View Full Version : Crate event cut short by Gree glitch???

01-03-2014, 03:14 PM
Ok Gree, CJ or whoever is on duty. You announced that the crate event was to end at certain time, yet due to you pushing the new Raid boss event it seemed there is a glitch that players couldn't finish the event. As a matter of a fact there is a Thad where CJ admitted they were working on it. Now there is no crate event and those who were closing on top whatever couldn't finish their games because of your glitch, that is, your responsibility.
What happens now? Are you awarding the top50 unit to every person or are you extending the time like you have done so often when certain players from certain faction see their best interest at harm? Or are you returning all the gold used by players?
Would be nice to hear what or how do you propose to fix this big screw up on your part, AGAIN

01-03-2014, 03:25 PM
We're talking about what to do about this one, actually.

We're not extending the time. We might be able to look at the affected players and award a slightly wider amount of people who were close to one of the tiers at the end, if people are okay with that.

01-03-2014, 04:16 PM
Something's better then nothing. Top 75. Top 275 ?

01-03-2014, 04:20 PM
Something's better then nothing. Top 75. Top 275 ?
Would say Top 100 and Top 300, also how you plan those players that felt short opening boxes for coins (i.e. 5,10,15,20)?

01-03-2014, 04:23 PM
Maybe just give everyone the top 50 prize!!! :D

01-03-2014, 04:24 PM
I had 9 bows and had 2 hours 45 minutes left and bam event over meanwhile when raiding still getting crate drops..boss event cant get intel folders to drop but crate event is over and they are still dropping when i do missions?
Would love to have the 10th bow for that medal..

01-03-2014, 04:32 PM
Would say Top 100 and Top 300, also how you plan those players that felt short opening boxes for coins (i.e. 5,10,15,20)?

Expand on that last bit a little? Apologies for not understanding the difference between that and the other, it's been a bit of a day.

01-03-2014, 04:45 PM
Expand on that last bit a little? Apologies for not understanding the difference between that and the other, it's been a bit of a day.
My idea would be expand Top 50 to increase the pool to Top100. The top 250 increased to Top300.
Only question is how you plan to expand to those still looking into the medal rounds. One idea could be to grant the highest closest medal; for example if player had 11 crates open then he is granted the medal for 15 crates open and so forth.
Think it can only be fair, plus just an idea

01-03-2014, 04:54 PM
My idea would be expand Top 50 to increase the pool to Top100. The top 250 increased to Top300.
Only question is how you plan to expand to those still looking into the medal rounds. One idea could be to grant the highest closest medal; for example if player had 11 crates open then he is granted the medal for 15 crates open and so forth.
Think it can only be fair, plus just an idea

We could theoretically do something like this; our concern is (given past cases where we did something like this) that we would get complaints from the people who placed on the leaderboard that they could have done less to place. Personally I think that something like what you are suggesting is what we should do, though.

01-03-2014, 05:00 PM
We could theoretically do something like this; our concern is (given past cases where we did something like this) that we would get complaints from the people who placed on the leaderboard that they could have done less to place. Personally I think that something like what you are suggesting is what we should do, though.
Quite honestly been on top 50 several times and know how it goes. Is either increasing the pool or bringing the event back for the rest of the 2 hours left. Speaking for myself was in position to get into the top 50 when the glitch happened.
Thanks for your prompt replies and awaiting feedback

01-03-2014, 05:29 PM
We could theoretically do something like this; our concern is (given past cases where we did something like this) that we would get complaints from the people who placed on the leaderboard that they could have done less to place. Personally I think that something like what you are suggesting is what we should do, though.

I have to agree I was about to (hopefully) get my second medal.

01-03-2014, 05:35 PM
I had 9 out of 10 succesful opens. Would be nice to get an additional medal - good compensation.

01-03-2014, 09:45 PM
I threw down gold trying to get in my 25 bow reward... I got 24/25 with gold left and cut short... It was more than a little disappointing... Any thoughts on compensation for these situations?

01-04-2014, 12:38 AM
I wanted to go for 4 medals. First as long as i could do that and finish to 20 with gold, this way i wouldnt miss out on medals and grt as farcas i could with cash openings. I'm stuck at 8.so i miss 3 medals now.

