View Full Version : Looking to Merge...

12-01-2013, 02:46 PM
We are looking to do a merger. We are sitting at 37/46, but are in the process of clearing out the deadweight. We will likely end up with around 15-18 available spaces. Our core group of players is highly active and most have been with us from the very beginning of guilds in KA. We are looking for a similarly active and committed group to merge with. We used to place in the top 100-200 during wars, but have been finishing around 300 lately as we go through a rebuilding process. PM me if you are interested.

Our current bonuses:
+10% Casualty Reduction
+10% Health Regeneration
+23% Upgrade Cost
+23% Upgrade Time
+26 Member Increase

12-02-2013, 10:58 AM
We are going thru the same thing right now. We might be able to work something out. Not sure how big our core group is. I think our bonuses are similar, will ask our group of officers and find something out.

12-02-2013, 05:08 PM
same here as well. we have max 48 members and over halfway to the third health regen, but can probably clear out space for 15-20 members.

we've had many oldtimers retire recently, and others move on to top 25 guilds.

we've finished in the top 75 in the past but now are finishing more in top 150 and top 200 the past 2-3 wars.

perhaps all three of us should talk and form two guilds, a primary and a jr?

Iron Maiden
12-02-2013, 07:18 PM
I am looking to fill positions within my top 50 guild as well as filling positions in a top 150. If any of you are possibly interested in a split merger for your group we have great bonuses in each guild and I make sure the top 150 guild finishes boss events and we will help with ltqs. Pm me If interested :)