View Full Version : New Useful Forums Feature?

Dark Prince
02-25-2014, 08:40 PM
So I have recently read a lot of comments over the past month or so about various implementations to hide/block 'busteroafs' negative comments from a life full of failure and disappointment

I will post a few screenshots, I have added a serious poll. Pls vot3 ;)




02-25-2014, 08:47 PM
Says the guy who is now on what... his 3rd account?

Your profile picture is creepily similar to some guy on line who paraded around with the name BusteRoaF RBJ GM for a long time... but wasn't actually him. I think he was looking for old versions of the game, and said he knew a chest cheat, and offered to sell it. Even asked for it a few times on the forum here, but then got banned, then banned again.

Know anything about him? I don't know. Just a strange feeling I have.

02-25-2014, 08:50 PM
This forum is turning into Formspring.

02-25-2014, 08:51 PM
While his posts could be put a little nicer, he posts true and useful stuff. Why isnt there a "no change" option? You only have two options in your poll.

Sol Invictus
02-25-2014, 09:03 PM
Just to be clear...

The "big, black box" option. Would that be like [ spoiler ] tags, where you'd have to hover over them or click on them to reveal what is hidden underneath, or is it just completely censored?

Skittle Stomper
02-25-2014, 09:05 PM
This forum is turning into Formspring.

What is Formspring?

Dark Prince
02-25-2014, 09:05 PM
Just to be clear...

The "big, black box" option. Would that be like [ spoiler ] tags, where you'd have to hover over them or click on them to reveal what is hidden underneath, or is it just completely censored?

It can be hoverable to get an idea of his post

Dark Prince
02-25-2014, 09:06 PM
Says the guy who is now on what... his 3rd account?

Your profile picture is creepily similar to some guy on line who paraded around with the name BusteRoaF RBJ GM for a long time... but wasn't actually him. I think he was looking for old versions of the game, and said he knew a chest cheat, and offered to sell it. Even asked for it a few times on the forum here, but then got banned, then banned again.

Know anything about him? I don't know. Just a strange feeling I have.

Dunno, however your slave-king Eunuchorn is in a similar boat or am I mistaken?

02-25-2014, 09:08 PM
I find his posts are the ones with the most reasonable content. Not just whining and yelling at people. Have the most logic

02-25-2014, 09:13 PM
Dunno, however your slave-king Eunuchorn is in a similar boat or am I mistaken?

I don't know. I haven't talked to him in a while. I kinda miss him.

Also your recently read of posts for "months" when all your examples are from what, 2 threads in the last two days. Please stop. You aren't even funny at making fun of me.

I know I'm abrasive sometimes, but hey, you don't have to read, or respond to me either.

Skittle Stomper
02-25-2014, 09:14 PM
So I have recently read a lot of comments over the past month or so about various implementations to hide/block 'busteroafs' negative comments from a life full of failure and disappointment

I will post a few screenshots, I have added a serious poll. Pls vot3 ;)

All your SS from "the past" happened in a single thread less than an hour ago.

& not exactly a "serious" poll is it? Incoming ban?

& then you refer to Eunuchorn as the slave king.

King Mark returns?

02-25-2014, 09:19 PM
What is Formspring?

Here (http://theweek.com/article/index/202777/formspring-the-vicious-new-tween-obsession).

The trash-talking part of it.

02-25-2014, 09:27 PM
All your SS from "the past" happened in a single thread less than an hour ago.

& not exactly a "serious" poll is it? Incoming ban?

& then you refer to Eunuchorn as the slave king.

King Mark returns?

Na, Mark would have mentioned all the Rainbow followers and had or ended with a "lol" or a "ha" That was always his tell.

Dark Prince
02-25-2014, 10:04 PM
Na, Mark would have mentioned all the Rainbow followers and had or ended with a "lol" or a "ha" That was always his tell.

Its not a serious thread, I doubt Elita has the motivation nor inclination when she barely posts anything useful each month. However your comments are generally negative no matter how enlightening.

Rainbow Co. ha.

02-25-2014, 11:23 PM
You also forget that unlike many of the others mentioned, Eun, Sparkle, Mark, your couple priors... I've yet to ever be banned.

Not that it couldn't happen, but just hasn't yet, despite my apparently negativity. Guess I'm just lucky so far.

Or just really not as bad as you people (that don't like me) think.

02-26-2014, 12:48 AM
Buster promotes debate. I like that..

02-26-2014, 01:44 AM
Mod, close this please. I want my 40 seconds back I spend going through this briefly and the 20 seconds I spend writing this. Along with the 2 seconds I spend clicking the "Post Quick Reply" button.