01-04-2014, 01:17 AM
CJ54 there would not be as many complaints as you think, if the full 2 hours lost were there, most of these people would not of placed in the top 50, it was a gift for them, because we were waiting in hiding the ones in place 51 to 100, more than 1/2 these people would have surged, grant top 50 prize to the top 100 and everyone who participates would agree it would be a fair solution

Well, person 101 might feel that the cut-off was arbitrary :)

So here is the golden question: This issue mainly affected iOS users; they were the ones locked out for the last two hours. So, hypothetically (this is still under discussion but we wanted to bounce this off of the community) if we awarded down 100 people or so, would that just be counting iOS users or Droid and iOS combined? (Android users who participated in the event, would like to hear from you on this). The general sentiment over on this side would be "pick the number of tokens the chosen spot would get, and award based on that number, since this was a bit of a wash". Even though it was one platform affected, it is frankly no good if someone on one platform got 30 tokens (or whatever) and did not get the same thing that someone else who got 30 tokens received.

Also, this thread (and I should really make a dedicated thread to get more attention) is something of an experiment. We are still going to have to do what we feel is right given the wider spread of things, but we'd prefer to get community sentiment or at the least show more of the "this is why we think we should do X to resolve Y" type of thinking that goes on over here. A lot of the decisions that look unilateral are not made in a vacuum or without relatively solid reasoning, although I imagine it can appear that way with lack of involvement.

Ysae Kaeps ASU
01-04-2014, 01:17 AM
My idea would be expand Top 50 to increase the pool to Top100. The top 250 increased to Top300.
Only question is how you plan to expand to those still looking into the medal rounds. One idea could be to grant the highest closest medal; for example if player had 11 crates open then he is granted the medal for 15 crates open and so forth.
Think it can only be fair, plus just an idea

A very reasonable outcome considering the issue.

01-04-2014, 01:21 AM
Also, here's the heart of the matter: Everyone wants to get what they were going for. That's both understandable, and a serious complication when leaderboard events have an issue, precisely because people are in direct competition with each other for the prizes. That is what makes things tricky to resolve.

Ysae Kaeps ASU
01-04-2014, 01:25 AM
I'm iOS but I don't have any concerns with this resolution being across all platforms.

Col Cawthon
01-04-2014, 01:27 AM
I personally had timers set & was utilizing gold to gain the third medal. This stopped me from having that chance. Mi would have gotten the third without the glitch & would appreciate the compensation for that or the three other bows I had gained through similar effort in my goal to reach 15. Thank-you for this consideration.

01-04-2014, 02:56 AM
I personally think that all players should be awarded the 4 medals for this event!
It would simplify things and keep the rest of the medal collection event active,otherwise completing this event may have finished at this early stage for a lot of players!!
Suppose it would save a lot of GOLD on future events if its not attainable at this early stage due to event ending Early.
Do the decent thing GREE award the 4 medals to All and keep the medal event ALIVE!!

01-04-2014, 05:21 AM
Well, person 101 might feel that the cut-off was arbitrary :)

So here is the golden question: This issue mainly affected iOS users; they were the ones locked out for the last two hours. So, hypothetically (this is still under discussion but we wanted to bounce this off of the community) if we awarded down 100 people or so, would that just be counting iOS users or Droid and iOS combined? (Android users who participated in the event, would like to hear from you on this). The general sentiment over on this side would be "pick the number of tokens the chosen spot would get, and award based on that number, since this was a bit of a wash". Even though it was one platform affected, it is frankly no good if someone on one platform got 30 tokens (or whatever) and did not get the same thing that someone else who got 30 tokens received.

