View Full Version : Top 250 with only 50 members... 10 open spots

Senator McCarthy
12-16-2013, 09:22 AM
John Birch Society

We used to be Top 50/75 and decided to spend less in battle and mainly focus on synd challenges.

Now that Gree has screwed us in match ups even though we cut our team's attack average... we want to fill the ranks again and go for higher in Rank.

We have all bonuses. Even with 50 members we had over 13K uzi's for raid boss. We completed all SLTQ.

We want someone active and prefer Euro timezone.

PM me with your info:

Level, attack, def and energy level

Senator McCarthy
12-16-2013, 12:53 PM
I accidentally deleted all my inbox messages. LOL. Go ahead and apply again.

Senator McCarthy
12-16-2013, 02:08 PM
FC Members welcome btw... unless you are a commie.

Senator McCarthy
12-16-2013, 09:59 PM
7 spots still open

12-17-2013, 01:26 AM
Hi there, we are a European crew (the Netherlands) that consist of 9 members and are looking for a new
home. We had some bad mergers in the past but looking to strike gold this time, what we really want to
be a part of is an organized syndicate.
It can be all ****s and giggles but when there are wars there should be a decent plan. We are only light
goldspenders at most, but we are very active daily players. Some of us have been playing this game for about 1.5 years so there is enough knowledge in the group. Because we have not been in the top tear
syndicates our stats are a bit lower. We are using whatsapp to communicate with each other but are
more than willing to adapt to your apps. We consist of lv51 up to lv129 and average about 1.39mil stats
(att/def). We are ready to merge/join at any moment so let me know.
Regards CJ.

Senator McCarthy
12-17-2013, 09:17 AM
6 spots open

Senator McCarthy
12-17-2013, 11:12 AM
5 spots open