View Full Version : Top 1000 - Deathangel01 recruiting - 546 069 566 - Merger welcome

01-05-2014, 09:27 AM
We expanded our syndicate to 50 recently and offer 69 Bonuses, we are rebuilding the faction after several players left to join top 100 syndicate 6 months ago and now returning, currently we are 934 and hoping to stay in the top 1000, Our next target after recruiting will be top 400 - 750 which is easily achievable. There are several dead weights who we will be kicking at the end of this war so plenty of spaces available.

Loyalty, commitment and teamwork is the basic ethics of our Syndicate,

We welcome players from all regions, and currently have players from the uk, europe, usa and australia.

There is no minimum requirements on stats as long as you are hitting team targets.

Group of core active and ambitious players
* mix of all time zones allowing 24/7 battle schedule
* experienced players able to guide and assist
* participation in wars and syndicate events – completed the recent sltq event with ease

* be active and participate in battles, events and forum
* willing to join our groupme forum
* capable of 15k ip which is easily achievable
* weekly donations to assist purchasing bonuses

We welcome faction mergers into our own and single players, pm me further details or if you think you good enough then send a request directly to join : 546 069 566

01-05-2014, 11:12 PM
Bump, interest is growing, apply now to get your space, mini accounts welcomed

01-06-2014, 12:47 PM
Made top 1000 easily. Taking on players to take us into top 500 - 750. All players welcome

01-06-2014, 03:45 PM
Bump to the top

01-06-2014, 04:23 PM
I'm interested in a merger. Top 750 team with way too many inactive players. Would you be interested in a merger?

01-07-2014, 12:37 AM
Bump to the top: taken on plenty of players to take us into the top 750, plenty of spaces still available. pm me if you up for a challenge

01-09-2014, 06:51 PM
Bump, Got rid of old dead weight, 6 spots now remaining, Requirements now 25k Battle points or highly active players

01-16-2014, 11:15 AM
Recruiting again. Bump

Donnie Brasco - RF
01-16-2014, 06:29 PM
Hello Hitster,

I am the leader of a top 250 group that has just cut the inactive members and we are down to 35/60. We have 103/105 bonuses unlocked and would like to propose a merger with your group. We run very similar to your team and we have many strong players, and with more active players we could be great! The only difference is that we use Line app to chat.

Let me know if you are interested, this has a lot of potential.

Donnie Brasco - 287 700 643
Richard Friction 2.0 - 129 824 693

01-19-2014, 02:44 PM
Bump. Active players wanted, will help you improve stats

started from the bottom
01-19-2014, 07:48 PM
If u are interested in coming to merge with my top 600 pm me....

01-20-2014, 05:34 PM
Hello Hitster,

I am the leader of a top 250 group that has just cut the inactive members and we are down to 35/60. We have 103/105 bonuses unlocked and would like to propose a merger with your group. We run very similar to your team and we have many strong players, and with more active players we could be great! The only difference is that we use Line app to chat.

Let me know if you are interested, this has a lot of potential.

Donnie Brasco - 287 700 643
Richard Friction 2.0 - 129 824 693

We are also a top 250 to 400 group with 38 members. We have a lot of mini accounts we can send to our second syn to make room if needed. I am looking for a team of your size to merge with us. We have 104/105 bonuses and every member on our team is active and a great group of players. Let me know if you're interested, maybe we can work out a test/temporary merger for this weekend. We use group me for chat. Hope to hear from ya soon.

01-28-2014, 09:32 AM
Now top 500!! recruiting active players, 15k minimum battle points. currently to fill spots, apply now.
Going for top 400 next

01-28-2014, 03:40 PM
Bump - Top 500 wants active players

01-28-2014, 03:41 PM
You can merge with us as we now top 500 and rising

If u are interested in coming to merge with my top 600 pm me....

02-05-2014, 10:12 AM
Either of you can merge with me as I'm top 400, pushing for 250. ;)

You can merge with us as we now top 500 and rising