Also, this thread (and I should really make a dedicated thread to get more attention) is something of an experiment. We are still going to have to do what we feel is right given the wider spread of things, but we'd prefer to get community sentiment or at the least show more of the "this is why we think we should do X to resolve Y" type of thinking that goes on over here. A lot of the decisions that look unilateral are not made in a vacuum or without relatively solid reasoning, although I imagine it can appear that way with lack of involvement.
First of all, good morning and apologies for missing your late post as it was very late here. Also thank you CJ and crew for caring about this matter and being proactive in seeking a solution. I know we in general and particularly have criticized you guys for lack of it.
You mention that the sentiment over there is to "pick the number of tokens the chosen spot would get, and award based on that number, since this was a bit of a wash". If I understand right what you mean is if x player was 10 open crates under Top50 and had 30 unopened crates with 2 hours left then you would award the top50 unite- am I right or mistaken? If that is your solution I am not certain community will agree as by experience dedicated players for top50 can camp on a map to collect x amount of crates until they reach what they consider the required amount to jump start their climb into Top50. Regarding the issue that only iOS players had the glitch hence granting the top 50 unit to the top100 players regardless of the system they using can only be fair.
By experience a dedicated Top50 player will have the following traits: would either have lots of gold from previous bonus or bougth it since the top50 requires at least 8 to 10 vaults minimum, so you can check the serious players going for Top 50 under that criteria. Also they don't wait until last hour to open 200 crates, some can stay under the radar by 20 to 30 crates and have 30 to 40 crates in reserve for the last hour climb combined with lots of gold in reserve. Think this are the guys that were seriously going for it and that the glitch hurt. If you noticed the common denominator is "lots of gold" either bougth or given by bonus which means a heavy gold user, your target market.
Think that you need to give a solution and speaking for myself, if you guys will grant the unit to players that were within distance of getting into the top50 and not increase the pool to 100 am good with that. This isn't a perfect world, but that is a solution I can live with.
Also, again kudos and congrats to you as a team for being proactive and keep this type of interaction with players that need a solution to a glitch. It may be wise to open a new thread and post what is your final proposal to hear community as the title of my thread may not be the best.

01-04-2014, 06:14 AM
I highly doubt 50 people were "waiting in the wings" to overtake the 50 already in the top 50. I would award the top 50 unit to those within a reasonable margin of 50th place. I don't think somebody sitting on 50 tokens when 50th place was 150-200 necessarily deserves what they were obviously not aiming for.

Top 250 is another story since the margin is smaller. Top 250 could reasonably be expanded 20%, awarding the prize to the top 300.

Everyone else under 25 tokens should be awarded only if they were past the half way mark on the next tier.

01-04-2014, 06:58 AM
There were 2 hours to go. So to err on on the side of caution, give two bows.

Players that we're going to keep resetting the timer to get more bows will be upset but they could have done that long ago.

There is no need to just give away medals. If the 2 bows you missed out on gives you a medal then you get the medal, but if you were not within two bows of getting a medal there is no need to just give them away. Then the top 50 and 250 stay like they are.

01-04-2014, 07:11 AM
There were 2 hours to go. So to err on on the side of caution, give two bows.

Players that we're going to keep resetting the timer to get more bows will be upset but they could have done that long ago.

There is no need to just give away medals. If the 2 bows you missed out on gives you a medal then you get the medal, but if you were not within two bows of getting a medal there is no need to just give them away. Then the top 50 and 250 stay like they are.
Quite honestly don't agree with your proposition. Regarding the medals every player should be jumped one medal. On the other hand, regarding the top 50 and top 250 several players make a habit to stay under the radar to climb on the last hour to top whatever. Keeping the leaderboard like that doesn't reflect the truth and hurts several players that paced themselves based on the event clock, hence either bring back the event for the remaining 2 hours or give those players the unit

01-04-2014, 09:13 AM
CJ -

I think we all agree that we appreciate you communicating and trying to work through this is. It doesn't seem like there is a solution that won't cause at least some of the population to be upset. I know that many players wait until the final couple hours to blitz the leaderboard so they know how much they need to get in, I for one wasn't going for the leaderboard but was at 21 tokens using my final time to open as many then go for 25 with the needed remaining gold.

I would think if you guys have a list of all the final standings and can do some math to figure out the trends and all of that good stuff that maybe the added 100 to top leader positions may be best way to solve it. Last I checked, 2 players were really the only ones in the race for top prize so depending on if the spread was still close between them two, both get top prize? As for those in the 25 token range, maybe bump each player to the next milestone as was stated before? Those with 8 tokens bump to 10, those with 11 bump to 15, etc. I realize many will be frustrated that they spent what was needed for X while somebody else spent less and got the same thing, but in this situation unless the entire event was resumed for 2 hours I don't know what would be a 100% positive solution? Maybe somebody can come up with the perfect answers but in any case, it is appreciated to have you inquiring from the community how to fix these mistakes. I think in many situations this is all we as players want is somebody to include us and keep us informed and let us know that Gree values their customers

