call, super early in the morning when I woke up and saw the blatant hackers, mixed with all of the other issues that had been plaguing the game for a year now, and I finally said that I had it with this game. I hadn't even expected to get a refund, I just wanted to report Kingdom Age to iTunes and see what could happen. When I did get a refund, I told guild-members in the chat app as well as those in another guild, and from there, it just snowballed into an avalanche. I also almost called up a relative who is a BAR-licensed individual in the state of California to ask her opinion of the matter, given GREE's physical HQ is located there. However, now I'm not feeling bad about accidentally kicking off the horde that probably cost GREE roughly $1 million USD on Monday, if not more.

I only feel bad for Tadaaah, as he signed on to a sinking ship of questionable nature. You're trying man, you really are, but I don't think you'll be able to turn this around, not on your own anyways. GREE games are well and truly screwed up now thanks to the executives across the ocean milking these games for money so their company can look good on paper.

I had only planned on going free, but now I'm out. I just wish Apple could go back beyond 90 days for that refund now.

06-11-2014, 09:21 AM
Well said as always Lys

06-11-2014, 09:29 AM
Lys, One of the few people who i respect
You've said every single thing I've been thinking of, there's nothing else to say

Well said Lys, well said.. And again, Well said

Valid or
06-11-2014, 09:44 AM
Well said.
All tho I do believe this current problem with the defence stats on the tree fort sending any semblance of "balance" out the door, is simply gree's developers making a mistake, and not looking at what this cool idea of a tree did or how it would effect the pvp side of the game. Not something I would expect from a highly educated team of people to do.

But bet it went along those lines..."hey that's cool, looks good with 200k defence, yep that balances out with the other units we are giving them for end quest rewards.(not thinking of what upgrading the building did to its stats). Looks good" and off to testing it went, all built fine, upgraded fine..all good(not looking at what it did to pvp). And out it came into production.

06-11-2014, 09:47 AM
I know that many people are struggling with the same thoughts and opinions these days. The blatant exploit during the last Conquest was that proverbial straw. Lys, you took exactly what a lot of people have been thinking since Monday, and you nailed it. What is the point of this game now? What are we doing here? Why did we not follow Murder of Crows and get out when the hammer was making impact?

Some of my KA family have already started the discussion about what game to move to and when to do it. We are strong and we can transcend this platform to another. Thank you, Gree, for making my relationships here stronger. Without slowly killing this game, we would not be so tight.

You will surely be missed, Lys, my old friend

garen argon
06-11-2014, 09:51 AM
• Attacking Other Players - Once the community realized you gained much better cp from llp, no one attacked for gold anymore. There is no incentive; as we all save our pvp xp for war.

• Raiding Other Players - Now extremely weak players won't be able to raid stronger players. Most however will still try a raid a high lvl manor when they see one :cool:

• Limited Time Quests & Objectives - I'm in complete agreement. The quests have now become more of a full time job rather than fun. The problem is the spread of stats over the same level range. I've no idea how to make it work. How do the dev's give the same overall gameplay to a top 3, top 10 top 100 or top 400 player. The stats disparity is now up to 1Billion attack for a high level player.

• Infinite Time Quests & Objectives - Again, we agree. Most are saving xp until they are very high level. Then complete these quests for the stat point.

• Social Aspect - This is the one thing GREE still hasn't figured out how to touch; if they could, I'm sure that they would destroy it as well over a short period of time. Then again, they are driving hoards of us away from their crap game, so I suppose an argument could be made that they are actually destroying this aspect of the game, just at a slow pace. This is the only reason most still play the game.

• Guild Wars - Most of the long standing top ten are also untouchable. It's a credit to them for their continuous gem expenditures; and they've earned it.

• Guild Activities - If one has been playing the game for a long time. It IS BORING and insanely repetitive. There have been new events; which are a blast. But these become recurring events and eventually dull the senses. Would you rather the raid boss be a limited time event and then we are all screaming for more events between wars (as was the case a year ago). We can't have it both ways.

• Building Our Kingdoms - The only constant in any game is change. Some we like, some we don't. No one is forcing you, me or anyone in the community to play. If one's time is done; it's done and we move on.

