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03-24-2014, 07:19 AM
Will accept all invites straight away

03-25-2014, 04:23 AM

Tired of spending tons of gold all the time?
We aim for streaks and not for ranking.
Great units without spending gold!
We are recruiting fresh and active Memeber!
You are active and communicative?
You are a teamplayer and ready to support in all faction events?

JOIN the UCE: 868498941

Our bonusses:
Health Regen Time: -30% (Max)
Ground Attack: +10%
Air Attack: +5%
Infantry Attack: +10%
Infantry Defense: +35% (Max)
Ground Defense: +35% (Max)
Air Defense: +35% (Max)
Sea Defense: +30%
Building Defense: +10%
Building Output: +15%

...and growing
You got what it takes to be elite?