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Sheldor Sir
01-23-2014, 11:14 PM
CJ, as you closed thread regarding (understood no reason to be rude) Just a though if campaigns and events werent being crammed in so much back to back (ie make campaign a calender month events weekly) it would give you all time to check / complete it? make events run Wed-Sun so as it gets harder people can spend time and if they may nearly get there they may spend bit more on gold. this last LTQ with +5 regen without buying 3500 gold no chance of evening completeing so not even attempting it at prestige, if i could have got to last few might have bought to some.

just my opinion (which i know are like A Holes everyone has one)

Robin CC
01-24-2014, 12:19 AM
The thread was deleted? Was there any update on the building beforehand?

01-24-2014, 04:16 AM
for Robin CC
CJ's post:
My understanding is that there is a bit of a backup on the art side of things. If that gets resolved, we'll have it out, if not we'll have a new one next cycle. So we can't give a firm yes or no yet.

So still no 100% answer, but they have not stopped making them (so good news), there might not be one this cycle (not so good news as personal stratergey out the window), so you either don't build and hope the art department work hard and get a new build out to play with soon or you start tidying up your Base upgrade another cash building hoping no LE's this cycle.

while you are waiting to keep yourself busy, just plant some trees and build some fences!!

Sheldor Sir has a point re ending events on Sunday rather than Monday. This would help the players that don't spend gold to get futher (Might even finish it if enough hours have been allowed!). and as he points out people that do spend gold sometimes might go futher and spend gold on it. (Which is what Gree want)

01-24-2014, 05:10 AM
for Robin CC
CJ's post:
My understanding is that there is a bit of a backup on the art side of things. If that gets resolved, we'll have it out, if not we'll have a new one next cycle. So we can't give a firm yes or no yet.

If you can't get a new building out, why not recycle one of the older ones like the Anniversary Center, Arctic Mining Rig or Alexandria Villa?

01-24-2014, 05:16 AM
If you can't get a new building out, why not recycle one of the older ones like the Anniversary Center, Arctic Mining Rig or Alexandria Villa?

tweak it a bit

01-24-2014, 06:36 AM
The Alexandria Villa would not look out of place in RL Turkey.

01-24-2014, 07:40 AM
Like the Mad Scientist building is a tweak on the Electric power plant.

01-24-2014, 07:49 AM
The train station and alexandria villa, among others, were just existing buildings pulled from PvE maps. No new artwork required. Why not just do that, so we'll have something?

01-24-2014, 07:54 AM
The train station and alexandria villa, among others, were just existing buildings pulled from PvE maps. No new artwork required. Why not just do that, so we'll have something?

The BMC building from Bom Bahia City looks kinda like it could be Turkish perhaps. Might need to shrink it down a bit.

01-24-2014, 08:12 AM
There are several things, Gree does I donīt like. I especially think they just improve the way to make more Money, which does not improve gameplay. (Latest example is the folder drop rate) But regarding new buildings I want to say that itīs not self-evident that there is always a new building available. maybe we should just be happy that there is one now and than? and if there is one, we should not complain about low output or not 24 hours or too expensive or too cheap....

01-24-2014, 08:12 AM
id like to have 2 more ACs to add to my collection..really wish gree would make a 200-300m build that is close to the AC and AMR..it gives all the new players a chance as well to get their IPH moveing nicely

Robin CC
01-24-2014, 08:18 AM
There are several things, Gree does I donīt like. I especially think they just improve the way to make more Money, which does not improve gameplay. (Latest example is the folder drop rate) But regarding new buildings I want to say that itīs not self-evident that there is always a new building available. maybe we should just be happy that there is one now and than? and if there is one, we should not complain about low output or not 24 hours or too expensive or too cheap....

I don't mind if they're not going to do one for a couple of weeks but it would be nice to know that. I dont want to start a 90 hour upgrade and then have a new LT building come out a couple of hours later. I'm sure everyone here would be a lot happier if we were just given a definite answer as opposed to "there might be, there might not".

Kaarduk Useb
01-24-2014, 08:42 AM
I would really like building what is exact copy from the AC...

01-24-2014, 09:07 AM
id like to have 2 more ACs to add to my collection..really wish gree would make a 200-300m build that is close to the AC and AMR..it gives all the new players a chance as well to get their IPH moveing nicely

A 200-300 mil set of buildings would be just the thing that would make me stop semi-camping and actually do some raids for cash in order to get both lol. But it would definitely make the game fun for sure. I for one would love it if we skipped a cycle because I have some lovely buildings just begging to have the time and money to upgrade.

