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12-29-2013, 07:09 AM
Thanks Hot Toddy, that's all.

12-29-2013, 08:25 AM
Lmao, that's so dirty, but hey it's war....

Gen CheeBye
12-29-2013, 10:28 AM
Sleeping with the enemy? That's so old school but still works apparently.

honest Abe
12-29-2013, 05:36 PM
I have no official comment on this thread.

12-29-2013, 06:59 PM
I have no official comment on this thread.

Are you posting just to post? Or are you posting because posting officially is too preposterous.

12-30-2013, 06:47 PM
When I was a child I once did something sneaky and was caught by my grandmother. She told me that we always had a choice to make about what kind of person we were. That our choices showed the world who we are. All I see is someone who is unethical, without integrity, a liar, a bully, a thief. Not calling names, but giving definitions, look them up in the dictionary. My grandfather also had something to say: "If you're gonna fight, fight fair. Only weaklings need to cheat."

12-30-2013, 07:05 PM
When I was a child I once did something sneaky and was caught by my grandmother. She told me that we always had a choice to make about what kind of person we were. That our choices showed the world who we are. All I see is someone who is unethical, without integrity, a liar, a bully, a thief. Not calling names, but giving definitions, look them up in the dictionary. My grandfather also had something to say: "If you're gonna fight, fight fair. Only weaklings need to cheat."

Well said. I have not made it to the level of the game that you have risen to, but conduct like what I am hearing about makes me question if I truly want to. In any sporting event, contest or competition we could possibly take part in in real life there would be penalties for such actions. Yes I realize this is just a game but it would be nice that the players out there would reflect the behaviour that they would for the most part wish their children to learn from. Honor, it is an amazing word, but it would seem that the players and factions who condone and participate in such underhanded play have never heard of it. Truly a sad day to see some of the top level players whose names I have come to know, and many who I admire, even contemplating exodus from a game that they obviously had come to love and one at which they excelled, in an honorable way.

Dirty Mind
12-30-2013, 07:54 PM

12-30-2013, 09:14 PM
Only a few teams could touch anyone in Hot Toddy anyways. They didn't lose any games because of tiny PP... I mean big dh. Sup should be trying to be role models in this game vs doing everything they can to not have an oz of respect from ANYONE in this game. Now you put up 50% of your points Gree is gonna cut you off its teet. It don't matter anyways. No one can touch you fools. There is no competition for you. It's like putting a mouse in a cage and tormenting it all day except you spend hundreds of thousands for that mouse. Get a life you clowns...

Mighty Min
12-30-2013, 09:25 PM
SUPER UNITED IDIOTS did it again! lmao - somebody remembers thread that was floating around soon after Netherlands that it was TEMPLARS fault SUI ran up scores like crazy, because of fear of Templars stomping on their lil' pp's and taking 2nd place? Well, now since NOBODY was even in vicinity [GSF took remotely close GREEd feeders' position for some reason...] SUI1and SUI2 were going at it along with their SUPer strong fixers army - applause from this dying game graveyards was being heard everywhere - truly remarkable...

Ivan the Dictator
12-31-2013, 12:28 AM
Super United Bullies! Is that a faction already? Idk, lol but that's what they should be called. Or more like Doofus Bullies hahahahohohohahahohohahohaaaaahooooooo.

12-31-2013, 12:36 AM
My in game name change is looking more and more appropriate each day.

Stay classy Sup (sarcasm for the slower ones out there)

12-31-2013, 12:53 AM
There are no rules in war... OK, we have the Geneva Conventions, but this is just a silly little game. Some people take it far too seriously and need to grow up. To win at literally all costs... Good luck with that!

12-31-2013, 02:22 AM
Some might even call it harrassment which is covered in the ToS... I know there are many cheaters out there but to stoop to their level?

12-31-2013, 06:15 AM
There are rules. There's TOS which excludes hacking.

Usually, civilized peoples have unwritten rules in any human activity.

In sports, its called sportsmanship. You play with dignity, respect and honor. You can also be a piece of $h1t in how you play, its just a reflection of who you are as a human being I find.

12-31-2013, 07:57 AM
Why are you guys getting so upset about this? I am not SUP fan at all but this was a legitimate strategy. If you fail to vet your players, this happens. This is a war game. Spying and sabotage are a form of war. I'm sure SUP didn't do it because they were afraid of TKO, they probably did it for a laugh at TKO's expense. And no, I have nothing to do with SUP.

12-31-2013, 08:01 AM
Being angry is totally understandable, after all, this is why spy's and saboteurs get shot. But hey! You got schooled, learn from it and move on.

Mighty Min
12-31-2013, 08:03 AM
Why are you guys getting so upset about this? I am not SUP fan at all but this was a legitimate strategy. If you fail to vet your players, this happens. This is a war game. Spying and sabotage are a form of war. I'm sure SUP didn't do it because they were afraid of TKO, they probably did it for a laugh at TKO's expense. And no, I have nothing to do with SUP.

...and soon you will have nothing to do with this game, because when more SUPPORTING WITH THEIR $ players leave this game - GREEd will just shut servers like they did with other games they killed and you can hen install next of their pancakes like war of nations [yuck]

Oh, and SUI1 and SUI2 will keep going at it against each other lmao

12-31-2013, 08:07 AM
...and soon you will have nothing to do with this game, because when more SUPPORTING WITH THEIR $ players leave this game - GREEd will just shut servers like they did with other games they killed and you can hen install next of their pancakes like war of nations [yuck]

Oh, and SUI1 and SUI2 will keep going at it against each other lmao

That's something I'd pay good money to see: just SUP1 and SUP2 on the leaderboard, everyone else not playing. See how those match-up times then work out for those boys.

Mighty Min
12-31-2013, 08:39 AM
That's something I'd pay good money to see: just SUP1 and SUP2 on the leaderboard, everyone else not playing. See how those match-up times then work out for those boys.

I can tell you how it would look: each would install one of their own SUI Rules player that would drop allies to 20 and would go at it with all they got, maybe they would reach score of 100M pts and one of them would win, GREEd would run servers just for them, special events with 1B stat 'special' prizes so they would support their lifestyle by providing stronger pixels lmao

SUPER UNITED IDIOTS [1 or 2] will be forever named as dominant blah blah... Sad but true

Kill Joy
12-31-2013, 10:50 AM
Everyone is saying this is a war game. it is, but its not real. people put their REAL money here also. If someone robbed you out of your hard earned money, would you report it to the cops? most likely. If the cops told you, hey it's life there are robbers out there tough luck. You would be pissed and be filing complaints and suing somebody. THATS REAL.

12-31-2013, 11:31 AM
All of them are in the same boat. Yes, to answers from SUP Stinno and SUP Rules, we are aware of the war tactics. It's quite clear and understood. One point that you SUPsters forget is that every nation who has been compromised by such a traitor, has the right and opportunity to execute it's found traitor. We, unfortunately do not have that option. You hide behind GREE's skirt because you can get away with it. You fear facing us on the battlefield, straight up. The SUP nation are like little boys with rocks. You throw them then hide behind mommy's skirt. Poor children.

It's ok, this is not over.....


12-31-2013, 11:35 AM
1: You can choose to let anyone into your faction that you want to, but you choose them.

2: Anyone can press the button to declare war during a WD event.