View Full Version : Only 24/7 active elite players need apply !!!!!!!!!!!

03-31-2014, 05:43 PM
My syndicate has cleaned house 60 players down to 35. If you are active daily u qualify. 4x iph daily donation, we like to see 10k min battle points. Group me is a must with check in periodically. We track all event points. We fell from top 498 to 639 this battle due to inactive players. We promote accordingly to your actions ideas an strategy plans. We are building a active syndicate. I am the new leader and if needed i can let you talk with teammates they will tell you how organized we became over one battle weekend. If interested pm me i will give you syndicate code to check for yourself WE ALSO HAVE 96 BONUSES ALMOST COMPLETELY MAXED OUT.

GOLD--Not required but most members are light to medium spenders

03-31-2014, 07:05 PM
lol..... I've seen top 10 syndicates who recruit less arrogantly.

Gods of the street
03-31-2014, 07:14 PM
Got a question if u improved so much and worked as one over battle weekend why did u fall over 250 spots

03-31-2014, 07:23 PM
well that would be because i took this syndicate over after we lost all heavy hitters to a merger and only had 10 people and i recruited enough to manage 460k points in battle previously with even the heavy hitter last battle was 660k i'd say thats a improvement by any means with only 2 days before battle picking up enough people to manage points then i had a bunch of seconds accounts i didn't know that were inactive as well during battle. Im building this syndicate back to it's best and i would like to have the best i spend a lot of gold and time on here and now that i am leader i wish to build it properly. With members who will work to strive to be better

03-31-2014, 07:30 PM
you say arrogantly i say aggressive. I am new leader taking over scraps and manage to pull a team together in two days prior to battle and make it to the low 600's if i hadn't done any recruiting im sure we would have fallen into top 4000. And by all means i don't mean to be arrogant at all. I just don't want freeloaders and players who slack and reep awards for doing nothing and thinking iiiiii instead of we we we. And i see top syndicate that require vaults of gold stats higher then 20m all top tens im arrogant for asking to check in daily no noob players and being active? Buddy if that's arrogant i might as well post a rainbow and say come here do whatever don't compete in events and earn off the hard work of others???? or maybe i am misinterpreting what ur meaning of arrogant is

03-31-2014, 07:42 PM
lol..... I've seen top 10 syndicates who recruit less arrogantly.

Got a question if u improved so much and worked as one over battle weekend why did u fall over 250 spots

i edited my post just for you good sir made it more reader friendly as for the title it's for grabbing the attention of addicted cc users. I must keep in mind i am new at this forum and i'm sure people can take whats written as arrogant or rude but keep in mind you put the tone to what your reading and it's not my fault if your personality reads it in a arrogant manner i meant in no way to be arrogant i just want steady active dedicated players and my requirements are way easy to manage with top 10 require way more things then what i have posted -your buddy Falcone

04-01-2014, 01:19 AM
lol..... I've seen top 10 syndicates who recruit less arrogantly.


careful, this guy is so switched on, he responded to my comments in the FREE AGENT thread & tried recruiting me...

let me see:
96 Bonuses - AKP Tick
Was 498 - Fell to 639 mmmm let me just double check this one, could be clash...
AKP Were 215 Jumped to 164

I'm so blown away by this 'Dude' (nice ref to Gunn's pic) that, despite what it says in my signature block; I'm going to give up leadership of AKP & come rushing over to join this totally awesome Syndicate, that manages to put a whopping 2/3rds less Influence down in a Battle Event than my Current Possee!!!

have a Free Bump! You Need It!!!