View Full Version : BLINDING LOVE RAID BOSS - Note to GREE

DoC Deranged
02-12-2014, 09:45 PM
Dear GREE- I am writing you this note with great concern about the current raid boss event, BLINDING LOVE. A few points of note...

1- Compared to the last raid boss, (which generated significant excitement and participation and was extremely difficult) the hit points for bosses have quadrupled! Last RAID boss was nearly impossible ....this one is impossible except for an elite few at the top who have amazing health regen bonuses.

2- Drop prize values are significantly lower yet require exponentially more effort and investment to achieve. Legendary drops last boss was 100k unit, while legendary units this event are 9k units.

In summary, it takes 400% more effort to achieve units which are 90% REDUCED in value! Many grumblings among your core players in the community. I might suggest you make an adjustment in your drop prizes for L90 bosses and higher as incentive for your core customers to continue playing.

I, and I am sure your customer base, would like to hear back from you explaining your rational for the significant adjustments in RAID BOSS EVENT.

Please consider your customer base,
Regards, Deranged

02-12-2014, 10:05 PM
our love is blind

Kendra !!!
02-13-2014, 12:38 AM
Totally agree !!!! That were the same words tha we are talking on our team, this one is not a funny raid boss !!!!

02-13-2014, 05:14 AM
Totally agree,GREE have managed to kill and Event in one hit,it was always the one I looked forward to as it involves all your guild and rewards the members who participate.
Plenty of my guild used to finish the Normal section and be happy to spend some gems as we progress though the Heroic mode,now we are not a spending GEMS on it what so ever.
The hikes in difficulty and reduced stat units make it a waste,we know we won't fall behind as most guilds are voicing the same opinion and the ones who do progress will only be the top3-5 and we will never get near them anyway.
In a way GREE "thank You" as you have saved me the money I would have used on GEMS,I can now spend that on a game that is still enjoyable to play as opposed to one you are killing with each passing event!!

02-13-2014, 05:58 AM
This event made me say "meh" to Kingdon Age. My interest in the game is waning. I have not read the forum posts, collected gold, or checked in with my guildmates in a significant amount of time. I am curenntly bored with KA and this may bring me to the end.

02-13-2014, 07:31 AM
This event made me say "meh" to Kingdon Age. My interest in the game is waning. I have not read the forum posts, collected gold, or checked in with my guildmates in a significant amount of time. I am curenntly bored with KA and this may bring me to the end.

The same here, if Gree continues this there will be only hardcore players left. $1 of many is more than $1,000 of one, but Gree just doesn't get it.

02-13-2014, 10:18 AM
You do not train a puppy by positive reinforcement. If it ****s in the house, you punish it not reward it. That is the problem we have now, we as consumers have given GREEd enough positive reinforcement that it is now a patterned behavior. They will continue to **** on us, and because of time spent and friends made we will put up with it. If you think they give a monkey's blue ass, I would ask you to look at the noticeable silence from GREEd's keyboard mouthpieces. The silence is because, like a patterned puppy they do not think they have done wrong. If everyone is serious about trying to have GREEd be more open, honest, vocal and FAIR in their practices we need to roll up the newspaper and teach the puppy they don't **** in our house.

02-13-2014, 11:01 AM
I have bit my tongue way to much. I am in a top guild (top3) and this is crazy. The amount of gems for the return is not worth it. While I understood gree had to slow down as last RB was too good. But not even allowing the prizes during the heroic to be strong enough to help your numbers is just not fair. This is a RB ment to build minis on the backs of the strong. I'm sorry gree but my dollars are dwindling to you and I have discovered another game with no association to the gree family. I hope what's coming will change however the new style has tainted a once fun and addictive game.


Murderer of Bunnies
02-13-2014, 11:40 AM
Doc, if they make it twice as hard SB and whatever that guild is that used to be number one but isn't anymore (I forget their name?? Rhymes with done) will spend 2x the money. Simple economics.

If gree we're smart they would issue lines of credit so that that the gullible who mistake pushing a button for a challenging game could push the attack button faster without the burdensome need to go to the app store during war to purchase more currency IE gems.

02-13-2014, 12:04 PM
Quit complaining! If I am you guys, I will do a 'girl'cott . That's it.

02-13-2014, 12:07 PM
I'm done spending. I instead invested my money over on GOG.com and bought the Baldur's Gate 1&2 games. I think I'll actually get my money's worth from this choice insstead if pissing it away with this flimsy company. A 16 year old game is proving much, much more entertaining than this excuse of a company.

Murderer of Bunnies
02-13-2014, 01:00 PM
Quit complaining! If I am you guys, I will do a 'girl'cott . That's it.

is that supposed to be some sort of insult to women? I took the $1000 I didn't spend on the last war and purchased a cabin and ski trip this weekend with my BF. Hope you enjoy your shinny new cluster of pixels

The red Baron
02-13-2014, 03:36 PM
Baldurs Gate id the best game ever produced, played it several times in the past

02-15-2014, 06:51 PM
Penny wise and dollar stupid.....

02-16-2014, 04:08 AM
It's not just the vulgar increase in the RB's HP, but the inexplicable reduction in the calculation for player damage to the boss. Our top 150 has stopped even trying to complete normal mode. Think it's more than this event that we are done with.

02-17-2014, 10:03 AM
All this complaining and raid boss was easy... As long as you had a magic stick!

garen argon
02-17-2014, 12:43 PM
All this complaining and raid boss was easy... As long as you had a magic stick!

lmao...tap tap tap

02-17-2014, 04:32 PM
This last epic boss quest was very hard. We just what we could then stopped there, especially since the units from each individual boss was also greatly decreased.