View Full Version : Looks like a lot of players are trying for the 50 wins and win streaks.

11-16-2013, 12:24 PM
Looks like a lot of players are trying for the 50 wins and win streaks.

Last war two of us did the 50 wins plus 1000 battles and 9/12 streak.

Have noticed the lower levels are crammed with Whales in 2-4 man teams. Maybe thats why the match ups are screwed. I know we are no better and feel sorry for the more junior factions. They have no chance against 10-12 mil DL's and 6-8 mil players.

This will kill off the new blood needed to keep this game alive, as older time players eventually leave.

Another example of GREE not thinking through the knock on effect of the rewards structure in a war.