View Full Version : Rise of the ROMAN EMPIRE.

Beau Ner
03-27-2014, 06:34 PM
The time has come for the Roman Empire to expand once more. A couple months ago we merged into another syndicate but it just didn't feel like home. So group of us moved back and have spent a couple months as a small close knit family. But now the time has come and we have decided that we would like to expand our family and rebuilt into the top 150/250 team we were before.

What we are:
Currently a top 500 team (From heavy gold users to free players)
A very close group most of whom have been playing together for 6+ months
Fun and camaraderie come first/stat growth second
78 bonuses(58 member capacity and 10% influence increase)

What we are looking for(requirements):
Active players of all levels(Individuals or Groups of friends who would like to move together would be even better)
Must be willing to use LINE chat app(all our communicating and hilarious conversations happen there)
Donations= 1 days income per week

Interested you can message me here or contact me through the LINE chat app(preferred). My Line ID: somenakedguy (That's my game name meant as a joke)
Or add me in game 901-440-363

Beau Ner
03-28-2014, 07:16 AM
Morning Bump

Bobby B
03-28-2014, 08:58 AM
A friendly bump to the top :) A great bunch of people, you won't regret joining!

Beau Ner
04-05-2014, 08:56 AM
Thanks Bobby.

Beau Ner
04-05-2014, 01:41 PM
Bump. we have/can make room to take in 20+