Dark Prince
02-26-2014, 06:40 AM
Mod, close this please. I want my 40 seconds back I spend going through this briefly and the 20 seconds I spend writing this. Along with the 2 seconds I spend clicking the "Post Quick Reply" button.

No refunds

Slayer 1
02-26-2014, 07:28 AM
I've no problem with busteroaf - nor his comments. It's what makes a forum (aka: a designated space for expression).

Merely trying to censor or edit someone because you don't like their opinion reeks of the actions of a lesser mind.

....though you did elicit a response from the person you most wanted a reply from.....even if his minions came running to an unnecessary defense....

02-26-2014, 09:05 AM
Pointless thread. I agree with most here. Sure buster can be a huge douche but he atleast uses logic and facts to base his arguments on. If everyone in the world felt the same way about everything this would be a boring and dull existance.

02-26-2014, 10:59 AM
Wow, I have minions?

That is news to me. Hopefully you aren't in the BFC, cause... I honestly haven't logged into the game for days. The forums is way more fun.

02-26-2014, 01:01 PM
Buster > all your mothers

Sir William
02-26-2014, 02:02 PM
Well I've read quite enough to go ahead and share my 2 cents.

I don't understand why there is such a negative attitude towards iOS players on here from the android community. I mean we get it. You don't like Apple. Or iPhones. You're hipsters. Whatever the case is.

The iOS players are the reason you half wits were able to progress so rapidly in this game without much trial and error, if any at all. All of the ordinal forum contributors and all the fancy help threads and guides are from iOS players who published the information.

Best way to level? Best way to efficiently beat the boss each week? Best guild war strategies?

All of this was learned the hard way by the iOS community months before the android was even a respectable player base in terms of numbers.

The iOS players are the Dre, Nas, and Eminem of this world and the android crowd is the 2 Chainz and Drake who didn't have to work hard for anything and showboat around acting like children.

So consider for a second, there are iOS players (like myself) who have contributed immensely to this game and o these forums that have been retired or semi retired far longer than you've been playing this game competitively or at all for that matter.

The Pale Rider
02-26-2014, 02:09 PM
I find his posts are the ones with the most reasonable content. Not just whining and yelling at people. Have the most logic

Hey, I resemble that remark.

The Pale Rider
02-26-2014, 02:12 PM
I doubt Elita has the motivation nor inclination when she barely posts anything useful each month.

THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE. Admins who don't administrate other than an occasional banning or deletion. How about telling us about forthcoming new developments for the game?

02-26-2014, 02:33 PM
Well I've read quite enough to go ahead and share my 2 cents.

I don't understand why there is such a negative attitude towards iOS players on here from the android community. I mean we get it. You don't like Apple. Or iPhones. You're hipsters. Whatever the case is.

The iOS players are the reason you half wits were able to progress so rapidly in this game without much trial and error, if any at all. All of the ordinal forum contributors and all the fancy help threads and guides are from iOS players who published the information.

Best way to level? Best way to efficiently beat the boss each week? Best guild war strategies?

All of this was learned the hard way by the iOS community months before the android was even a respectable player base in terms of numbers.

The iOS players are the Dre, Nas, and Eminem of this world and the android crowd is the 2 Chainz and Drake who didn't have to work hard for anything and showboat around acting like children.

So consider for a second, there are iOS players (like myself) who have contributed immensely to this game and o these forums that have been retired or semi retired far longer than you've been playing this game competitively or at all for that matter.
Just saying, but I am sure the gretaer percentage of young immature children use iPhones if they have a smartphone.

Sir William
02-26-2014, 02:48 PM
Just saying, but I am sure the gretaer percentage of young immature children use iPhones if they have a smartphone.

Awesome! Thanks for asking the tough questions there, Fox News. That puts things totally in perspective.

02-27-2014, 06:04 AM
Did you ever notice that pretty much every worthwhile member of this community is either "retired" or "semi-retired."

Yet we're all just sitting here trolling the forums.

man I miss what this game could have been.

Slayer 1
02-27-2014, 08:13 AM
Minion: a follower or underling of a powerful person, esp. a servile or unimportant one.

They see you as a respected, outspoken 'person of influence' on the boards - games be damned. ...and yes, they follow and defend you. It's cute.

Similarly, other synonyms apply: flunky, lackey, hanger-on, follower, vassal, stooge, toady.....what have you.

Skittle Stomper
02-27-2014, 08:19 AM
Attacking someone doesn't mean you are defending their original target. OP deserves to be ranted against for his ongoing stupidity. Doesn't mean anyone is specifically defending buster.