View Full Version : Soldier Girls cleaned house...

11-19-2013, 09:24 AM
Soldier Girls cleaned house... Faction Invite Code: 365 721 177

Soldier Girls (not all girls ) cleaned house and got rid of dead weight and freeloaders!

But even so we were able to keep our position in Top 600.

We are currently looking for 12 more ACTIVE and DAILY players so we can reach our next goal of Top 500!

We have a lot of bonuses, which are all discussed and selected by our Members:

23% Health Regeneration

20% Infantry Defense

15% Ground Defense

15% Air Defense

10% Sea Defense

20% Building Defense

5% Building Output

+20 Guild Increase!

Faction Requirements are:

Minimum Level 20+

Minimum 18 years of age.

Must score a minimum of 20k World Domination points.

Must post a minimum 'daily' donation of 3 x IPH (Most Members donate a lot more!!)

Must join GroupMe within 2 days of acceptance

Mandatory Participation in all Faction Events including LTQs, Boss, FvF and WD Events!

*All new members are accepted for a 1-week trial period!

Poland #2.309
Australia top 1500
Canada #869
India #783
France #820
Mexico #551
Italy #558 appx. (Awaiting final results)
Next event -Top 500 with your help!

Join us today! Faction Invite Code: 365 721 177

11-19-2013, 12:42 PM

11-19-2013, 02:24 PM

11-20-2013, 08:17 AM

11-23-2013, 09:30 AM
5 spots open...