View Full Version : Veni Vidi Vici needs a few more active players

11-12-2013, 11:57 AM
Veni Vidi Vici (59th in the last guild wars) kicked out all its inactive players and still need a couple more for a complete roster.

We are a level 75 guild with +8% bonus for all.
- being active is the only requirement (active = 24 fights over 24 hour with about 5000 points)
- spending 50 gems is strongly recomended for the 3 extra fusion boost, but not manditory
- the "LINE" free messaging app is used by all guild members for easy communication during the war

The high commanders are required to get 10 000 points per 24 hours.

Superchicken13 on LINE
V3 Smiley in game XBC DNY MPV
Directly via Veni Vidi Vici guild in game

11-17-2013, 08:56 AM
Can I join? I added you. My code is XBG-PFN-BQM
I am currently lvl77. I have blazeborne vg and a few maxed out armors
I am active :) especially during guild wars