01-24-2014, 10:12 AM
It's beyond me why a mgmt decision cannot be made and simply posted by admin's. This is a large company and the inability to run as such is amazing. I'm in the business world and if we operated as such, we would be quickly filing for bankruptcy. Many are paying customers here and we deserve better product quality and service. Maybe Gree will realize that one day, don't hold your breath.

01-24-2014, 10:33 AM
Hey guys,

We appreciate you all voicing your opinions and I have to say that this is all great feedback.

We will make sure that your feedback is passed over to our developers. As previously mentioned, if we get any updates we will let you know!

01-24-2014, 10:39 AM
Hey guys,

We appreciate you all voicing your opinions and I have to say that this is all great feedback.

We will make sure that your feedback is passed over to our developers. As previously mentioned, if we get any updates we will let you know! thanks tardavic..we just hope that u can give us a 100% yes or no on the LE here in the next few hours or so..that way we all can choose what to upgrade and not worry about a LE comeing out and cut us short on the time

01-24-2014, 11:08 AM
I personally love the free time to upgrade other buildings that need it. & I think most would be ok with this break if We had a definite answer. I could get use to have no LE every few wars. & not to sound like a jerk but if this how long it takes to do some artwork on a building(which I highly doubt is the problem) then can a mod tell the developers to skip this LE & work on the next LE. Then we'd have a definite answer & get our next LE on time. Because who seriously wants to be told maybe to a question. If there's no LE then fine but don't waste players time. That's unprofessional. All we want us a yes or no, not a we're working on it or we'll pass the feedback to our developers. That's playing a game with your consumers & no one likes to be played around with. Rant over

01-24-2014, 12:44 PM
Hey guys,

We appreciate you all voicing your opinions and I have to say that this is all great feedback.

We will make sure that your feedback is passed over to our developers. As previously mentioned, if we get any updates we will let you know!

itīs nice to see you follow our discussions.

maybe you can take a look to the Folder thread too.... please explain

01-24-2014, 01:11 PM
I don't mind if they're not going to do one for a couple of weeks but it would be nice to know that. I dont want to start a 90 hour upgrade and then have a new LT building come out a couple of hours later. I'm sure everyone here would be a lot happier if we were just given a definite answer as opposed to "there might be, there might not".

same here. Soon my barracks will be lvl 10, now I have to think what to upgrade next :D

01-24-2014, 01:49 PM
Hey guys,

We appreciate you all voicing your opinions and I have to say that this is all great feedback.

We will make sure that your feedback is passed over to our developers. As previously mentioned, if we get any updates we will let you know!
Just an idea, guys want to build and Gree wants its customers happy, then why not have a throw back issue of an assortment of LE buildings. Say the Anniversary or Artic or Villa, either way lots of players would jump at the idea and most probably a number would even buy gold and/or Gree currency to complete them on time.
Give people what they want and make them happy.

01-24-2014, 03:24 PM
Just an idea, guys want to build and Gree wants its customers happy, then why not have a throw back issue of an assortment of LE buildings. Say the Anniversary or Artic or Villa, either way lots of players would jump at the idea and most probably a number would even buy gold and/or Gree currency to complete them on time.
Give people what they want and make them happy.

And those that have them get a head start on the bonus units

01-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Oh this is just a terrible excuse. There are a TON of buildings on maps that we can't buy, that I'd LOVE to have on my base.

01-24-2014, 05:17 PM
A mosque and one or two minarets, a palace or a bazaar

01-24-2014, 05:26 PM
i thought would be nice to have this building : from PvE map : North American West - nuclear arsenal - cold fusion reactor building. make it smaller

Something bright in the map. current buildings are dark

01-24-2014, 09:58 PM
Yesssss bring back the old ones like villa and Arctic. This would be the best idea ever. Bring them all back but set a limit. More buildings is the only reason I keep playing, without them theres no point and raise that vault limit to soon for expanding space.

01-24-2014, 11:15 PM
I love that idea! I'll be buying my first building and I always see people with awesome older buildings I can't have!

01-25-2014, 01:26 AM
They didn't bring them back for the 2-yr anni, and they outright said they won't bring them back. That's the appeal of LE buildings, and playing for a long period of the. You guys have mad scientist labs right? Perhaps new ppl think they're hawt -_^ and want one. . . .

Forget the old, bring on something like a $1 billion LE. Make it feel like the first time around when ARM or Villas first came out. That's what you all want? That legendary LE that ppl will be talking about, forget the past live in the future ;)

01-25-2014, 04:37 AM
If they bring the amr/ac/villa back...I am hoping the difficulty would be same as before.....ie costing
minimum 4-5B and upwards....

