View Full Version : NYC Crime City-Always top 750-looking for better invite code 877 659 252

11-20-2013, 07:01 PM
Consistent top 750 syndicate with showings in top 250 and top 500 .We have gold spenders, campers
and free players and will accept any of those so long as they're active during battles. We especially appreciate players that are strong for their level. We have a good team that isn't high strung,
and wants to win but realizes it's a game. We want donations for the betterment of our crew-we ask
for about 3x your iph as a cash donation-but we're not going nuts to take all of your income.

If you have questions PM me, or if you know you're interested our invite code is 877-659-252 and I'll
pull you in/check out your stats. If we're full send me a pm and I'll add spots if it's a match.

We have officers in Australia, UK and US so we're able to keep battles 24 hours a day.

Bonuses as follows:

Fight Respect Payout:+25%
Jobs Payout: +15%
Car Attack: +5%
Car Defense: +25%
Building Output: +25%
Melee Attack:+20%
Melee Defense:+25%
Gun Attack:+5%
Gun Defense: +25%
Armor Attack: +20%
Armor Defense:+25%
Explosive Attack: +10%
Explosive Defense: +25%
Building Defense: +25%
Hideout Health: +10%
Influence Increase"+5%
Syndicate Member Increase: +32

CC code: 219 955 318
CC Syndicat: NYC Crime City:877 659 252
Modern War: 116 607 494
CC code: 219 955 318
CC Syndicat: NYC Crime City:877 659 252
Modern War: 116 607 494
CC code: 219 955 318

11-20-2013, 10:43 PM
We are a small syndicate that is actually the 3rd syndicate of 3 that works together to make all 3 of our syndicates top notch. All 3 of them finished in the top 250 with two of the three finishing in the top 110. We are the smallest of the syns cause we are the newest of them but already have about 65 of the bonuses. We are looking for a team that wants to merge to make both teams stronger and make it so that our 3rd team can finish in the top 250. I think with the right people we can make this happen and think that a merger is the best way to do so. We require min donations and the biggest thing we want is communication. I'd love to talk to you if you are the leader or a main officer and think this would fare well for both groups. Let me know either way! Our syndicate is called the rising stars and the code is 711025365.