View Full Version : (iOS) Blitz 8 graph

03-09-2014, 10:39 PM
Gree failed to have a blitz war between epic wars 10 and 11, leading some to speculate that they'd been canceled. But here we go again. This war looked like it would be noteworthy for the presence of several doubled-up guilds in the top 25: not only the usual Rainbows, but also TH3 1NFAM0US and TH3 INFAMOUS DPA SUB, and iVillage and iVillage Resurrected. Alas for symmetry, one of each of those pairs fell out before the closing bell, ending in 26th and 27th place.

The change to daylight savings time in the U.S. fell during this war, and some of us wondered if that would make it last 23 hours instead of 24. But the servers handled the time change smoothly. (The Excel spreadsheet that I use for these graphs didn't; I had to fudge the times to make it come out right.)

Here's the top ten graph:


The Pale Rider
03-12-2014, 06:17 PM
Beth -- I think this is the War where the chart goes to 25. I know it's more time and effort for you, but it would be very helpful to guage whether the top 25 guilds will spend for rewards or not. Plus I've always wanted to be on that chart. Closest I've been is 16th.

04-09-2014, 12:43 AM
Alas for symmetry, one of each of those pairs fell out before the closing bell, ending in 26th and 27th place.

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