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View Full Version : Mods, I need your help

05-03-2014, 07:29 AM
Our syndicate leader left for abit, and the leadership was passed, but not to someone she had picked. Now our syndicate isn't the same, there is no word from the new leader and he is refusing to hand it over to someone else. Is there anything that can be done? Our old leader is back now, but the new leader will not pass back the reigns. Even though he shouldnt have got them.

05-03-2014, 08:45 AM
The old leader would have passed the leadership over to one of the other players, we have loyal players who have been around for ages, this guy hasn't. It happened whilst the syndicates were messing up, so wasn't sure if it was a bug. She has said she didn't pass the leadership on to him. And we know he is playing as he is participating in the events. Part of the syndicate rule is to communicate on the app line. We have messaged him and stuff on there but he is not responding, hence why I said there is no word from him and he is not handing back the syndicate.

Hope this has cleared a few more questions up

05-03-2014, 03:39 PM
Hope this has cleared a few more questions up

Actually no, it make things more murky.

When the syndicates were messing up, at first the problem was that it would not let anyone in or out of the syndicates, and no one could kick their deadbeats. Many posts were made on this forum complaining about it. The second problem happened when they announced it was fixed, but people left and could not come back, or join another syn, and were stuck in limbo, without a syn. This happened during a STLQ and again many people were upset and complained on the forum.

But never once did anyone complain about the syndicate problem arbitrarily taking the syndicate away from the leader and randomly handing it over to someone who happens to be a bad guy.

You said the leader's original intention was to leave and hand it over to someone, but not this person. I'm wondering if this explanation came after people decided they were not happy with the new leadership, or if the explanation came right away. Because if the "syndicate bug" was really the reason she handed the syndicate over to the wrong person, you would think it would have caused instant alarm. Wouldn't you?

You said this..."She has said she didn't pass the leadership on to him."

I would say that the likelihood of this statement actually being true is dwindling as each segment of your story is revealed.

I think it's much more likely that she did indeed pass the leadership to him, then changed her mind for some reason.

It is not uncommon for a syndicate leader to enter into some type of agreement with other parties that the members of her syndicate are not privy to. Debts are made, promises for future payments, etc., could conceivably be secured with a temporary spot in the leadership spot as a form of collateral.

I'm sure from your position, that sounds preposterous, but again, if I am a Gree decision maker in the matter, I have to weigh the possibility that your leader really did indeed hand over the reigns to the new leader for some reason, vs the possibility that this mysterious leadership-shifting-bug occurred with only one syndicate, which happens to be yours, and it happened to randomly fall into the lap of someone that nobody likes anymore.

After that I would ask if the new leader has kicked out any prominent people, demoted any officers, made any attempt to change the syndicate name, or other things that would lead one to believe that his intentions are to pirate your syndicate. If the answer is no, then I would be back to this "syndicate error gave the wrong guy the syndicate" business, and I would be thinking that something is just not adding up.

But hey, that's just me.