View Full Version : screw up, screw up, screw up!!!

02-15-2014, 02:40 PM
Even if you meet all the requirements for the axis of evil event (level, upgraded unit buildings, etc.) I still cannot do energy portion of ltqs because my energy STILL ISNT REGISTERING making it impossible to finish.. way to go Gree screw me over at the end of last event and carry it over into this one. At least I know from the beginning to not even start this one.

02-15-2014, 02:45 PM
Not happy at all still trying to finish last ltq and with hits not regeristing I won't even attempt this one

02-15-2014, 02:47 PM
I do not like all energy events

02-15-2014, 03:12 PM
i am not against an event forcing you to upgrade the unit buildings as they are wortheless else. but the way gree does is just too much again