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View Full Version : The Real McCoys have done it! TOP 150

12-30-2013, 05:41 PM
The Real a McCoys have done it! We broke into the top 150 from our last finish (248th in the Netherlands) thanks to leadership of great officers and our leader, despite being locked our of the final hour by 10 seconds F U C K GREE. We are cleaning house several members will get the chop tomorrow and we will require new members. Could that be u??? Maybe there are some requirements u will need to fulfill
Stats- preferably 1.5 Million or higher (no level 250s with 1 million pls) or 15k per level
WD points- 25k+ this may increase to higher in future
Gold- No need but u must be able to score the points requirement
Communication- This is a MUST! We talk over palringo and require all member to have it we also co-ordinate over there so if u are not willing please do not apply
Donations- we are pretty lax about donations, 5 million a day but if u are saving up for something ie LE building we will not enforce it
Participation- You must participate in ALL faction events unless informed prior or u are unable which in that case u must inform an officer/ leader

Our bonuses are
Health regeneration 30% *maxed*
Infantry Defense 35% *maxed*
Ground Defense 35% *maxed*
Air Defense 30%
Sea Defense 20%
Building Defense 35% *maxed*
Building Output 20%
Infantry Attack 20%
Ground Attack 15%
Air Attack 10%
Sea Attack 5%

Guild increase +34

12-30-2013, 06:31 PM
1 member quit the game there will be 5 spots open tomorrow send your pms to be quick!

12-31-2013, 10:31 AM
Well done on the top 150 finish. We also managed our goal of top 250 :) Hope to see you in the coming war and beat you ;)

12-31-2013, 02:15 PM
Well done on the top 150 finish. We also managed our goal of top 250 :) Hope to see you in the coming war and beat you ;)

Thanks for the bump in and right out of retirement like a boss :( this game is life ruininly fun lol. My def is higher than 1.9 million though closer to 2.5 :p

12-31-2013, 02:29 PM
Just putting my 2 cents in! I joined these guys a few weeks before netherlands and I haven't looked back! Everyone is really great and I feel that with the right guys recruited we will be seeing at LEAST the top 100 next war! If you're willing to work hard and have the stats to prove it, you will prosper in this faction.

12-31-2013, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the bump in and right out of retirement like a boss :( this game is life ruininly fun lol. My def is higher than 1.9 million though closer to 2.5 :p
On that I need to update my signature, I'm now at 2 million attack :P Still half a million behind though :(

12-31-2013, 05:19 PM
On that I need to update my signature, I'm now at 2 million attack :P Still half a million behind though :(

Heheh... :) hopefully I can get that def up faster than your attack lol. We faced streak teams with level 34 guys stronger than me.. Stupid stat inflation

12-31-2013, 08:47 PM
Bump... We are waiting on 3 pending requests still more spots to go around and we are 1 billion off a next guild increase

01-01-2014, 01:07 PM
Bump still several spots

01-01-2014, 04:53 PM
to the top

01-01-2014, 09:14 PM
bump! we still have 2 more spots! looking for strong recruits

01-01-2014, 11:44 PM
Hehehe we may or may not have 1 spot left for u!

01-02-2014, 01:11 AM
More more more! 10.5 billion in faction bank going for our next bonus u guys are showing a lot of interest in us keep those pms coming!

01-02-2014, 03:38 AM
1 last spot could be yours :D

01-02-2014, 04:03 AM
We'll done guys

01-02-2014, 12:51 PM
We'll done guys

Thanks bumppp! We can still take 3 more in reality currently we are willing to take 1 BUT we have enough money to expand

01-02-2014, 02:35 PM
BUMP!!!! 4 recruits ready 8 potential recruits still incoming wow!

01-03-2014, 02:23 AM
LOL WERE SCREWED FOR THE RAID BOSS lolololololololololol

01-03-2014, 03:28 PM
Now we are officially full if u would like to join pls join our feeder and prove yourself

01-03-2014, 04:41 PM
Lvl 86 .. 3.5m stats with no faction bonuses.

palringo = qdubbya

01-04-2014, 01:00 AM
Lvl 86 .. 3.5m stats with no faction bonuses.

palringo = qdubbya

Pm sent and request on palringo sent