View Full Version : Flaming Matter - A Top No Pressure Guild With Powerful Active Leaders

01-25-2014, 08:38 AM
Sup everyone, my names Ricky and I am the current Guild Master of Flaming Matter.


We have spaces open right now for people who might be weaker or lower level and are hungry for the game.

The leaders we have here are myself, Jacob, Andrew, Xtracrispy and Matt who are just a few of the original members who have come back home to FM from top ten guilds to take it a little easier and enjoy the game.

A few of us went to top ten guilds to get some epics and get a lot of experience and meet some great people along the way, we now have returned and want to enjoy the game without spending crazy.

We are now open to recruit some players who may be newer to the game or want to be led into battle by experienced active players, everyone is welcome.

Main thing I want is activity and communication, no minimum war points required, long as you are active and enjoy the game and the community you are welcome to our FM home.


Level 75 guild
Bonuses all 9%
Water MAX
Fire MAX


Message myself on LINE messenger at dragon89-ricky or Jacob our guild champion at machetes18.


02-08-2014, 05:00 AM
^ bump, update on element bonuses