01-04-2014, 07:21 PM
Well, person 101 might feel that the cut-off was arbitrary :)

So here is the golden question: This issue mainly affected iOS users; they were the ones locked out for the last two hours. So, hypothetically (this is still under discussion but we wanted to bounce this off of the community) if we awarded down 100 people or so, would that just be counting iOS users or Droid and iOS combined? (Android users who participated in the event, would like to hear from you on this). The general sentiment over on this side would be "pick the number of tokens the chosen spot would get, and award based on that number, since this was a bit of a wash". Even though it was one platform affected, it is frankly no good if someone on one platform got 30 tokens (or whatever) and did not get the same thing that someone else who got 30 tokens received.

Also, this thread (and I should really make a dedicated thread to get more attention) is something of an experiment. We are still going to have to do what we feel is right given the wider spread of things, but we'd prefer to get community sentiment or at the least show more of the "this is why we think we should do X to resolve Y" type of thinking that goes on over here. A lot of the decisions that look unilateral are not made in a vacuum or without relatively solid reasoning, although I imagine it can appear that way with lack of involvement.
You just give everybody a set amount of gold to be used for future events to make up for this event

Dirty Mind
01-04-2014, 07:34 PM
I had only opened 1 but I had 30 Million gold I was going to use just as the cases got taken away, can I get the top prize?

01-04-2014, 09:27 PM
The only fair way to resolve this ( and gree won't like it ) would be to wash the event like it never happened, refund everyone's gold and adjust the medal rewards accordingly.

01-05-2014, 02:40 AM
The only fair way to resolve this ( and gree won't like it ) would be to wash the event like it never happened, refund everyone's gold and adjust the medal rewards accordingly.

I belieive this is the only correct way to resolve this issue and keep the masses happy

01-05-2014, 04:30 AM
Im on IOS and think it would be fair across the board of ios and droids.

01-05-2014, 05:01 AM
I belieive this is the only correct way to resolve this issue and keep the masses happy
Which masses will be happy?
Not the ones who played the event hard and were in Top 50 and now won't get the prize they were chasing.
Not the ones who played the event with strategy to try to vault in to the Top 50 at the end and now won't get the prize they were chasing.
Not the ones who wanted 4 medals and spent to get them.
Not the ones who played the event for free and got lucky and got a medal or two that other players did not.

I can see it making those players who were no where near the top and feel cheated by the medals-only prizes or who spent some gold and did not get to 4 medals happy. They would feel better because they don't care about the prizes or the event anyway.

01-05-2014, 05:10 AM
Which masses will be happy?
Not the ones who played the event hard and were in Top 50 and now won't get the prize they were chasing.
Not the ones who played the event with strategy to try to vault in to the Top 50 at the end and now won't get the prize they were chasing.
Not the ones who wanted 4 medals and spent to get them.
Not the ones who played the event for free and got lucky and got a medal or two that other players did not.

I can see it making those players who were no where near the top and feel cheated by the medals-only prizes or who spent some gold and did not get to 4 medals happy. They would feel better because they don't care about the prizes or the event anyway.

There are only 2 ways gree can fix this and that is to give everyone the rewards or boycott the whole event and give back all gold, i was chasin the medals and had 3 of 4 so i will not get the big prize at the end of the event which is a massive blow to me. The case events have always sucked and this 1 more than ever

01-05-2014, 08:48 AM
Glad to see the change in trying to communicate better it is what is needed-thanks CJ.

Remember many people started getting a lot of cases at end when they were farming folders. Some may have changed mind and wanted to go further. I had 20 and was thinking of going to 25.

There will be holes in most fixes you come up with...

Dirty Mind
01-05-2014, 12:47 PM
Because of your uniqueness you would have to separately request it and I expect prove
Your comments. In 2 hours I personally don't think you could open 300 alone over 500. And you had somewhat
Of 4000 unused
Cases ? If not
Then I think your
Intention is to make this thread a mockery
Mockery? yes, but have you not seen the cheater list.....sorry, the leader list, and seen people get 600 open cases in the first 2 hours. Are you saying it cant be done? because I have seen it done. Dont take everything so serious Razors

01-06-2014, 03:05 AM
I only needed one more crate open for a medal, could have been worse but still lost out.

