View Full Version : New members needed! ID 844 994 099

06-09-2014, 06:00 PM
Tired of being required to spend gold? Tired of constantly being hassled because you didn't have 30,000 World points in the last war? Come join us. Easy, laid back and fun adult faction looking for casual daily players. Faction
ID 844 994 099. Finished approximately top 800 last war. All that we ask Is that you be an active daily player, donate $7 million per week and actively participate in faction wars and events. We track activity and donations regularly. Numerous bonuses including:

Health regen - 26%
Ground attack 10%
Air attack 5%
Infantry attack 10%
Infantry defense 30%
Ground defense 20%
Air defense 15%
Sea defense 10%
Building defense 25%
Building output 10%

06-10-2014, 01:52 PM
Bump bump bump

06-11-2014, 04:04 PM
Bump bump bump