View Full Version : When do you stop spending gems

12-27-2013, 01:56 AM
Just a thought... Sometimes Do you ask yourself why are you spending gems on chests? What do you wish to get out of this game? When is the end for you?

You can spend a million gems to get every single epic+ there is to date but what do you do afterwards? There is no competition in this game, the only real competition is to see who has the most money. Regardless if you have the best gears, you cant get a high score in arena without gems, you can't get on top 10 epic boss leaderboard without gems, you can't get top 10 in guildwar without gems.

So many times I heard people saying they will stop spending once they get the dream epic+ of theirs. The truth is the moment you land your dream epic+, you will be faced with dilemmas: do you keep spending (ie for new epic) or do you let ur "dream epic" collects dust?

So those of you who are debating whether to spend gems on chests, I hope you will find the answers above.

Know your limit, play within it

12-27-2013, 02:20 AM
There will always be a better epic being released than the last, so nobody will ever stop spending, with the new players coming in and seeing the 'flashy' advertising banners for new epics and new armours. People get drawn in by the sight of ''Ooh shiny!'' But also, it seems that most epic armours will become fusable eventually so I don't know when people will stop spending. I guess if you have disposable income then it's okay. But I also think that this game highlights big spenders and really, someone with a gambling problem who enjoys this game could go crazy. People get drawn in, and get a rush from the chests, a sudden rush of 'what will I get this time?' etc. I wonder how far people would go. .

Another fun thing is seeing how far you can get and how many epics you can get through combining without spending, but I wonder what will be the next big fusable epic.

I personally will not spend gems on the arena, guild wars I will depending on the prizes, epic boss I won't, and occasionally a few chests here and there. .

12-27-2013, 03:27 AM
Life sucks then you die. The end.

12-27-2013, 03:48 AM
When did i even start buying gems?

12-27-2013, 04:44 AM
I've bought a lot of gems because of the 40% sale but I've decided to no longer buy any gems. Just a waste of money imo.

Especially if you have horrible luck like I do.

12-27-2013, 05:08 AM
If you want to play hard mode just start a new game and get every achievement except Gem Buyer.

They'll keep releasing epics and making old epics fuseable. This makes the people who want an edge keep buying. It's a F2P game, (in name), and so paying gets you an edge. It doesn't make you king. You have to win every war and spend a lot of money to be king.

12-27-2013, 05:59 AM
When you get bored. Only I reason I spend is to participate in war. Because the fun is usually well worth the cost. At least...if you war with US. We have a blast.

I'm well aware that having a ton of epics doesn't make much of a difference. I came in with ebic boss gear and scored 100k+ in my first war. Ya its a bit easier with 6 epics now. But its not even a game changer. So again, I pay for the fun. When I'm bored, I will stop.

12-27-2013, 09:01 AM
I say let me get a few more plus armors so I dont get beat hardly in the arena, then I will retire to a non gemming guild. I dont spend on chests, only on war. Not a gambler, but I love the war and the fun of the war and pushing as a guild for top. War is the one thing I've always loved about this game.

12-27-2013, 09:49 AM
More epics will keep coming released, its likely that epic plus armours eventually (in years to come if this game doesn't get shut down first) will become eventually obsolete as higher and higher statted armours get released, and released to fusion.

Oh what a world

Forest God
12-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Just a thought... Sometimes Do you ask yourself why are you spending gems on chests? What do you wish to get out of this game? When is the end for you?

You can spend a million gems to get every single epic+ there is to date but what do you do afterwards? There is no competition in this game, the only real competition is to see who has the most money. Regardless if you have the best gears, you cant get a high score in arena without gems, you can't get on top 10 epic boss leaderboard without gems, you can't get top 10 in guildwar without gems.

So many times I heard people saying they will stop spending once they get the dream epic+ of theirs. The truth is the moment you land your dream epic+, you will be faced with dilemmas: do you keep spending (ie for new epic) or do you let ur "dream epic" collects dust?

So those of you who are debating whether to spend gems on chests, I hope you will find the answers above.

Know your limit, play within it

There is no end to spending on gems. Gree continually introduces new content for the idiots who're willing to pay for it. "Oh, I see you spent $1000+ on getting all those epic+ armors. Here's another one for you to spend a couple $100 on."

See, I could spend cash on this game to get ahead but there are tons of better things to spend my hard earned money on. Most of the people I've met that buy gems are spoiled 10 year old brats who haven't worked a day in their lives and are wasting mommy and daddy's money on worthless pixels. I wish I could see the look on their faces when they realize later what a stupid mistake they've made.

I mean, you don't even get armors that are good forever. Most become obsolete after the next few epics come out. Hell, even guild war epics have become fusible! Gree games are just bottomless pits to throw your money into. They've even canceled one or two of their older games while people were still playing them(and paying $$ too). No reason, no explanation, NO REFUND. Don't waste too much money on a game that imho will die out the same way their old games did. The recent trend of developments is leading me to believe this more and more.

