View Full Version : Texas, amazing top40, is recruiting, only the best

05-03-2014, 01:59 PM
I'm the Swiss leader of a great top40 faction, Texas. We finished all the faction events and ranked also easily always on top40 on Full Assault events. Most of my guys here are from USA but we have also 10 europeans and 6 asians. We are strong, loyal and organized, only active players, no freeloaders and no minis. Most of us are gold users and we have accomplished all faction events. A great core of guys and vary dedicated to improving every day. So if you decide to consider the Texans as your new home you won't be disappointed. Texas: invite code 667597272
We use Kakao Talk, well help set you up.

Our bonuses are:
+ 35% Infantry Def
+ 35% Ground Def
+ 35% Air Def
+ 30% Sea def
+ 30% Infantry Att
+ 25% Ground Att
+ 15% Air Att
+ 10% Sea Att
+ 35% Building Def
+ 25% Building Output
+15% Casualty Reduction
Max Health Regen Time
+38 Guild member Increase

We are looking for few strong and dedicated players, to grow togheter, stay steadily in top40 and enjoy this game. We are a kind of virtual family so only mature and loyal players will be accepted, no 18 years old over excited or too chatty.
To join us you need at least 70M Att stats, but also negotiable on lvl. minimum score 80k WDP, be active and an expert MW player. If you think this is for you let me know on Kakao Talk App, my ID: Bancodilugano

05-04-2014, 02:29 PM
I am a officer here at Texas and I have grown tremendously over the last few months along with the rest of our team. We all seek the same thing and that is to be the best. We have quite a few players including myself that have over 100 million in stats. I gain at least 20 mil every month with faction goals and events. We finish every event days before there required. If you wish to join us and Banco isn't available I'm also always on so just shoot me a message.

05-05-2014, 12:37 PM
We ranked 35., I'm ready to accept the best of you