View Full Version : Culver city looking for active players we are ranked at 250 -400

03-31-2014, 02:54 PM
We are looking for daily active players all we asked is for daily donations of what you can afford and help in battles if that's you then add 248-294-964 you won't be disappointed

04-01-2014, 11:34 AM
We finished this passed war in the Top 400. We got Top 250 prior to that. Our main problem was participation. This is the biggest thing we must stress. If you are a casual player, our syndicate is not for you. We are looking for daily players only. We want people who are going to make the game and our syndicate a priority. The criteria is simple:

We ask that you participate in all of the SLTQs, Raid Boss, Epic Boss, and wars. We also require all brick and Uzi donations. They're of no use to you, so please donate them to the syndicate so we can become strong. We ask that you donate cash when you can. We understand that there are people with low IPH, and simply don't have the money to donate all the time. We just ask that if you do have some spare cash laying around that you donate it so we can unlock more bonuses. Here's a look at our bonuses currently constructed:

Melee Defense - 25%
Building Defense - 25%
Fight Respect Payout - 25%
Jobs Payout - 15%
Car Defense - 25%
Building Output - 25%
Melee Attack - 20%
Gun Defense - 25%
Armor Attack - 25%
Armor Defense - 25%
Explosive Attack - 5%
Explosive Defense - 25%
Hideout Health - 20%
Car Attack - 10%
Gun Attack - 5%

As you can see, we have a lot of bonuses maxed out, but we still need help getting more. Bonuses are also guaranteed to climb with participation in wars. I am confident that with the right people participating, we can again become a Top 250 syndicate with the idea of climbing even higher. We have nine open spots as of writing this. So, if you're willing to put in the time, we will accept you with open arms.

Also, we encourage that you download the GroupMe app in order to keep communication running smoothly. It only takes a minute of your time. I hope to see you in Culver City.

Code: 248-294-964