And honestly, there are a lot of other android games that give better results from spending money anyways. Maybe you could try one of those?

Peace out.

<End of Rant>

12-27-2013, 10:17 AM
There is no end to spending on gems. Gree continually introduces OLD content for the idiots who're willing to pay for it. "Oh, I see you spent $1000+ on getting all those epic+ armors. Here's another one for you to spend a couple $100 on."

See, I could spend cash on this game to get ahead but there are tons of better things to spend my hard earned money on. Most of the people I've met that buy gems are spoiled 10 year old brats who haven't worked a day in their lives and are wasting mommy and daddy's money on worthless pixels. I wish I could see the look on their faces when they realize later what a stupid mistake they've made.

I mean, you don't even get armors that are good forever. Most become obsolete after the next few epics come out. Hell, even guild war epics have become fusible! Gree games are just bottomless pits to throw your money into. They've even canceled one or two of their older games while people were still playing them(and paying $$ too). No reason, no explanation, NO REFUND. Don't waste too much money on a game that imho will die out the same way their old games did. The recent trend of developments is leading me to believe this more and more.

And honestly, there are a lot of other android games that give better results from spending money anyways. Maybe you could try one of those?

Peace out.

<End of Rant>
Fixed it for you.

Forest God
12-27-2013, 10:59 AM
Fixed it for you.

Yeah, that's much better. Thanks =)

Sarah 101
12-27-2013, 01:28 PM
Wow so much love here ^_^

Sarah 101
12-27-2013, 01:30 PM
And for the topic when I want to stop I stop it's easy ^_^

Sarah 101
12-27-2013, 04:52 PM
Life sucks then you die. The end.
Hahah in some religions you can back again

12-27-2013, 04:56 PM
You only return to earth if your dying thoughts have anything to do with sports, iPhones, money, family, materialism/duality in general etc etc

I made this:

I recommend volume & a big screen

12-28-2013, 08:05 PM
Just a thought... Sometimes Do you ask yourself why are you spending gems on chests? What do you wish to get out of this game? When is the end for you?

You can spend a million gems to get every single epic+ there is to date but what do you do afterwards? There is no competition in this game, the only real competition is to see who has the most money. Regardless if you have the best gears, you cant get a high score in arena without gems, you can't get on top 10 epic boss leaderboard without gems, you can't get top 10 in guildwar without gems.

So many times I heard people saying they will stop spending once they get the dream epic+ of theirs. The truth is the moment you land your dream epic+, you will be faced with dilemmas: do you keep spending (ie for new epic) or do you let ur "dream epic" collects dust?

So those of you who are debating whether to spend gems on chests, I hope you will find the answers above.

Know your limit, play within it

lol. when your money finishes or when u get bored.

when u get 3 epic plus is quite easy to get bored cuz there is not much more ways to improve and the new epic plus is usually just marginally better so yeh. lol get bored and play another game.

12-28-2013, 09:49 PM
New account Prime? Cool.

I mean "Imtectonic" Same diff.

You ever get that chest glitch working again? Is that how you got into DPA? Poor guys. Hope you aren't leeching off them again for an epic.

12-28-2013, 10:02 PM
Hey Busta still obsessed over me, hey man im not gay (not that i judge peoplr who are)
But i can see you find me fascinating although it is getting a little weird I must admit.

P.S im straight sorry.

lol.. He pulled the gay card. That alone just made my morning ;)

On topic: Its tough not to spend gems. At least im broke IRL and cant by gems xD So thats when.

Btw, im not broke because of gems.

12-28-2013, 10:14 PM
Hey Busta still obsessed over me, hey man im not gay (not that i judge peoplr who are)
But i can see you find me fascinating although it is getting a little weird I must admit.

P.S im straight sorry.

Says the guy who just asked me on Line:

"EunuchoRRn sponsored by Gree or myth?"

Me: huh?

"Is EunochoRRn in any way sponsored/associated with Gree?"

Me: How you doing in DPA? What, you answer and I'll answer. Fair trade right?"

(no response)

You started it again dippy.

12-28-2013, 10:20 PM
Yeah I pulled the 'gay card' what are you 13 trying to sound mature or smart?
He posts/replies on literally every post or thread i have ever made, even had a conv about
Di*ks on LiNE (along with LBT) plus are you his groupee that you need to defend him online?

Only reason I did is because you tried to pose as me on line, copying my name and picture. Cool stuff.

And a conversation about Di*ks on LiNE? Please do share. Apparently there are conversations about tits too.

(Scandal on Line... dun dun dun...)

12-28-2013, 10:20 PM
Yeah I pulled the 'gay card' what are you 13 trying to sound mature or smart?
He posts/replies on literally every post or thread i have ever made, even had a conv about
Di*ks on LiNE (along with LBT) plus are you his groupee that you need to defend him online?

Thats your problem not mine. There is no need for you to be so offensive. Just relax and lay back. Go use the cheat you wwere seeking.