View Full Version : Unbridled Happiness Android

Fuzzy Bits
03-30-2014, 07:48 AM
Unbridled Happiness Android

Dear All
Are you looking to join a guild where gems aren't a must! Download chat isn't a must! Then maybe we are the guild for you.
Unbridled Happiness is upcoming guild who lays between the 500-750 area.
There are already 3 gem spending loonies who help with the wars
All that we ask is that you are over level 50/75 active happy to give some gold and that you want to have fun.
Our leader is level 138, sentinel is 132 and i am level 112.
Come join and be happy.
Any questions fire away but the answer will be 42!
Fuzzy Bits over & out

Fuzzy Bits
04-01-2014, 03:04 PM
Bumping this to the top where we belong

Justin Baker
04-01-2014, 08:26 PM
Do you guys have line? If so add Omfgitsbatman.