Off memory the cheapest was the ac and that was 12 times the vault limit at the time.....

And also.....if people already have two...they should be able to have another two of these ;)
Only fair for the people that already have them.

01-25-2014, 04:59 AM
the thing about LE buildings is they are Limited. I dont agree to bring back the AC, AMR or Villa, but i would support a new building with the same sort of higher level income they offer.

At the time the Anniversary Centre was released, it cost $100mil when vault limit was only at $9mil (10 time vault limit) and paid $2mil/24hr. How about a new building with 10 times todays vault limit ($1billion) and pays $20mil/24hr.

01-25-2014, 05:04 AM
True..... but 10xvault limit was a lot harder back in the villa/ac/amr days then now.... cause u only have the cash
buildings and not the current LE buildings....

Only the elite ppl had it back in those days...so maybe it should be the same for this....

1B is nothing these days......

Henrik Y
01-25-2014, 08:29 AM
I remember when the Anniversary Tower came out, was it like 100mill? It was a hughe amount at that time and I made around 1mill/day back then and today I could buy it after saving for just 1 day.

01-25-2014, 08:57 AM
Hey guys,

We appreciate you all voicing your opinions and I have to say that this is all great feedback.

We will make sure that your feedback is passed over to our developers. As previously mentioned, if we get any updates we will let you know!

Whoa, time out...you mean to tell us that YOU don't know if there's a new building coming out either? If you were to call the developer department, what would they tell you? I would think that the customer service dept would be able to get that info quite easily, especially considering how many complaints you are getting...at the very least tell us if there MiGHT be one?

01-25-2014, 09:10 AM
And those that have them get a head start on the bonus units

so you want them to bring back an old le building and then be able to just start upgrading from whatever level you are on and get the units? :rolleyes:

01-25-2014, 09:11 AM
Whoa, time out...you mean to tell us that YOU don't know if there's a new building coming out either? If you were to call the developer department, what would they tell you? I would think that the customer service dept would be able to get that info quite easily, especially considering how many complaints you are getting...at the very least tell us if there MiGHT be one?

They already did, but thread got closed. As it is against ToS to link to closed thread i wont do that, but they said: there might be and new building and there might be none. No further comment (Something with artwork not finished)

01-25-2014, 10:25 AM
I was thinking that Gree could release 3 LE buildings at once, one cheap, one mid priced and one very expensive, so that all players can get an LE buildings but of course the more expensive the LE building, the better the income.
I know it may be difficult to release so many at once but it's just an idea I had.

01-25-2014, 10:43 AM
They already did, but thread got closed. As it is against ToS to link to closed thread i wont do that, but they said: there might be and new building and there might be none. No further comment (Something with artwork not finished)

Thanks Bobar, I missed that info...I have no idea why they would close a thread that actually provides an update then, even if it is vague lol...

01-25-2014, 11:12 AM
I agree LEs need to be special and tough to get again. Getting my AC was quite the stretch, I had to raid like mad, collect 100% on time and sell some buildings. A second was totally out of the question. But once my shiny AC was up it had a significant impact on my IPH. And i was proud to have achieved somehting. Todays LEs are built for the units only and one is tempted to raze them once the final unit has been awarded.

I Will Merc You
01-25-2014, 01:12 PM
An LE building is not an LE building if it comes back around....... hence "Limited Edition"

I do not support the idea to bring LE buildings back around for another cycle.

01-25-2014, 01:15 PM
An LE building is not an LE building if it comes back around....... hence "Limited Edition"

I do not support the idea to bring LE buildings back around for another cycle.

so donīt i. i am jealous about those having the arcting mining. i couldnīt not effort buying it those days. wouldnīt be the same if get the Chance to buy it now. they have been able, i wasnīt - fine with me.

01-25-2014, 01:25 PM
This is def a old school player vs newer school player idea w older buildings. Old school wants to keep status of having first LE's n feel they earned it n new ppl want the opportunity to have them as well. Way I see it, why would old school care? Just more money out there to raid. I've played over a yr but first LE's were absolute towers. I would love to build ones I was too lazy to raid for months earlier now. Plus raid newer guys w better buildings on their base then a crappy level 6 ANI or meth lab.

Sheldor Sir
01-25-2014, 01:27 PM
been here for 22 Months and i could never afford the early LTE but they do may nice targets!!

