View Full Version : Did rivals list change again?

05-30-2014, 08:14 AM
Yesterday, my news feed was completely erased. From reading my syndicate's forum, this seemed to happen to a lot of ppl -- maybe everyone?

Today, get robbed by someone 30 levels higher than me. Now I KNOW they changed the rivals list a few months back to where your list was comprised of people with similar stats, yet my rivals list also always stayed comprised of people within 8-10 levels of mine as well. So, it was similar stats, and +/- 10 levels or so.

I commented on the guy's profile who robbed me, and he mentioned that he now had people 40 levels up and down from him on his list. I scroll through mine, and they are all still within 10 levels of me. So was this just a weird one time experience, or has there been yet another change to the rivals list?

05-30-2014, 12:38 PM
I am level 156 and can see ppl up to level 189 on my rivals list. It has always (since the change in rivals list) been that way so nothing has changed for me...
But yes my news feed got erased yesterday!