View Full Version : Guilds

The don father
03-08-2014, 07:04 AM
I'm a new player looking for a guild any offers?

03-08-2014, 08:04 AM
How new?
Free or gem player?

03-08-2014, 01:04 PM
Psyche is actively looking to fill at least 14 open positions. We are "only" a top 750 guild, however we have very good bonuses and believe we can easily reach top 400-500 by filling in the large number of open player slots we have available.

Psyche also has close ties with a top 150 guild, Carnivorous Swarm. Top players that prove themselves in Psyche may be considered for membership in Carnivorous Swarm. We work closely with several partner guilds to gain advantages to complete guild quests.

Guild Bonuses:

Guild Member Increase +24
Max building cost upgrades
Max building time upgrades
Casualty Decrease +14%


You must be an active player, on average log in at least 3 times a day but must log in more frequently during war and during certain guild quests. Gem spending is not required. Donate what you can, no daily minimums but we do watch to make sure that you are contributing. We believe all players can grow if they are active enough, so there are no level or stat requirements as long as you are a highly active player and get along with the team. Also, BE NICE! No mean people allowed.

We currently have 30 players in the guild with 14 open slots. We are willing to consider mergers with small active guilds whose players would like to join us.

Guild join code is 520683361

03-10-2014, 11:45 AM
Hey, you want to join Our guild? We finished top 400 in the last battle. We are looking for great players like yourself and can help you get higher stats. We don't BS, just hard workin at donating and battling. 997922424. Give us a try.

03-11-2014, 07:40 AM
I'm a new player looking for a guild any offers?

We are looking for low level players to fill up some spots. our LLP guild will be going for 50 wins this coming war and the units received will be great. main requirement is for you to install and communicate thru GroupMe. Here is our invite code if you are interested - 366-038-994

if you have any questions, please install groupme, setup profile, and click on the following link



KSF Frodocat
06-02-2014, 05:30 PM
KSF2 (kingdom Strike Force 868-751-427) is looking for players who would like to have fun. We were once a top 100 guild and many of our players were recruited to higher guilds - or they burned out and quit. We are looking for players who want to play and win prizes, as we have been in top 500 for a while. Not so serious though that there is no flexibility for real life! Daily players , do-able donations, positive teamwork - a perfect match? This is a game - let's have fun!