The most important part of this game is that you play the way you want to; spend or don't spend what you are comfortable with; and enjoy the results of you efforts; whatever they maybe. As much as some try to keep up with the Jones' or (RK's, FUN's SB's) it is not possible.

You pretty much hit every hot topic; except one. What makes the game so infuriating is the lack of communication and response from the developers to in game issues that have been extraordinarily documented by the community.

And it's extraordinarily sad that the only time the developers have responded is when the community as a whole bypassed the predominantly useless gree customer service and complained directly to apple. Kudos to you for bringing that to the fore. It's a shame that it had to go that far.

Gree, the community has been imploring you for communication and action from the information provided for over a year; probably longer.

What will it take for you to finally listen???

06-11-2014, 09:55 AM
Not something I would expect from a highly educated team of people to do.

Wait.. You said highly educated " people " ?


Hehee sorry couldn't resist

06-11-2014, 09:58 AM
Agree. The 100m def on the tree is just so wrong . 1m-5m def on the final level 10 tree would have been about right.. It's not as if LTQ is giving out 100m attack units .... So what's the point of a LTQ 300k unit?

06-11-2014, 09:59 AM
Aaaaannddd yeaaaaaaahhhhh waaaaaaaaaaaiiittttt, we forgot something
Hackers will definitely build more than 3 of those buildings, I've seen some with 3 Lenders 3 playhouses and 3 manors so I'm sure that I'll see 5-10 tree buildings soon

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06-11-2014, 10:01 AM
Lol,good pic.
I mean they all went to university to learn there profession.
It was a primate who was the first astronaut into space. And we all know astronauts have collage educations.

06-11-2014, 11:58 AM
there was and still is only one reason....your teammates and friends.....but even that has limits.....

MOC for the most part left as a group....why??...because we loved playing games together and the friendships we have were special.....as many of you share with your own guilds and friends from other guilds......I do not regret the decision that was made.....the only regret I do have is that more did not follow.....

06-11-2014, 04:31 PM
If the only reason is the people, then you always have chat apps, Facebook, and calls and texts and emails and other ways to stay in touch and involved with each other. Start an xbox league or something...just sayin

The game is simply bonkers at this point. Too many major logistical errors and too many bad programming issues. Beyond a full shut down, re-program, and re-launch, not much hope that I see. That's sad.

06-12-2014, 05:07 AM
Sorry to hear that lots of people quited the game because of things that happened lately..

06-12-2014, 07:07 AM
Sorry to hear that lots of people quited the game because of things that happened lately..

I suspect it's not just what's happened lately. I suspect it's more that things aren't even moving in the right direction.

Mistress RedHead
06-12-2014, 09:29 AM
I read your comments and unfortunately I agree with what you said. How do we go about getting refund?
I am frustrated with how difficult it is too keep up and have been a heavy gem user. It shouldn't be a requirement in a free game. Gree has not only made it a requirement to play, it is too greedy. Occasional gem buying is OK with me but, it has gotten ridiculous. I have put a lot of time effort and $$$ into this game but, I am at my limit now and just plain frustrated and angry.

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06-12-2014, 09:48 AM
I read your comments and unfortunately I agree with what you said. How do we go about getting refund?
I am frustrated with how difficult it is too keep up and have been a heavy gem user. It shouldn't be a requirement in a free game. Gree has not only made it a requirement to play, it is too greedy. Occasional gem buying is OK with me but, it has gotten ridiculous. I have put a lot of time effort and $$$ into this game but, I am at my limit now and just plain frustrated and angry.
While this idea has been mentioned several time and a few people have recived refunds, but please note, there are guide lines in place set by iTunes for charge backs, and gree is a business that dose it's best to follow those guide lines, there needs to be a breach in one of the agreements we agree to, or a case of unscrupulous business practices,(again guide lines are in place for reporting these)
There are even guide lines around refunds from your children useing the device and racking up huge bills.
iTunes will help within limits, but you will have to prove your case. Prob more so now than befor. iTunes frowns upon what happend after last war. A lot of people requested charge backs and got them, even tho the problem had been fixed. Something they should not have done. But happend due to miscommunication.

07-01-2014, 02:50 AM
Very well said Lys!