View Full Version : Come Gun'n'Run With The 3-Gun'Nation,🌎'

01-17-2014, 10:05 AM
This invite go out 2 all gangster, pimp's, player's, baller's, hood rat's, goon's, mobster, street beast, cowboy&girl, ghost rider's, gunslingers, come join force's, mob-up wit The 3-Gun'Nation, Syn bonuses!! fight respect = 25%, job payout = 25%, car def = 25%, gun def = 25%,melee def = 25%, armor def = 25%, armor attic = 20%, explosive def = 25%, explosive attic = 15%, building output = 25%, building def = 25% syn memb' = 12%, Requirement; Communicate, Active committed, Dormity Player's not Excepted, Donate 5mil aday or closer, Reading, Msgs on ur wall & HQ's Wall Responding, Team Friendly Team Working 2gether as one body!!! 484-190-449 Thx U' Peace✌️