View Full Version : *** JOIN JIDF!! *** Guild invite code 145545120. Active players needed!

01-18-2014, 02:34 PM
We have a good group of active players and have some openings for new members to join our family. We are approaching near top 500 and climbing, achieving more and more as we continue to grow stronger. We need like minded active members to grow with us.

Please be active in all guild events, able to communicate via Palringo messenger and willing to donate at least 3x iph daily. Gem use is not required of course, but always welcomed and appreciated. (But never expected)

Desire players who are active only and are of decent stat per level.

Send us an in game request, Guild invite code: 145 545 120. Please don't send me a pm in the forums.

No merger inquires please, unless your team is joining ours.

01-19-2014, 07:57 PM
I'm the leader of a guild and I'm looking for a merger. Come into my guild 421-961-577 and speak with the helper and let's see what we can do.