View Full Version : Looking for new members for syndicat

04-04-2014, 02:31 AM

we are looking for the reconstruction of the syndicate members.
We have some availability. We introduce a friendly and fun group, enjoy the game in the first place. We communicate amongst each other before we just jump into battle.
Currently there are no fixed donations .... you donate what you think and what you want for the progress of the syndicate and your own progress.

Condition: WhatsApp (Communication in German or English)

Fight Respect Payout: +20%
Car Defense: +20%
Building Output: +20%
Melee Defense: +25%
Gun Defense: +25%
Armor Attack: +10%
Armor Defense: +15%
Explosive Defense: +15%
Building Defense: +25%
Hideout Health: +5%
Jobs Payout: +5%

Join us!

Syndicate code: 692710288

we are waiting for you! (for questions message to 872 892 674)

Greetings FAmiLie FloDDeR


Wir suchen für den Wiederaufbau des Syndikats neue Mitglieder. Wir haben einige Plätze verfügbar. Wir sind eine freundliche und lustige Gruppe, bei denen der Spaß an erster Stelle steht. Wir kommunizieren untereinander auf WhatsApp, bevor wir in die Schlacht ziehen. Derzeit gibt es keine festen Spenden ...., zahlen sie ein, was sie für den Fortschritt des Syndikats und Ihre eigenen Fortschritt entbehren können.
Bedingungen: WhatsApp (Kommunikation in Deutsch oder Englisch)
Fight Respect Payout: +20%
Car Defense: +20%
Building Output: +20%
Melee Defense: +25%
Gun Defense: +25%
Armor Attack: +10%
Armor Defense: +15%
Explosive Defense: +15%
Building Defense: +25%
Hideout Health: +5%
Jobs Payout: +5%
Machen Sie mit!

Syndicate Code: 692710288

Wir warten auf Sie! (für Fragen Nachricht auf 872 892 674)

Gruß Familie FAmiLie FloDDeR

04-04-2014, 01:59 PM
bump for the night

04-04-2014, 04:30 PM
Would you guys be interested in taking your values and players and merge into a syndicate with 96 bonuses all maxed but four and those are 3/5 2/5 3/5 1/5 we can offer you the same donations for your players and 2 or 3 officers we do battle plans as well before declaring and work together on syndicate goals before individual Pm Me if you have any interests we do use the group me app for communication. group me id nickduus80@gmail.com

04-05-2014, 07:36 AM
bump for the night

04-06-2014, 02:07 AM
Bump Time .........

04-08-2014, 12:51 AM
Bump Time .........

04-17-2014, 02:47 AM
Bump Time ..........