View Full Version : Full assault

One man army
05-26-2014, 06:03 PM
Full assault is back guys the battle of Jakarta is coming the 6th of June get ready to clean out your inventorys because gree might AND I MEAN MIGHT have listened to our pleas

05-26-2014, 06:19 PM
What do you mean dude?

One man army
05-26-2014, 06:30 PM
Looks like I have to dumb down something already simple enough to understand..... Full assault is back and it starts on the 6th gree might have made it better than the ****ty version it was a few cycles ago

Tater tots
05-26-2014, 07:50 PM
Looks like I have to dumb down something already simple enough to understand..... Full assault is back and it starts on the 6th gree might have made it better than the ****ty version it was a few cycles ago

They get it right, lol.

Dirty Mind
05-26-2014, 08:05 PM
Looks like I have to dumb down something already simple enough to understand..... Full assault is back and it starts on the 6th gree might have made it better than the ****ty version it was a few cycles ago
can you dumb it down a little further? You said maybe they listened to our pleas. That would mean dropping the event. You also said something about "clean out your inventory"? I dropped all my low stat units in the first FA. They are still in my inventory, just with a x0 under it. my inventory is no cleaner than it was.

05-26-2014, 08:06 PM
I really enjoy full assault. I love the strategy and level of involvement. I hope it improves cause I don't wan to see it die

05-26-2014, 11:04 PM
I really enjoy full assault. I love the strategy and level of involvement. I hope it improves cause I don't wan to see it die

Are you the unpaid intern who developped Full Assault for Gree?!?

05-26-2014, 11:05 PM
i agree with you

I really enjoy full assault. I love the strategy and level of involvement. I hope it improves cause I don't wan to see it die

05-27-2014, 05:03 AM
i agree with you

......and I agree with you. +1 for Full Assault.

05-27-2014, 05:16 AM
They have put in the FA so people can come clean again and dump there units that they shouldnt have gotten

05-27-2014, 05:26 AM
I don't agree, FA is a waste of time. BRING BACK PVP!!!!!

05-27-2014, 05:27 AM
They have put in the FA so people can come clean again and dump there units that they shouldnt have gotten

Or they can dump any units they want and more than 10 in one deploy hence clear out their inventories.

05-27-2014, 05:38 AM
I asked what you mean... Not because I needed a dumbed down version of your initial (already dumb) post. You cry constantly on here about having an event which doesn't allow you to drop garbage and still be competitive. You don't need to drop big units and take a hit on your stats. If your iph and activity suck... then by all means drop the garbage. I'm not sure about the "0" inventory issue the other guy mentioned as I haven't seen it myself.

If you don't like the event... Use it to clear out your inventory. What you are whining about, my young padawon, is that you want to be able to drop garbage units and still receive big rewards. That's just plain idiotic. Yes, most of the community doesn't like this event. My faction loves it. We are all old players... Ultra active with high iph. We can place VERY high in this event WITHOUT GOLD (how many events are there like that in this game?). We take a hit on stats but with good Econ can build back up relatively quickly. We enjoy strategy based events. I understand a lot of people have glitches and lag that make it almost unplayable. I understand that the event needs a retooling to make finding and selecting units much more efficient. But an event which allows us to rank high with activity, strategy and no gold is good in my book.

If you want to clear out your inventory... Go for it. But stop crying that you aren't getting the monster units for being competitive. You can't have your cake and eat it too...

Mw Adam
05-27-2014, 08:46 AM
I don't agree, FA is a waste of time. BRING BACK PVP!!!!!

+1, FA blows!

Shadow Demon
05-27-2014, 08:50 AM
Full Assault sucks. Give us a way to sell off crap units and bring back pvp.

05-27-2014, 09:21 AM
+1, FA blows!

Full Assault sucks. Give us a way to sell off crap units and bring back pvp.

agree, pvp would be nice and stamina would make sense again

CDR Triple-Blade
05-27-2014, 09:33 AM
Are you the unpaid intern who developped Full Assault for Gree?!?

Hey now, they gave us a $100 commission for the three months of non-stop work we put into it.

Oh, and could you speak favorably of our revisions after Jakarta? Our next commission is going to be directly tied to the rave reviews we get on this forum.

05-27-2014, 11:36 AM
love FA. bring it on. hoping its a 24 hour type again, and not 3 days... but we'll see.

05-27-2014, 01:42 PM
I liked the event but it needed lots of tweaking and on the last FA looks like they did tweak it some but not enough. I liked it cuz it's a event like rb where you can participate and not gain any or lil Xp. I didn't like on the last FA event how they dropped the stat value on the units per each war win. But taking the 3rd place finish away was good. Freeloaders shouldn't get rewarded for not participating. I really didn't like the x3 20 min battles to long just to wait and see if your opponents hit at the last second. Really would like to see x6 10 min battles that should be plenty of time to scroll through the inventory since it was from highest to lowest the click triangle to go to lowest to highest. I still think they need to put a cap on what units you can deploy. If it's truly a event to get rid of all the unused units you shouldn't be able to deploy 100k+ units. I remembered seeing some dropping 200k+ units. I really don't think that was units they can't use in there army.

Anyways good luck to everyone in the next Full Assault. May your factions strategy be better then your opponents!!!

05-27-2014, 02:51 PM
love FA. bring it on. hoping its a 24 hour type again, and not 3 days... but we'll see.

+1 love full assault. Hate PvP. PvP was a total waste of time. Rewards were low and you had to constantly attack to get anything.

Can't they do Full Assault on a weekend day? What's up with doing it on Friday? Hope nothing works and they'll have to work on the bugs all Friday night.

One man army
05-27-2014, 03:11 PM
No one seems to understand that when something is new it's bound to have unforeseen bugs. Take apple products for example alot where recalled upon release because of a bug in the device and this was every release. At least gree put the event on hold to tweak it. Yes the first events were really **** and yes you lost more than you probably gained(some just gained and some zeroed out the gain to lose ratio) but you have to look at it as gree may be turning a new leaf(it might be good this time).

05-27-2014, 03:20 PM
Hey guys,

We appreciate your patience while working on getting this next Full Assault even out.

We will try to keep you informed on any new updates when possible.

05-27-2014, 03:33 PM
I guess that's a confirmation that the event is Full Assault? Can you please do it on a weekend the next time and not Friday night? You do all the wars on weekends. Why can't you do the same for full assault?

Dirty Mind
05-27-2014, 06:28 PM
cool. I can get rid of 600 of my deadly bridge jumpers.

Kane Sickle
05-27-2014, 08:46 PM
Hey guys,

We appreciate your patience while working on getting this next Full Assault even out.

We will try to keep you informed on any new updates when possible.

For Full Assault, I can be very, very patient. Take all the time you need. In fact, take an eternity! I've got no need for FA.

Instead of providing tools to organize our inventories, you provided a means to thin our inventories. That's fine, but FA is just a crap shoot, blind/silent auction where you just guess how much you have to risk so you might win an indeterminant amount of points. And don't turn your back on the bids and keep entering new games or all your efforts will be for naught.

PvP & FvF give you definitive results (BPs) that just accumulate and don't become moot because you were out-guessed. Except for massive gold use, you can only be out done by stronger and or more persistent players. Also, as has been mentioned above, these events bring back more utility to Stamina.

05-27-2014, 09:03 PM
I don't get it but sounds cool!

Gen CheeBye
05-27-2014, 11:34 PM
Many many many bugs.

Please take an eternity to fix. Don't rush. We want a bug free FA.