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View Full Version : GREE, How is the rival list fairly matched

02-10-2014, 06:03 AM
i was revenging through the rival list looking at targets, when i came across one that is 94million attack and 64million defense. several 20million to 40 million attack and defense also. keep in mind i am only 14.6m attack and 12.2mil defense. i dont see how the rival list is fair. my other 4 accounts i only see people with in 2-4 mil abover or below me. you said and i quote.

The rival list will be populated based primarily on relative strength, but also takes level,IPH,mafia size, and a few other factors into account.

i would like for a mod to please go in to further detail of how the rival list works. and with all the polls going on and threads about people not liking the rival list. has gree even considered changing back to the old style or modifying the current one to make customers happy.

daddy ray
02-10-2014, 06:42 AM
I'd like to see them put it back to the original way this way sucks just sayin

02-10-2014, 11:23 AM
I agree. The list needs to return back to the way it was. Once again gree as a whole makes the trashiest move possible, upsets the majority of their customer base and then actively ignores any feedback. Gree we are telling you your change sucks major balls. You need to put it back the way it was. Level based only.

Green Drake
02-10-2014, 12:03 PM
Clarification on the rival list? Novel idea.

Reverting to old rival list. Please.

02-10-2014, 12:24 PM
Not gonna dig it up but there was a CJ54 or A/F post about the factors considered.

The general consensus amongst players is that those with elite stats for their level get ridiculously strong players in rivals list - the best of the best if you will.

My take is that they have a decent idea going but need to fix the algorithm for players in the upper stratosphere of stats.

02-10-2014, 12:56 PM
I personally like the new rival list because now I can find people in my league. You clearly need to re-read the fact that relative strength is just ONE of the many factors that play a part of who you get matched up with. The fact that it's showing such "challenging" opponents is the games way of basically telling you that you are relatively weak in your pool of gameplay. So you can either suck it up and get stronger or quit.

02-10-2014, 01:55 PM
Its definitely good in my opinion.

The downside is that it doesn't matter how much I refresh.
Its 90% the same ppl day in and out.

Fix it Gree..

02-10-2014, 02:16 PM
;1194600']Its definitely good in my opinion.

The downside is that it doesn't matter how much I refresh.
Its 90% the same ppl day in and out.

Fix it Gree..

Yes, I agree. ^^^

Cobra Shuttle
02-10-2014, 04:37 PM
If you couldn't find players in your league than that means you need to level up, especially towards the shark tank. If you want to camp and be super strong for your level then you can't have it both ways without tons of gold.

02-10-2014, 04:42 PM
omg, spend more money on game and stop bltching...

02-10-2014, 04:44 PM
If you couldn't find players in your league than that means you need to level up, especially towards the shark tank. If you want to camp and be super strong for your level then you can't have it both ways without tons of gold.

Ummmmm who said I wasn't already in the shark tank......

02-10-2014, 06:44 PM
Short answer: Probably not happening.
Long answer: Remember when Facebook/YouTube made big changes to the way their site worked and everyone hated it and then a few months later everyone realized it was a lot better? We're hoping it'll be something like that. We understand that in the short term, the changes are pretty jarring and severely changed the way several players had been playing the game (camping) but we feel that in the long term, PVP will be better off with this new rivals list system and so we're not changing it, though we are monitoring the situation very closely and will continue to adjust the algorithms in place.

"We know you don't like the current system, but we don't give a flying fart what you think. Play the game or leave. "

Cobra Shuttle
02-10-2014, 07:23 PM
Ummmmm who said I wasn't already in the shark tank......

Then I don't see why you couldn't find decent rivals when you were already in the strongest bracket. I can see how you can easily find more though.

02-10-2014, 08:31 PM
"We know you don't like the current system, but we don't give a flying fart what you think. Play the game or leave. "

You clearly did not thoroughly read what the oracle posted. Either that or you just didn't understand it. The logic behind the decision makes sense and complaining about it does nothing.

02-10-2014, 08:52 PM
I cant start a new thread but this seems on topic hope its ok...
I am level 52 with over 1m attack 140 allies but when I look for rivels all I can find is a range of levels from 12 to 18 which really doesnt provide me with the raidings I need. Am I missing something or is this a glitch?

02-11-2014, 08:33 AM
I cant start a new thread but this seems on topic hope its ok...
I am level 52 with over 1m attack 140 allies but when I look for rivels all I can find is a range of levels from 12 to 18 which really doesnt provide me with the raidings I need. Am I missing something or is this a glitch?

It's because you're way under the average strength for a person at you're level. So it's the games way of trying to put you up against rivals you can compete against rather than putting you up against people you can't compete with on a regular basis.

Hope this helped.

02-11-2014, 09:27 AM
coining an idea, let's see how many people like it ...

allow people to choose profile-type based on their playing style, different elements like campers, high iph, fighters, etc. for example, some people like to camp and/or work on their economy. they should be able to choose either "builders" or if they like to fight, "fighters".

builders should have a rivals list based on their IPH.
fighters should have a rivals list based on their attack/defense score.

and, the level should have some importance in the whole rival-matching system. the rivals list should show -10 to +10 levels at the max. for example, if my level is 230, the rival list should show rivals from level 220 to 240.

workable? good/bad idea?

