View Full Version : Remember When LTQs Were Around 100k Energy and Strategy WAS Required?

02-06-2014, 04:31 PM
Looking back to 2013 we had LTQs that were reasonable for the average player to complete. We used original fighters on maps, had to upgrade unit buildings to complete them, and had the opportunity to pre set in hopes of completing the LTQ with low gold like in the link below to a June 2013 LTQ.


It took planning and thought of what should I pre set and should I upgrade a unit building or upgrade a cash or boost building and wait on the unit building in hopes the next LTQ won't require the unit building at a level mine is not at yet? I was unable to complete multiple LTQs in the past because I chose, as part of my strategy, to hold off on a unit building upgrade to do a boost building instead. Sure I was upset that I could not do the full LTQ but that was part of the game. The players who played longer than I and/or upgraded the unit buildings were rewarded with the better units from the event and they deserved it.

After missing a few LTQs because my unit buildigs were not at the right level I decided to go map by map and check which unit building I needed to upgrade next and did so until all my unit buildings were at the right level. That was my strategy. As I waited for that unit building to upgrade I pre set as I went along to be ready for the next LTQ. All part of my strategy.

Unfortunately the game changed, Gree started adding new NPCs just for the LTQs and took away the need and use of unit buildings. All NPCs added to maps now require zero units and do not require unit buildings. So no longer is the need for unit buildings to complete an LTQ. Fine.

At least I could still pre set the NPCs when they were added to the maps. So when the Omega War Chopper was offered in an LTQ that had a boost of +4 energy per minute in August/September 2013 I forked over the almost 3 vaults needed to secure the unit thinking this will save me money long term by being able to pre set the NPCs and was part of my strategy.

While Gree has said they don't want players pre setting NPCs it was still possible and part of the game. You still had 2-3 days to pre set the new NPCs so the Chopper was still a great unit and I could get closer to the final unit by having it.

Now the Chopper is basically worthless. NPCs come out when LTQs start and even if they didn't doubling the energy required from around 100k energy to at least 200k with no time to pre set killed that idea.

Looking at the current FLTQ it's clear the only goal now is to spend money. No unit buildings required, no planning by your faction on what 12 players need to pre set so we can hit the final level no strategy. In the past FLTQs we would look for walkthroughs for the final few levels so we knew what was needed and have specific players work together to pre set the final levels. No more. With 3+ million required energy to complete the faction goal it's not possible to complete for little to no gold.

I guess my point of this drawn out thread is that the strategy of events and specifically LTQs is that there is no skill or planning left that makes the event fun. Now it seems you just have to purchase the gold needed to get the units you want. I don't mind spending real money on a game and have spent at least $2,000 on this one. Far more than I ever expected to spend. However now the game part of this game seems to be missing. Big parts of the game are now pointless that were once a major portion of it like unit buildings, defense buildings, and all the maps to name a few.

While I debated quiting the game with some faction members today I really don't want to quit. I enjoy finding intel on events and working with my team to do well in this game. A game where you buy units to get better stats is not a fun game. Sure I purchased the Chopper but I have only done that one time to get a unit I thought would help me long term.

The strategy and planning of this game has been slowly dying and I hope you can correct this soon. I have enjoyed this game a lot and have what I think a pretty good stats with 14.8 million attack and 17.6 million defense at around level 230 but you must bring the game back into this game. I enjoy my faction and other players I have met in other factions as well.

I'm not quiting and not making an "I won" thread saying I deleted the game post I am asking that you make the game better and restore what was once a great game.

02-06-2014, 04:42 PM
Great summary of time passing by and evolution of a once challanging game ..

ERGO .. the chimansee tapping away it's vaults WINS.

Bottom-line: GREE bring the gameplay back !

02-07-2014, 02:29 AM
Totally agree!

02-11-2014, 01:29 PM
Would be nice to see strategy return to the LTQ energy events.

