View Full Version : Fusion Combination Epic lvl99+Epic lvl99 = ??? You can share here...

01-12-2014, 04:48 AM
First epic combination I did & will never do it again something stupid like this!!!

MoonTide Platemail Lvl 99 + BlazeBorne VanGuard Lvl 99 = ...???


Come on GREE! Where is the logic? 99+99=70????

Ps: I want to share the pics but don't know how to do it. I'm using IPad.

01-12-2014, 05:06 AM
Only GREE would go against its own game mechanic to shaft us. Every single fusion combination gives you the average level of both of the armours that you're combining, EXCEPT when that average goes above 70 that way its still hard to get an epic even when fusing 2 together... wtf GREE??

01-12-2014, 05:20 AM
lol. wads the point of doing that? i'm not sure if its even possible to fuse epics from epics but i dont think its worth it. unless u have like 30 epics.

but seriously lol no point man.

wait for 6 stars.

01-12-2014, 05:24 AM
I genuinely see no reason why to ever fuse off a Blazeborn and a Moontide unless you have 3 or more duplicates. Especially at level 99 they will be usefull for the Epic Boss.

01-12-2014, 05:40 AM
I had 2 blaze n don't like moontide stats, so I tried to fuse it. I still have 4 other epics which now I'll retain them 4ever!
I used the same logic that the result would be the average n was absolutely sure will get forgestone as only that epic is confirmed fusable from that combination. And if it is not fusable, normally we'll not be able to fuse them at all, like what GREE did when they stop epic result from fusion...

Anyway, just curious about the result and it has been proved that the logic is wrong when you fuse epics.

01-12-2014, 09:43 AM
I had 2 blaze n don't like moontide stats, so I tried to fuse it. I still have 4 other epics which now I'll retain them 4ever!
I used the same logic that the result would be the average n was absolutely sure will get forgestone as only that epic is confirmed fusable from that combination. And if it is not fusable, normally we'll not be able to fuse them at all, like what GREE did when they stop epic result from fusion...

Anyway, just curious about the result and it has been proved that the logic is wrong when you fuse epics.

The logic is wrong? Or YOUR logic was wrong? If you used an element combo that would have resulted in a good amount of epics, I'd have some sympathy. But for the sake of asking, what epics could you have gotten from your fusion? Please, inform me of the possibilities of it. Then, once you provide the possibilities, I think you will find it was a dumb fusion in the first place. Even your 4* options are crap.

Congrats in picking a horrible element combo to fuse with.

As far as the level thing, did you expect a guaranteed epic fusion based on levels of the armors going in? If so, there was your second issue.

Just because you have, or had, two maxed epics, doesn't mean that the result would be level 99. Do you think the made a magic exception to the rule, and your resulting armor would be guaranteed level 99? No, it is armor result based on elements, then level. You got a 4*, and then it gave you the highest possible level based on armor rarity from there. Oh wait, did you magically think you'd be the first to have level 99 4* armor if you didn't get an epic?

King Of The Infernal
01-12-2014, 10:34 AM
Senior Member
Join Date
Mar 2013

Shh....... everyone

01-12-2014, 03:00 PM
Lold at thinking that it guarantees you another Epic.

01-12-2014, 03:06 PM
Why thank you for my brief and short bio. You missed a few parts though.


I should say it wasn't meant to be an attack if anyone took it that way, but the logic is flawed from the start, and I took the slightly more rude approach to start. A better thread might have been "what do you think will happen if I fuse these two maxed epics and how do you think the level of the armors will factor in?"

Going into a fusion expecting an epic, based on the fact that it is two level 99 armors, and knowing how things work in this game, is simply mind-boggling to me, but someone had to do it right? And actually we should thank him for his efforts.

Hear me out:

I thought it was generally accepted that armor level doesn't factor into the rarity level of the resulting armor. And the main reason you see so many "the more leveled it is, the higher the rarity of the resulting armor" people is because they use all their level 35 regular legendaries that they leveled to be able to craft the + version. But this guy used two level 99 armors. The result SHOULD be 99 right?

If the armor level truly mattered or had affected the outcome at all, then yes, you'd be guaranteed an epic. But this clearly disproves that logic. Also, if armor level was tied into the outcome, and you used two epics, say a maxed tect and a maxed blazebourne, well, you would see an error saying you couldn't fuse them wouldn't you? There are no earth/fire epics, and if they are both maxed and the resulting armor is ALWAYS an average of the two, so it would HAVE to be an armor that is 99... so you'd get an error right? The fact that it does not give you an error should show that.

So, in a nutshell... to everyone who thinks starting armor level has anything to do with rarity of the resulting armor from fusion, you're clearly wrong, and this guy just proved it. And that is why we should thank him.

Was that a little nicer?

01-12-2014, 03:20 PM
Isn't it the whole point in the game? that you can fuse 2 armors but it's all luck when it comes to the result of both of them fused together.

I would understand that. :X

01-12-2014, 04:51 PM
lol. so many misconceptions. but too lazy to correct them.

fusion results are really random, even fusing 2 legendaries will could result in 3 stars even tho more often than not they end up becoming 4 stars.

well the fuse rate for epics are quite well unknown, but imho unless u have alot of epics dun bother trying cuz when 6 stars come out u'll regret u wasted your epics.

01-12-2014, 09:41 PM
lol. wads the point of doing that? i'm not sure if its even possible to fuse epics from epics but i dont think its worth it. unless u have like 30 epics.

but seriously lol no point man.

wait for 6 stars.

Definitely this.

01-13-2014, 12:53 AM
last week i fused blazeborne and maelstrom (same lvl99)

it gives Sky Majesty (lvl 99) Works fine with me..

01-13-2014, 01:36 AM
The way Gree passes out fuseable war epics, I'm surprised you didn't get Blazestone.

I'm delighted you didn't though.

01-13-2014, 02:20 AM
lol. wads the point of doing that?

The thought crossed my mind too, and if it worked, it's almost a guaranteed recipe for maxed forgestone.

The Pale Rider
01-13-2014, 07:24 AM
Yeah -- i assumed that was the goal as well. The question is whether two epics have better odds than two legendaries of producing another epic and if so by how much. You would hope this was just bad luck and the majority of the majority of the time 2 epics result in an epic (as 2 leg result in a leg).

I agree with the original poster that treating epics like legendary for fusing would be inconsistent with the mechanics. If you risk armor with more stars you should improve your odds of getting armor with better stars.