View Full Version : Top750 looking for merger or daily players

03-05-2014, 06:17 PM
Come join the bad boys of modern war....Two top 1500 teams merged to make up this very tight knit group. Since the merge we have finished 1179-Cuba...945-Chile...661-Turkey....639-Finland...We currently have 37 active members from all over the world that like to have fun while working as a team to obtain our goals. Our bonuses include health regen-26% grnd att+10% air att+5% inf att+10% inf def+30% grnd def+25% air def+20% sea def+15% bldg def+20% and bldg output+10%. We require participation in all events and daily communication on groupme...We have always lived by donate what you can when you can.....come join our family....690-183-023

03-05-2014, 08:31 PM
Just sent a request I'm close to finishing event access card event and will be around 150k Atack and defense and only been playing for 2 weeks my I'd is535-091-031

03-05-2014, 11:54 PM
Dude, I have room for about 5-7 active members. Same deal, no donation requirements, just a kick ašs faction. 779-375-157

03-06-2014, 12:17 AM
please refer to my signature... we have room for you guys.........

03-06-2014, 02:20 PM
I should have been a little more clear.....we are not looking to join your faction....looking for a faction willing to join ours

The Destroyer!
03-06-2014, 02:23 PM
We want your best!

Team Delta Force, faction: 910.939.475

03-09-2014, 08:27 AM
Teamwork, Reliability and Participation. Massive Assault,.. 703668859...is now recruiting for highly motivated people that want to increase their stats, have fun and keep it Low Stress. Massive Assault.. 703668859.. has a 20 openings waiting for you (mergers accepted). Maxed out most of the bonus. join us and check out bonuses.donations not must..!