02-11-2014, 01:42 PM
The good old days.....soon they will become 300k

02-11-2014, 01:58 PM
When will you get it? Gree doesn't care about what you got to say or how you FEEL. The only thing they care about it $$. They took all the fun out of the game and made it into the money making machine. They will not listen while people keep throwing $$ at them. Stop buying gold and then you'll see how fast they'll make changes. If top 10 factions will not buy gold for a month, CJ and the gang will fix all the "things" that people have been complaining about. Until then, move on to another game.

02-11-2014, 02:20 PM
I've been playing this game for a little over a year but most of that was building my base. Have only been in a faction since August 2013.

I think what is challenging for gree is the normal progression of the game. The longer it's been around, the stronger players get. In your example, you stated that older players were able to complete the LTQ because they already had upgraded unit buildings and such. But those members continue to grow and the new guys will always be playing catch up. If they made the events harder (so the older players would still have a challenge), you'd see complaints about the ever increasing difficulty of LTQ's. If they were too easy (because you've played for a long time and have all upgrades done), then it wouldn't be fun.

I agree that the answer shouldn't be "spend more gold". But I'm just not sure how you reset the game and make it fun for all levels of players.

It would definitely help if they slowed it down. Stop having so many events concurrently or even overlapping.

Maybe they're beating every last bit of profit out of this game and see the End Of Life fast approaching....

02-11-2014, 02:26 PM
When will you get it? Gree doesn't care about what you got to say or how you FEEL. The only thing they care about it $$. They took all the fun out of the game and made it into the money making machine. They will not listen while people keep throwing $$ at them. Stop buying gold and then you'll see how fast they'll make changes. If top 10 factions will not buy gold for a month, CJ and the gang will fix all the "things" that people have been complaining about. Until then, move on to another game. Hit the nail on the head, but unfortunately the top 10 factions will continue to throw money at it. However, I do see more and more players saying enough is enough and quitting. The realisation is dawning that we are all being taken for a ride!

02-11-2014, 08:39 PM
It would just be nice to have the advantage when you invest in units like the Chopper with +4 energy per minute and be able use strategy in this game again. However, like stated above when the requirements and game change so dramatically you can't plan and end up wasting time/money.

Just like defensive buildings they are basically pointless now. Who needs a building that increases the defense of your buildings by 100? It makes no sence any longer to buy, upgrade or even have them. These buildings too were part of my upgrade strategy and I placed buildings and rearranged them many times before stat inflation to protect them.

Blade of 3
02-11-2014, 09:14 PM
Ahh the days when LTQ's were exciting. Now I don't bother to even see what the rewards are. It's going to be crap and cost multiple vaults. And we thought MW was a money only game back then...

02-11-2014, 09:22 PM
When will you get it? Gree doesn't care about what you got to say or how you FEEL. The only thing they care about it $$. They took all the fun out of the game and made it into the money making machine. They will not listen while people keep throwing $$ at them. Stop buying gold and then you'll see how fast they'll make changes. If top 10 factions will not buy gold for a month, CJ and the gang will fix all the "things" that people have been complaining about. Until then, move on to another game.

FYI, total of the Top 10 faction WD points, the Top 3 contributed 45% WD points comparison to the total of Top 4-10 faction, and why should Gree listen to anyone else !!!! :D

02-12-2014, 11:49 AM
Just like the current event there is no strategy required. All you need is enough gold to complete it and you get the units. Planning with your faction will not get you to the end unless you spend spend spend.

This is not an event or game this is just buying units.


02-14-2014, 01:07 AM
Just like the current event there is no strategy required. All you need is enough gold to complete it and you get the units. Planning with your faction will not get you to the end unless you spend spend spend.

This is not an event or game this is just buying units.

100% agree

02-16-2014, 10:51 PM
Well faction LTQ that just ended was better and I like the fact that you need unit buildings in the current one but Christ these levels cost a ton of energy.

02-17-2014, 01:50 AM
I miss the old MW, now GreeDY just make any thing and every thing to do with gold...