02-11-2014, 09:42 AM
I have a secondary account that I started a few months ago that I just use to build IPH, nothing else. Here are my stats:

Level 8
Att/Def 3.2k

Here are the stats of the guy who just attacked me:

Level 45
Att/Def 540k
IPH 1.6k

I get hit like this many times a day. How is this even remotely fair that I'm matched up against players almost 40 levels above me with more than 100x my stats, but less than 1/10th my IPH. Makes me think the algorithm weighs att/def and IPH in a similar way so that low-stat high-income players get matched with high-stat low-income players, which is phenomenally stupid, for reasons that should be obvious.

02-11-2014, 06:26 PM
gcfreem, yea that's extreme case. but my rivals list has a mix of ppl with defense from 6 to 15. my attack is 12. can't really complain about anything because i like to see higher level ppl in my rivals list :)

the schwayzz
02-11-2014, 06:39 PM
Preach brother ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

02-12-2014, 04:48 PM
it looks like im gonna have to remove all mafia till i reach 300 so that nobody around 500 can see me

02-13-2014, 12:15 AM
Makes me think the algorithm weighs att/def and IPH in a similar way so that low-stat high-income players get matched with high-stat low-income players, which is phenomenally stupid, for reasons that should be obvious.

I voiced the same suspicion here a while ago as I experience similar problems at a higher level. Most of my rivals are stronger than me (not nearly as extreme as in your case, I can still rob a few of them) and all have significant lower iph.

02-13-2014, 02:50 AM
it looks like im gonna have to remove all mafia till i reach 300 so that nobody around 500 can see meDoesn't work. I have ~250 Mafia & my list is awash with 500s.

It was the same when I had ~150 - just having to max out my allies now to blend in - getting raided all over the place

02-13-2014, 06:44 AM
Of course Gree(d) hates campers. or even slow levelers. The current management wants to make the newcomers who vainly spend money to be good in the game, instead of playing smart feel better about themselves. From what I have seen of course they are getting rid of the long term gold players with this strategy though. Really and truly pissed off some of my syndicates players who spent significant amounts of real money on the game. They have retired and given away their accounts to other members... who of course will not spend real money on the game. So I don't think gree(d) really realizes how many gold players they have made quit with this taking from the long term players to give to the newbies with inadequate IPH. Some are farting smoke about it being good, but they of course are higher stat newbies with no long view of the game. They did work on the IPH dominance of us longtime players with the LTB's but even then we had the advantage, so now they are making worthless ones. Ehhh. I have in the past spent real money as well but wont happen anymore as the game has changed in a unfun/unfair way.

02-13-2014, 08:17 AM
I personally like the new rival list because now I can find people in my league. You clearly need to re-read the fact that relative strength is just ONE of the many factors that play a part of who you get matched up with. The fact that it's showing such "challenging" opponents is the games way of basically telling you that you are relatively weak in your pool of gameplay. So you can either suck it up and get stronger or quit.

Lol...you clearly don't understand the new rivals list...there is no such thing as "getting stronger"...you just get matched against stronger opponents

02-13-2014, 08:33 PM
gree isn't right in the head. people get irate when they get robbed or attacked and that's when they begin spending real $$$ to get stronger so they can hit back and win robberies/attacks. however, matching rivals as per their attack/defense score just discourages spending. the way the rival list is now, everyone can attack everyone, everyone can rob everyone. there's nobody stronger or weaker. it is good though, no more botheration of spending money :)

02-13-2014, 08:42 PM
this rivals list rules, now i can rob ppl tht have an iph.

and bythe way , gree needs to extend the statt limits so we can see more ppl, wont hurt if i see -5mil or +5mil diff

02-13-2014, 08:53 PM
Lol...you clearly don't understand the new rivals list...there is no such thing as "getting stronger"...you just get matched against stronger opponents

That may be the case for you whose a level 250 with sub-par stats but I'm at the top of my pool. The game doesn't randomly create stronger npcs for you to pvp against, sooner or later you'll either become stronger in your pool or lose out to others who gain stats faster either way someone will indeed be getting stronger than the other.

02-13-2014, 09:16 PM
That may be the case for you whose a level 250 with sub-par stats but I'm at the top of my pool. The game doesn't randomly create stronger npcs for you to pvp against, sooner or later you'll either become stronger in your pool or lose out to others who gain stats faster either way someone will indeed be getting stronger than the other.

Hey Freeloader,

For those recruiting for their team or maybe already recruited
This guy is a total fraude. He was in Bones last war, changed his name from Goodygyrations to Killer and is now using a screenshot of the ip of the actual Killer in Bones.
He should be in the lvl 55-57 range and will freeload his ass off and won't respond on any messages. On groupme his 'real name' is Mikado Senin.

The kid is like a std... Nobody wants it, but sometimes s hit happends.

Be warned for a guy like him.

02-13-2014, 09:50 PM
gcfreem, yea that's extreme case. but my rivals list has a mix of ppl with defense from 6 to 15. my attack is 12. can't really complain about anything because i like to see higher level ppl in my rivals list :)

That's because he crafted a more specialized character than you, he is being penalized for more thoughtfully and patiently working within the system Gree defined.