I was at 24/25 with about 100g left... I was going for the 25 bow unit. I figured I had plenty of time.... took care of my 2 month nephew... dilly dallied. 45 min to go... CLOSED!! blam.. that's like getting punched in the face by a bovine. not even on the secret level

01-06-2014, 11:23 AM
you have been silent for a few days now, is this the end of the involvement of gree, come on and settle this, your company's antics is embarrassing and your delays are ridiculous, figure it out make the players whole, you start to side with one and then keep throwing other questions out is kinda making a mockery of this thread and I think I can say with many players agreeing our patience is running thin on this event, make your move, don't keep us waiting because its not funny anymore and this is not a KOUMBAIA session with gree, we are mad that you did this to us because you were greedy want another gold gaining function and you messed up because greed I mean gree could not see that they had 2 icons on top of each other,

COME ON MAN, fix it now!!!!

I think CJ started a nice concept of trying to reach the community in general and the doctor interested parties seeking a solution to the issue at hand. Think it is time now to post what was decided by Gree, whether they returning all gold spent seeking and opening the crates (means dropping the event for everyone) as suggested by some or bumping everyone in search for medals and widening the pool of top 50 to top 100 or whatever or bringing back the event for the last 2 remaining hours.
The ball, as they say, is on your court. All we ask is to be fair and respect the time, effort and vaults of gold bougth to complete the event.

01-06-2014, 11:46 AM
We haven't forgotten this one, and are working on it today. I'll post an update shortly.

01-06-2014, 12:01 PM
hope they fix it soon. Was only 1 bow away from 3rd medal and I want that medal!!!

01-06-2014, 02:48 PM
This should never have happened and regardless of the solution I'm sure not everyone will be happy.

Give everyone under 25bows the next prize up. Then everyone else the next prize up + 250gold.
Anyone already in the top 50 an extra 1000 gold.
Seremos this is Also a good solution

01-06-2014, 03:12 PM
Okay, what we have done is: extended the top 50 to the Top 100, and the Top 250 to the Top 300. Those items have been distributed as of this moment. In regards to the medals, the plan is to add a goal that basically gives everyone a free medal. That has not been added yet since it needs a data deploy.

I know that this is not the preferred solution for everyone, but it should ensure a bit more fairness given the situation that happened.

Major Rain
01-06-2014, 03:45 PM
I am a light gold spender and I wont benefit from this at all except for the free medal but it seems reasonable to me.

01-06-2014, 04:06 PM
So what are you planning on doing for the people that actually deserve the top 50 prize??? We way overspent for a top 50 prize you are now awarding to the top 100. How many bows did the 100th person have versus the 50th person? I bet you owe everyone in the top. 50 about 4000-6000 gold to be fair.

01-06-2014, 04:34 PM
Okay, what we have done is: extended the top 50 to the Top 100, and the Top 250 to the Top 300. Those items have been distributed as of this moment. In regards to the medals, the plan is to add a goal that basically gives everyone a free medal. That has not been added yet since it needs a data deploy.

I know that this is not the preferred solution for everyone, but it should ensure a bit more fairness given the situation that happened.
I not only applaud the method of reaching the community to find a common solution, but also the fact that you been upfront about the glitch and tried to please as many players. Am very sure there will be bad blood from some players, can't always satisfy everyone desires, am happy and again applaud the handling of the situation.

01-06-2014, 05:18 PM
1 medal isn't an adequate solution. A massive number of us use gold opens until the last hour, and then reset to reach the desired prize. I believe any solution needs to ensure folks are able to recoup all 4 medals offered within the glitched event. Even if the costs are comparable, those affected need a way to obtain up to 4 missed medals.

01-06-2014, 06:39 PM
1 medal isn't an adequate solution. A massive number of us use gold opens until the last hour, and then reset to reach the desired prize. I believe any solution needs to ensure folks are able to recoup all 4 medals offered within the glitched event. Even if the costs are comparable, those affected need a way to obtain up to 4 missed medals.

It is impossible to adequately adjust or predict for every single playstyle possible; and it is reasonable to assume that most people would have had an opportunity to get at least some of the medals within the 4 days and 22 hours prior to the event overlap. That's why events are 4-5 days on average instead of 2 hours.

EDIT: I will float the possibility of putting an extra medal into one of the other events as well, but I can't promise anything.