View Full Version : LLP - explain them to me

11-07-2013, 02:05 PM
so... i've been playing since august. i am doing ok for light gold player. i am playing the game and leveling up as the game progresses. i have made no effort to camp nor i intend to. i am a lvl 140 with about 500k a/d. so.. as i said- nothing fancy. just enjoying the game.

however, i too have seen many llp monsters with high a/d - some in the couple millions...

which makes me wonder - what is the point of the llp?

the way i see it - a llp with a monster a/d is good for attacking/ raiding, but that will level them up quickly, so that cannot be a sustaining benefit.

also, the llp will do well in the boss events. that is a given as we know it.

but... that is about it.

the level is irrelevant during war times as factions are matched based on the sum of a/d of members and the player's level does not come into consideration.

so.. why so people nurture them over time? enlighten me please

thank you

Durt McGurt
11-07-2013, 02:19 PM
The following is my experience only...

When I started my account...I power leveled as fast as I could...I had no strategy...just get to level 200 as fast as I could. I succeeded, reaching level 200 in exactly 200 days....my stats.... 110k no gold used (back in the day was considered "almost decent").

The same day I started my main account..I started another account and did the exact opposite tactic...just camped and worked on IPH...(now over 10mill at level 40). For me there was no purpose to my llp besides trying the complete opposite game plan to see what would happen. Now however he has turned into a monster (for his level) somewhere approaching 2mill stats.

Back when I started both accounts, I would have ditched the main account and started to play the llp if I thought I "messed" something up, so it was a safety net or back up plan for me. As far as reasoning...why not?

La La594
11-07-2013, 02:30 PM
More points at war as they are based on level you can att e.g you score more for less gold get in a higher faction obtaining better bonuses that are percentage base you become stronger , get further in boss events and it exponential growth, so it needs to be started right my 5th acct is by far my best, but my first taught me the most

11-07-2013, 02:33 PM
No Offence But With Those Stats Everyone Must Seem Like A LLP To You. My Main Is Not Much Higher Level Then You, I Only BUy A Small Amount Of Gold During Wars And My Stats Are Easily 4 Times Yours. I Never Camped Or Tried To Stay Low With That Account.

11-07-2013, 02:34 PM
minis are good for boss fights and during war. Level counts there too. In wars Ur level, opponent level, Ur rank, opponent rank and ofc strenth counts. My main account has problems getting 180-200 wd points per person, my mini gets 400+ points 90% of the time, cause he takes down lvl 150+ ppl. And now on boss too already working on lvl 27, so they have TWO very good purposes, how much U need? :D

11-07-2013, 02:37 PM
LLP's are good if you have max $ buildings and no one can hit you

11-07-2013, 02:46 PM
LLP's are good if you have max $ buildings and no one can hit you

oh, and that too. over 3 months undefeated except in wars :D

Agent Orange
11-07-2013, 02:46 PM
I guess a bit of history first. The term LLP means Low Level Player as in a second, third, fourth or other player that was created by a single player with an HLP or Higher Level Player.

So technically the LLP may not be lower than your stats but based on the definition should be a lower stat then the owners HLP.

Many of us who have LLPs have been bulking them up in our main factions because there might be space and the unit rewards are so insanely good. Probably why you might find some crazy stat Level 1 players hiding out there..... plus for doing some of these boss events players at lower levels have more of a chance of beating bosses so there is some strategy to making good use out of them.

Elite Enforcer
11-07-2013, 04:27 PM
Level 40. ......10 mill. Nice stats.

11-07-2013, 10:22 PM
Is level 73 with 900/1.1 still actually considered as good stats ??

Sal T Iguana
11-07-2013, 11:29 PM
Is level 73 with 900/1.1 still actually considered as good stats ??

I have a level 38 llp with over 2.7million attack stat. What faction are you in? I'll see you in Italy!

11-08-2013, 04:22 AM
Is level 73 with 900/1.1 still actually considered as good stats ??

"Good stats" is really a relative term to the other players at your tier.

The easy way to know if you are in the upper percentile of your tier :

1). Is your newsfeed full of Green text (good) or Red text (bad).

2). Can you beat up to 20 Bosses with just free attacks and maybe one cash attack before having to regen energy? The higher you are up your tier - the more Bosses you can beat for free. If you are having to use 4 cash hits plus a regen hit to beat Boss 20 - you're probably in the lower 50% of your tier - but if you can beat Boss 25 with just free hits or cash hits without depleting all of your energy bar - then you are probably in the top 75% of your tier :)

With a good strategy of keeping your level as low as possible but going for big prizes when you can - and also semi-camping - you can increase your strength within your tier.

Let the other guys rush through high XP LTQ's and level up beyond what their stats can support - they are the chum for the sharks for whatever tier you are in :)

11-08-2013, 04:35 AM
To answer the OP - some of us have an extra device (or 4) laying around - so why not casually develop a smaller account slowly over time that can kick a$$ on Boss events and some day score big WD points - and if you're able to slip them into open spots last minute before an event - then they can grow even faster :)

Overall - they can be a quick asset to jump in and do a few extra Bosses for your faction - but these accounts usually don't get the extra love and attention (time or gold) that an HLP account may get - but they can have their strong points in a pinch :)

Lastly - it's kinda fun to build a powerhouse account at lower levels with the specific goal to take it slow and easy - and that account may eventually be one of the strongest players in a smaller Top 100 - Top 500 - Top 1000 faction - which can present its own fun entertainment to be "small" yet one of the largest stat accounts in a smaller faction :)

11-08-2013, 09:57 AM
"Good stats" is really a relative term to the other players at your tier.

The easy way to know if you are in the upper percentile of your tier :

1). Is your newsfeed full of Green text (good) or Red text (bad).

2). Can you beat up to 20 Bosses with just free attacks and maybe one cash attack before having to regen energy? The higher you are up your tier - the more Bosses you can beat for free. If you are having to use 4 cash hits plus a regen hit to beat Boss 20 - you're probably in the lower 50% of your tier - but if you can beat Boss 25 with just free hits or cash hits without depleting all of your energy bar - then you are probably in the top 75% of your tier :)

With a good strategy of keeping your level as low as possible but going for big prizes when you can - and also semi-camping - you can increase your strength within your tier.

Let the other guys rush through high XP LTQ's and level up beyond what their stats can support - they are the chum for the sharks for whatever tier you are in :)

my mini (tier 3) got 19 bosses down with 1 free hit and 29 bosses with 2 free hits, then it went to 3 free hits. So I guess pretty OK. But boss stats went up way faster in lvl 30-s than it did before :(