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View Full Version : LOL how sad... auctioned spots for the LTQ

03-26-2014, 11:42 AM
Factions are auctioning off roster spots to get the +1 unit for real cash....

Pretty sad. I was shaking my head at all the threads trying to recruit help, but after seeing/hearing about this shakedown for dollars... more power to you guys recruiting. and good luck.


03-26-2014, 11:57 AM
Factions are auctioning off roster spots to get the +1 unit for real cash....

Pretty sad. I was shaking my head at all the threads trying to recruit help, but after seeing/hearing about this shakedown for dollars... more power to you guys recruiting. and good luck.


Oh yea. Def put that up for auction. Why not? No different than a crate event for some, and if it can benefit the faction? Most if not all factions need to help each other, and its great they do. Some don't need the help, and those that don't that have open spots, why not? If you're not interested, move along. Don't ***** about it like your opinion matters. Whats the buying price for VFF? 100k? 200k? Isn't that the same thing?

Get out of here with your high and mighty BS.

03-26-2014, 12:17 PM
I agree with Sir! Some one got owned! lol

03-26-2014, 12:19 PM
Factions are auctioning off roster spots to get the +1 unit for real cash....

Pretty sad. I was shaking my head at all the threads trying to recruit help, but after seeing/hearing about this shakedown for dollars... more power to you guys recruiting. and good luck.


how much wd points can you put up gold free 50-70k maybe if you don't sleep?......all spots in top 75 are auctioned off....you don't pay to play your out.....whats the difference?.....that's why most happily stay in the lower ranks and shoot for 250......to each his own I say

03-26-2014, 12:20 PM
Screenshotted in case Alex decides to delete this thread after getting owned after the first response

03-26-2014, 12:29 PM
not deleting it. auctioning a spot to sit in a faction to get ONE prize for dollars is pretty sad.

and likely against the TOS for the game..

I find it comical. yes to each their own on what they choose to score.. but to get in a BIDDING contest for a unit.. pathetic.

03-26-2014, 01:27 PM
I agree with Sir! Some one got owned! lol

lol owned is correct..not much left to say about after that but to come back with the word pathetic

good gawd noooo
03-26-2014, 01:27 PM
I think charging for spots in a faction or to get a unit are pathetic.. so both cases in my eyes are the same. but again is just my opinion. my faction is full and working their tail off to complete the mission. gree has made this a costly one.. but for good reason doubt they want everyone to get it. but its bad enough how much it cost to keep a top 100 spot in wd to actually charge players to be on your team is just wrong. and they only members accepted into my faction are ones that can contribute. we don't charge them to be on team just expect performance. some may argue is just as bad.. but at least they can keep their money to use to either help themselves or the faction or go out to dinner. my faction is a top 250 full of great guys and gals that laugh do their part and everyone benefits. But even I as a top officer and former leader wouldn't pay for it.

03-26-2014, 01:32 PM
I think charging for spots in a faction or to get a unit are pathetic.. so both cases in my eyes are the same. but again is just my opinion. my faction is full and working their tail off to complete the mission. gree has made this a costly one.. but for good reason doubt they want everyone to get it. but its bad enough how much it cost to keep a top 100 spot in wd to actually charge players to be on your team is just wrong. and they only members accepted into my faction are ones that can contribute. we don't charge them to be on team just expect performance. some may argue is just as bad.. but at least they can keep their money to use to either help themselves or the faction or go out to dinner. my faction is a top 250 full of great guys and gals that laugh do their part and everyone benefits. But even I as a top officer and former leader wouldn't pay for it.
everone looks at entertainment differnt..exposable income in the decideing factor..some has lots and like to use it to enjoy themselfs..as for going out for dinner for me i stay at home and eat bologna sammichs and ramen noodles..ever 100$ meal i could spent outthere eating is a vault i can use here and have no more fun doing it..yes my name is lemonhaze and im a gold addict--all in good fun tho

03-26-2014, 02:06 PM
I think charging for spots in a faction or to get a unit are pathetic.. so both cases in my eyes are the same. but again is just my opinion. my faction is full and working their tail off to complete the mission. gree has made this a costly one.. but for good reason doubt they want everyone to get it. but its bad enough how much it cost to keep a top 100 spot in wd to actually charge players to be on your team is just wrong. and they only members accepted into my faction are ones that can contribute. we don't charge them to be on team just expect performance. some may argue is just as bad.. but at least they can keep their money to use to either help themselves or the faction or go out to dinner. my faction is a top 250 full of great guys and gals that laugh do their part and everyone benefits. But even I as a top officer and former leader wouldn't pay for it.

It's not costly if ur whole team participates last level is only 500 divide that by 60 that's less than 10 apiece

03-26-2014, 02:07 PM
Cheaper than a crate or boss event now days

03-26-2014, 02:36 PM
It is a little over 300 gold each if all 60 members do their part. This is better prize than a crate event and cheaper for most.

03-26-2014, 03:31 PM
How is charging for spots in ANY way unfair?

It isn't possible to do the event gold free for *MOST* factions. If those players are all having to shell out gold to finish, why shouldn't someone coming in be required to do the same in order to basically be gifted a unit?

Secondly, most of the people I see paying DON'T have the unit buildings required to participate anyways. That being said, how is it unfair or unjust that they spend the gold necessary to cover THEIR PORTION of the FLTQ kills.

Even at 1/60th of a full faction you're still looking at 340 gold to pull your weight.

And I'm not referring to SUP where everyone has a regen rate of +7000.

03-26-2014, 03:56 PM
I don't see the issue with it and our faction will be looking to do the same as soon as we polish off the last of the 5th level targets.
Most factions would have less than 50% of players available due to building requirements. Then maybe only 50% of those would be heavy gold spenders. Rather than these players having to dump 5+ vaults to get the job done why is it unfair that they join another and use only say 3 vaults? they save $200 or so and still get their item.

03-26-2014, 04:20 PM
I don't see the issue with it and our faction will be looking to do the same as soon as we polish off the last of the 5th level targets.
Most factions would have less than 50% of players available due to building requirements. Then maybe only 50% of those would be heavy gold spenders. Rather than these players having to dump 5+ vaults to get the job done why is it unfair that they join another and use only say 3 vaults? they save $200 or so and still get their item. some ppl dont have a brain and just know how to tap and refil and dont think about getting something for cheaper

03-26-2014, 04:37 PM
Guess so but everyone has different game play methods and without us all there would be no game. As such we must respect them all.
Happy for a little plug for our faction. If you have say 3 vaults and have the required building send me a message. We already have 6 vaults committed from current timezones online.

03-26-2014, 06:22 PM
Hmm, where have I seen these behaviors before?


03-26-2014, 06:24 PM
some ppl dont have a brain and just know how to tap and refil and dont think about getting something for cheaper

Hear, hear!

Hear, hear!