View Full Version : Gree, any plans on New LE Buildings & Level increase..??

12-30-2013, 02:59 PM
I wonder why MW has new LE buildings every after war & i don't see why not here in KA. And MW has already increase the level twice, first to 250 level, & couple months ago they increase it to 300 level. - i don't see why not here in KA.

Gree, what is going on..? Are you going to take care of your KA customers just like you took care of your MW customers..??

Any more suggestion about this game to Gree, make your comments here in this thread. TY..!!

12-30-2013, 03:15 PM
Buildings, I'm not sure about, but we may have some plans in the works.

The reason we don't increase the level cap in KA but do in MW is because KA already has more of a cone-shaped level distribution, and raising the level cap would make that worse. If we make alterations to the rivals list algorithm that makes level less of an important factor (or add some of the requested changes to make leveling more positive) we'll revisit that.

12-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Buildings, I'm not sure about, but we may have some plans in the works.

The reason we don't increase the level cap in KA but do in MW is because KA already has more of a cone-shaped level distribution, and raising the level cap would make that worse. If we make alterations to the rivals list algorithm that makes level less of an important factor (or add some of the requested changes to make leveling more positive) we'll revisit that.

If no plans are in the works to increase the level cap, are there instead any plans to decrease the CP penalty for being a high level I hope?

12-30-2013, 07:00 PM
Buildings, I'm not sure about, but we may have some plans in the works.

The reason we don't increase the level cap in KA but do in MW is because KA already has more of a cone-shaped level distribution, and raising the level cap would make that worse. If we make alterations to the rivals list algorithm that makes level less of an important factor (or add some of the requested changes to make leveling more positive) we'll revisit that.

I've gotta say I'm genuinely glad that you responded so quickly.

12-30-2013, 07:04 PM
I wonder why MW has new LE buildings every after war & i don't see why not here in KA.

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Điện thoại liên hệ: 0916930381 Mr Nhă

Maybe Gree should get ahold of DonHuy-- he's obviously interested in helping us build and he even left a contact number for Gree! LOL

12-30-2013, 07:27 PM
Edit nhaCong JSC commercial investment and development DVN

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Contact Phone: 0916930381 Mr Nha
GOogle translate

Vendetta V
12-30-2013, 08:25 PM
Refer to Gambit12,

GREE, I totally agree with Gambit, all my buildings are lvl.10 and I really have no idea what else to do anymore!
My gold is worthless, only thing what I can do with it is donating to the guild.

At least adding new buildings in the shop would at least give something to do, you have more buildings in all your other games, so why not in KA?

12-31-2013, 04:17 AM
why would you even want another LE building, let them fix my crashing first so i can actually raid!

Crazy Canuck
12-31-2013, 03:21 PM
It's really a waste how in last few war they have been giving out all these +2 building upgrade boost but for alot of long time players there is no buildings left to upgrade so its a wasted boost.

On other hand in MW they never give that boost out and you have way more buildings then you could ever possible finish with only 1 at a time.

It really makes no sense

01-06-2014, 07:10 AM
C'mon KA community, keep your suggestions coming for Gree...Lol!:cool:

01-06-2014, 01:05 PM
CJ, it is truly awesome how quickly you responded to Gambit. Thank you for the hope that you may be working on some new buildings. However, you must realize that th cone shaped level distribution is most likely due to multiple people have multiple accounts. Please see this post for more information.

01-06-2014, 03:16 PM
Buildings, I'm not sure about, but we may have some plans in the works.

The reason we don't increase the level cap in KA but do in MW is because KA already has more of a cone-shaped level distribution, and raising the level cap would make that worse.

Mate, when you say the distribution level is cone shaped, I hoped you did this review based on the number of active accounts rather than the entire population of KA accounts. The base (aka players starting out) could be fewer than what you expect because some players create minis for epic boss events which they subsequently discard after the event. There are also some very sick people out there who create new level accounts and bring them up to level 3 to get the "Introduce a friend rewards", imagine doing that a 100 times. Its easy because one just needs to know the proper way of resetting accounts to do it. So if you think you have a new stream of players coming in to throw money into the game, I suggest you review your distribution based on active accounts rather than an inclusive dataset of active and dormant ones. Results may surprise you.

New buildings would be good since you have given out rewards for simultaneous upgrades. Does help to kill the boredom of people who complain they have nothing to upgrade or nearing that.

01-06-2014, 04:10 PM
Cone shape my ass. All the serious players are 100plus. There needs to be new levels up to 300 minimum to make this competitive again.

01-06-2014, 04:12 PM
And also cap the number of times you can match in war the same guild to three max. Need more variety especially with all the splinter guilds. Guaranteed to generate higher gem use too!!!!


Master Stormzs
01-06-2014, 11:33 PM
New LTB, new weapons and armors, maybe a new type of iLTQ/gLTQ, new level cap, and finally new dedicated KA programmers working at Gree so stuff actually gets done and done right.

01-07-2014, 01:09 AM
I don't get why people want a LTB so bad, the last one was a disaster.

Have them fix structural stuff first, if I was actually able to raid I might enjoy a LTB more.

Dogs Pizza
01-07-2014, 07:22 AM
how was the last one a disaster? I thought it worked well, they are not supposed to be easy to get to level 10. Look at the LE buildings in MW for an example. The first 3 they released were difficult to even buy one of the buildings before it disappeared. Everyone talks about how strategy is gone from the game, they gives us a building that takes work and heavy raiding to level up and everyone screams bloody murder. Remember all the talk about BD10?? Stop asking for something, then when they give it to us crying that its not easy for everyone to complete. This is not youth sports, we don't all get to go home with a shiny medal.

Jon G
01-08-2014, 02:54 PM
Yes, but wouldn't a better reason for making a building like that be for players to purchase gold? Most heavy spenders would buy if the unit was worth it? I highly doubt that "players' needs" were being answered.

01-09-2014, 02:45 AM
how was the last one a disaster? I thought it worked well, they are not supposed to be easy to get to level 10. Look at the LE buildings in MW for an example. The first 3 they released were difficult to even buy one of the buildings before it disappeared. Everyone talks about how strategy is gone from the game, they gives us a building that takes work and heavy raiding to level up and everyone screams bloody murder. Remember all the talk about BD10?? Stop asking for something, then when they give it to us crying that its not easy for everyone to complete. This is not youth sports, we don't all get to go home with a shiny medal.

I get not getting it for free, but anyone who is not on the latest idevice crashes too often to raid. And those few people in my guild who did complete it were raiding roughly 10 hours a day for more than a week. Even if I never crashed when raiding or attacking people I doubt I could have made it past 5, it's impossible to hold more than 5m for long as you get entire guilds farming you.

And people who still think there's a limit in attacks, you are only partially true. There is a limit in attacks you can get FROM 1 PERSON. It's entirely possible to lose several mil in an hour if you have a guild farming you.

Dogs Pizza
01-09-2014, 07:44 AM
It is a war game...

and again, so what if most did not get it to ten, its only for those that go the hardest (or buy a ton of gold). Like I said, in MW (where le buildings began) very very few get them to ten, you go as far as you can and move on to the next one. I finish every quest in this game and I only got mine to 6. I felt that I did pretty well, have not seen many players with it past that.

Chief Ricci
01-15-2014, 12:01 PM
Not enough money in buildings. Bottom line.