01-25-2014, 01:28 PM
And @ Bobar, if u buy a 2013 Ford Taurus LE... same car is available to buy a yr later.... LE is a relative term

01-25-2014, 01:44 PM
Both sides of the re-issuing old buildings argument are understandable. Being a newer player the thought of having some of those earlier buildings is tempting. But, I wasn't here then, so my loss. Maybe re-issuing them with a different payout and payout time. And alter the appearance a little I.e. Change the color? Just a thought.

Kaarduk Useb
01-25-2014, 02:14 PM
Just rename Arctic Mining Rig to Turkish Mining Rig, add some new colors and BOOM everybody happy!

01-25-2014, 02:58 PM
Anyone have a list of all the Limited Edition buildings, and in what order they were released?

01-25-2014, 03:15 PM
Anyone have a list of all the Limited Edition buildings, and in what order they were released?

Not in order they appeared, but this lists them by pay-out time:

01-25-2014, 03:44 PM
And @ Bobar, if u buy a 2013 Ford Taurus LE... same car is available to buy a yr later.... LE is a relative term

i vote for keeping those buildings of the past sth special

Mr Dad
01-26-2014, 10:57 AM
I feel the buildings are a one time, buy them if you can while they last, deal. The old ones shouldn't be re released, as they were bought by money hard saved by players around back then. And if released again, then those already owning them wouldn't be able to buy them again and wouldn't get a new building while only that is available. However, I certainly can't argue with releasing new buildings with nearly the same outputs. But even then, those who are new wont be able to afford them either, and this conversation will return when those new people will want to release older buildings. At some point, all buildings would have to be released and re released and re re released etc, due to continual flow of new people always wanting the "one that got away".

Let the older players have something to distinguish their base, their time playing, and their commitment to the game. And at the same time, keep churning out the new big buildings with varying outputs to satisfy everyone!

01-26-2014, 02:35 PM
I feel the buildings are a one time, buy them if you can while they last, deal. The old ones shouldn't be re released, as they were bought by money hard saved by players around back then. And if released again, then those already owning them wouldn't be able to buy them again and wouldn't get a new building while only that is available. However, I certainly can't argue with releasing new buildings with nearly the same outputs. But even then, those who are new wont be able to afford them either, and this conversation will return when those new people will want to release older buildings. At some point, all buildings would have to be released and re released and re re released etc, due to continual flow of new people always wanting the "one that got away".

Let the older players have something to distinguish their base, their time playing, and their commitment to the game. And at the same time, keep churning out the new big buildings with varying outputs to satisfy everyone!

We'll said. You are my hero!

01-26-2014, 05:56 PM
I was thinking that Gree could release 3 LE buildings at once, one cheap, one mid priced and one very expensive, so that all players can get an LE buildings but of course the more expensive the LE building, the better the income.
I know it may be difficult to release so many at once but it's just an idea I had.

I like this idea a lot! Something for everybody! Beginners can get in on the LE money machines then later get the mid etc. Big billionaires can get all three! Have unit rewards for each of the three with the typical tiers and strength that you currently have for those types of buildings. However, may I strongly suggest that especially for the lower and mid please make them 24hr (which is a nice balance between 12hr, 18hr, 24hr, 48hr) for ease of collecting to make beginners build and save enough for leveling them and/or the larger tier LE's. Might make beginners want to spend gold on cash to get the unit rewards for higher levels of the lower tier LE buildings to get stronger faster and grow their income for buying higher levels, etc

01-26-2014, 08:01 PM
So, is there going to be a new LE building?

Please provide an update.

01-26-2014, 08:14 PM
If they can't get 1 building out on time, where is the logic in asking for 3.

01-27-2014, 12:55 AM
If they can't get 1 building out on time, where is the logic in asking for 3.

Looks like they can't even get it out late.
With B4T over in14 days and some hours, I am going to take a SWAG and say there won't be an LE for Turkey.
But the silence from the mods in this thread has become deafening...

01-27-2014, 01:30 AM
I feel the buildings are a one time, buy them if you can while they last, deal. The old ones shouldn't be re released, as they were bought by money hard saved by players around back then. And if released again, then those already owning them wouldn't be able to buy them again and wouldn't get a new building while only that is available. However, I certainly can't argue with releasing new buildings with nearly the same outputs. But even then, those who are new wont be able to afford them either, and this conversation will return when those new people will want to release older buildings. At some point, all buildings would have to be released and re released and re re released etc, due to continual flow of new people always wanting the "one that got away".

Let the older players have something to distinguish their base, their time playing, and their commitment to the game. And at the same time, keep churning out the new big buildings with varying outputs to satisfy everyone!

I love Mr Dads stories.