View Full Version : Old Dog gone MAD. You are now warned before joining....

11-20-2013, 12:53 AM
Hi all, I joined the Dogs of War three wars ago. Friendly dogs and leadership by example of BOCHA and Black Dragon. Since 12 hours MADDOG, old dog that came back before Italy, was given control by GREE and is going MAD by kicking people out. Even me when I asked how come? Serious GREE how can you give him control??!! he went away voluntarily and now says his faction was stolen from him. All who want to join the legendary DOW watch out!! Vicious leader.... Let's keep having fun ppl and do not mess with others time and money. :D

Richard B
11-20-2013, 09:02 AM
Unbelievable.. I can't believe Gree did this!
MAD DOG was gone for months and only game back to DOW right before Italy. This was wrong on his part as his game plan for Italy was dumb.. And cost the dogs top ten placing for the first time since inception. Even on Sunday he was telling everyone to stand down and not take wall down. A lot of gold was wasted in half point hits. My average wd was down from normally 275 to less then 200 because of his terrible plan. Then at the end with time for two more wars, he wants to score 2m wd. Lol.. And gets mad because we wouldn't do it. I did not see him scoring big wd in Italy..

Then there is Gree. What I suspect happened is MAD DOG sent in a ticket either telling Gree that Black Dragon was inactive and he did not have any communication with her or he was the leader who stepped away to help a sister faction and upon his return she refused to give him back leadership. No matter the choice, both were lies.

What upsets me is Grees lack of investigation in this.. No emails were sent out to Black Dragon telling her of this situation. If a little common sense would have been taken thy would have found out about his treachery.

Think about this.. If MAD DOG can leave a faction and bounce around to two different factions for three months and then come back for only 10 days or so to a previous faction that he left thee months prior and get gree to give him leadership. Then this opens up Pandora's box. Now any previous leader who either retired or left a faction can re-claim his or hers leadership in the faction they left from. So now ferr can come back and retake TKO if he wants to. Would that be right? No it would not!

This is not right! All of us who love this game cannot stand for this. Gree has to set this right!

11-21-2013, 09:49 AM
I think it is absolut garbage gree helped some one take over a faction. If that is the case who is safe

11-21-2013, 09:52 AM
I also can not understand how gree have allowed this to
Happen & this maddog who jst left us all 3 wars ago can suddenly contact gree and be given leadership back with out contacting the true leader black dragon ! Guess it jst shows what we all new gree make there own rules up as they go ! Makes u wonder what we all waste so much gold of this game , sort this travesty out gree !!!! X dog (Gstar) since italy

11-21-2013, 10:27 AM
Hmmmm and the Drama becomes Public. Should we go back even further and talk about the potential kickoff point? Thats certainly a fun story too!

Nahh i'm just kidding but that was only the nail in the coffin. Those of you that are good guys and players i'm sure will have no problem finding a new home.

Maddog's Wife
11-21-2013, 11:07 AM
Sounds like that Maddog needs a visit to the vet.

11-21-2013, 11:49 AM
This is absolutely ridiculous that gree would give leadership to mad dog and allow him to boot this many players if this is the case there is no safe place for anyone why don't I just get gree to give me control over sup 1 then and I will boot everyone from that faction with no repercussion it's the exact same thing that happened here gree you need to make this right

11-21-2013, 12:38 PM
Mad Dog voluntarily leaves the DoW faction for 3 mos and then he decides he wants leadership back so he emails Gree and says the faction was stolen from him. I don't know how you can steal a faction when the leadership was re-assigned when he left. So that statement was absolutely incorrect. While he was gone, leadership was transferred twice. Black Dragon took leadership the last two months and the leadership was exemplary as she led the team to 6 and 8 place in the last two wars. Then MAD DOG decides to come back for Italy to help and the strategy imposed by him was a disaster as it was the worse performance in the dog history. He blamed this on Black Dragon for destroying the team in the last 3 mos.
So he gets Gree to give him leadership under false pretenses and within 24 hours he boots all the members still present. We were on level 15 of the faction prestige and we were booted without notice. One player asked why and was booted without an explanation. We spent gold to do the faction prestige and didn't get to finish. This is wrong Gree as we did nothing wrong. We want to be reimbursed because we had to restart again with our new factions. There was no explanation as to why he did this to us.
But more importantly, this falls on you Gree as you allowed this to happen without investigating this and asking Black Dragon - you took one person's side. This is not how these things get resolved. If you allow this to stand, other factions are concerned this may happen to them with leaders voluntarily leaving or retiring.
I ask you to look into this as I know Black Dragon well and know she would never let the Dogs down and let this team fall apart as it has. The team is down to 5 now.

11-21-2013, 01:21 PM
Any Dog needing a home hit me up! top 13 faction would take a few!


11-24-2013, 05:46 AM
If u guys need a home pm me 😉, top 25 and 48 wins