View Full Version : Recruiting for the HIGHEST TOP SYNDICATE for your IP

03-24-2014, 05:59 PM

The Most important is:

1. A Team Personality
You should have a good moral compass: No glitchers, hackers, bullies, etc. Your word should mean something. Honest people. We’re looking for people that put the team first, and WORK TOWARDS TEAM GOALS. We don’t care if you don’t do individual events, those are not requirements, but no one will stop you from doing them if you want, as long as your syndicate event obligations are also met. We all benefit from syndicate events.

2. A Team Personality
You should do your FAIR SHARE FAIR of ALL SYNDICATE events as a minimum. What does that mean? It means to divide everything by 60. Team first
For example if in the SLTQ, we need to kill 120 bosses, you are expected to try to kill at least 2 bosses. For epic bosses, same thing, divide by 60 the total kills needed, that’s the minimum.

3. A Team Personality
Your ideas that may help improve the team, if you have any. Not all of your ideas may be implemented. Perhaps none of them will be, but we will always LISTEN AND VALUE your suggestions. Team first

4. GroupMe AND Kakao ARE A MUST.

5. What are the IP requirements? Usually IP is merely a function of income spent in the game. As you can see, the main emphasis of this recruitment thread is about having a team player who will pull his/her weight for the greater good of the team.
How about YOU tell ME what your COMFORTABLE, SUSTAINABLE minimum IP is. We expect heavy participation in wars. You should be present at roll call at least 80% of the time. Divide the total team IP by 60, your individual ip should be around there.

What do you get in return?

1. Your MAXIMUM POTENTIAL is achieved as a player.


3. RESPECT and APPRECIATION as a valued member of the team.

4. A sense of TEAM, playing and making friends with like-minded individuals from all around the world.

5. A wealth of RESOURCES and HELP FROM OTHER TOP SYNDICATES, if needed, for events like raid boss.

Are you a player that’s all about the team?
Are you sick of carrying your team?
Do you feel unappreciated in your current synd?
Do you agree with the principle of team play?
Are you asking yourself, what kind of recruitment post is this?!

If you’ve answered YES to any one of those questions, JOIN THE GROWING NUMBER OF LIKE-MINDED PLAYERS that share your sense of values and devotion to cc.

We would love to chat with you on Groupme.
Please PM me to see if we’re the right fit for you

In your PM please include:
GroupMe (Preferred) email or Kakao ID:
CC Name:
Comfortable min IP:

I look forward to hearing from you. :)