View Full Version : MW is coming to a close, look at the top three teams, they all suck

05-02-2014, 11:39 PM
When was the last time you found so many weak links in the top three teams? Even SUP1, I counted 10 weak players, all who are high level and have def lower than mine. Mass retirements have forced them to poach from the next level down. The only problem is that they haven't been able to poach the better players, so stuck with lv250 400/200 type of recruits. Other facts include the sale of high powered accounts on the black market. Gree, better get your act straight because your high rollers are leaving in droves. The weakness in the top three, irrespective of how much they score, shows that weaker players are just scoring more than they used to just to join the top league.

05-03-2014, 12:17 AM
lol i hear ya man..ive had targets on ever team i have faced but yep alot are retireing and just sick of the BS that they do to us all the time..its one thing after another and now so many glitches it dont even make it fun to try and compete..only thing fun is chatting with my faction mates

05-03-2014, 12:22 AM
lol only thing fun is chatting with my faction mates

Which you could easily do without the thing of which I refuse to speak, because it's DEAD to me!!!