View Full Version : **AWESOME AKP: Top 250 Now Ranked 215 / were 285 - Jumped 533 Places in 3 Battles! **

03-12-2014, 03:57 AM
TRACKSIDE SLUMS: 215 All Knight Possee 1601934

***Post Trackside Slums clearout has freed up around 5 Places for Strong, Loyal, Active Players***

1st Beatrice Waters EPIC BOSS Syndicate Goal - done & dusted...

**We Continue to Smash Through Ranking Tiers; now Let Us Double Your Stats!**
(Active Players have increased Stats by well over 2-3mil in couple of months or less)

We're Not Your Average Syndicate!
We're A Family 1st, Syndicate 2nd & We Do Things Differently, Our Way!

We've Fought From Top 1200-Top 250 in arnd 4-5 Months, No Mergers & No Hand Outs!
We've Done All This, On Our Own and only started using GroupMe Comms App a month ago!

We've achieved this because we're Organised!

We're got a very good, motivated, organised crew and are looking for strong members to join our Family.

All Military Welcome - Always a Good Home in AKP Family for Serving Members & Vets!

The Family is Very Loyal & Almost Complete!

Always looking for additional 'quality' members, to keep moving us Forwards...

** Level 20 Minimum ** Stats at 20-25K per Level Min ** 1.5 million Att/Def Min **
Genuine Active Players Only - Freeloaders will not be tolerated & are pruned regularly.

AKP Leader: +200 Level Player with Stats over 6 Million
Current Defence Leader has stats over 9 Million & actively looking for Stronger DL.

93 Bonuses Bought to Date (Defence Maxed Out, Now Concentrating on Attack Bonuses)
We Should Be Purchasing At Least 2-3 Before Next Battle Event!

***Join 'All Knight Possee' Today*** PM ME 4 Code & to Discuss Stats/Tactics & see if we're compatible!
Players must participate in Boss Fights and Battle Wkds and follow our easy guidelines.

We're Friendly, 100% Active and have increased our Ranking consistently, over the past few events.

Battle Events:
Trackside Slums: 215 All Knight Possee 1,601,934 (increased points by over 400K)
Bay Harbour Beach: 285 All Knight Possee 1,167,504 (increased points by over 200K)
Seaside Shoot-Out: 379 All Knight Possee 960,446 (increased points by over 550K)
Nightlife District: 748 All Knight Possee 409064 (increased points total by over 60K)
Clubbin District: 838 All Knight Possee 340384 (increased points total by over 50K)
Financial District Fallout: 875 All Knight Possee 285681 (with 1/2 Active Members of Graveyard)
Graveyard Rampage: 798 All Knight Possee 288,632
Boardwalk Bash: 805 All Knight Possee 294,116
West Side Stand-Off: 1106 All Knight Possee 131745 (with about 5 low level players + strong leader)

Syndicate Events:
48 Hr Beachfront Throwdown PvP Event... 14/14 Completed within 36 hours!
Adhira Banduka Raid Boss: EASY 2 Hrs / REGULAR 36 Hrs / ELITE Stopped at 21/27 & Farmed.
Epic Boss - 5 Golden Hoes Earnt (4 Hours Max) / 100 Kills achieved by 85% of Members
Red Brick Raid Boss: EASY 3 hrs / NORMAL 48 hrs / ELITE Stopped at 21/27 & Farmed
StanFa SLTQ: 17/20 - Stopped due to ridiculous amount of LTQs being run...
Smokey Skids Raid Boss: EASY Under 3 Hrs / NORMAL Under 75 Hrs /
ELITE: Completed 23/27 with 23 hrs left; then farmed & assisted Other Syndicates.
Cole Black Epic Boss Event - 6 Ho-Ho Suits earnt / 100 Kills achieved by majority of Members

93% of Members over 2 Million, Majority over 3 Million; remaining members close to achieving this milestone. Over 90% of Members have stats of at least 25K per Level; Over 60% Have Stats Of 40K per level or Higher.

Strong active players based in US, UK, Europe & Oz/Asia; plus a few other places, so, good worldwide coverage for Battle Wkds. Looking for More US West Coast Players!

Very reasonable donation levels & all funds ploughed back into increasing Bonuses/Syndicate Hideouts.

Used GroupMe for 1st Time in Bay Harbour Beach; it's useful but, not essential!
We won't pressure you to Download anything Or Buy Gold!
All Our Info Can Be Passed via In Game Forum...

Join an Alliance with a proven track record, that's going places fast, under it's own Steam and where you'll have plenty of opportunities to shine & grow with us!

Promotion is always available to All Active Players, who contribute to Syndicate Goals!

03-12-2014, 07:12 AM
bump time already... that was fast!

03-13-2014, 12:51 AM
we'll be having a good run in Raid Boss, get in while you still can...

03-13-2014, 01:37 PM
bump again

03-13-2014, 05:09 PM
let's bump again

03-14-2014, 05:06 AM
busy, busy, busy...

but, still time for another Bump n Grind to keep us in the public eye...

03-14-2014, 10:18 AM

Is it RAID BOSS???

either way, we've got it covered!!!

03-15-2014, 02:33 AM
EPIC BOSS DAY ONE - KILLED IN 4 HOURS (even with Slow Summoning)

Come & Join Us...

Til Us
03-15-2014, 02:44 AM
Invitation code: 671-399-952. (11 slots open)
.................................................. ...........................
Pretty active syndicate Moravska banda (Czech rep., most of bonuses purchased, no *****ing, no stress, enjoy the game), is looking for few active players, which currently would like to join us and do the whole boss event with us :o). You could be low level (beginner, 1-25 -does not matter on stats, or higher level - with rather decent stats - english, czech or slovak writing - if you would like to communicate closer - we using Whats App). Join us today to gain all that sweet prizes from the boss! Please, minimum requirement is 10 times kill the boss a day.

Addme pls: Maximus, ID: 736-870-302 (att.5mil, lvl.89)
Tetka Anca: 877-551-366

03-15-2014, 09:36 AM
Time for another bump...

03-15-2014, 02:10 PM
bump time...

EPIC BOSS Day 2 - 165/300

03-16-2014, 01:32 AM
bump back to page 1

EPIC BOSS Syndicate Goal Day 2 was once again, smashed in a couple of hours

03-16-2014, 11:15 AM
Day 3 EPIC BOSS Live...

join us but be quick...

03-17-2014, 01:48 AM
Day 3 EPIC BOSS Killed / Dead / Deceased / Extinct...

Roll On Day 4 & More Mods

03-17-2014, 02:58 PM
Over halfway through Day 4 Epic Boss

03-18-2014, 01:10 AM
Day 4 EPIC done & dusted while I was asleep'; always nice to wake up to a reward!

Cagey Caminiti
03-18-2014, 02:27 AM

03-18-2014, 09:52 AM

thanks for the bump, Cagey!

03-19-2014, 01:00 AM
almost finished Day 5 of EB & working our way through SLTQ

our main priority will be RAID BOSS

03-19-2014, 11:31 AM
Final Day of EPIC BOSS

last chance to grab those Boots & that Modifier...

03-19-2014, 03:35 PM
bump back to top

03-19-2014, 06:31 PM
bump to the top before I hit hay...

03-20-2014, 04:37 PM
Six out of Six for the EPIC BOSS

03-20-2014, 04:43 PM
bump bump bump

03-21-2014, 04:30 AM
free bump


03-22-2014, 06:40 PM
Need another bump?

03-23-2014, 08:31 AM
bumps always appreciated CCK