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View Full Version : What is considered good stats/lvl now?

Jay Teez
11-06-2013, 05:28 PM
Before the massive inflation from the raid boss event it was pretty decent to have around 2-3k/lvl. Now I'm seeing around 5-6k/lvl being very common. Just curious what is now considered good stats for your level.

11-06-2013, 05:47 PM
If you're bothering to figure out your stats "for your level" you're not really all that strong.


Jay Teez
11-06-2013, 06:04 PM
Yeah I know but a lot of syndicates have those kind of "requirements". I really don't care too much personally but I know there are plenty of people who look into these things a lot more than they should.

11-06-2013, 06:07 PM
Yeah I know but a lot of syndicates have those kind of "requirements". I really don't care too much personally but I know there are plenty of people who look into these things a lot more than they should.
I think that some syndicates stopped looking at stats. The amount of gold you are willing to spend is more important. You only need one target to get the requirement in wars.

Normal stats for a top 100 syndicate are about 2 million A/D at this moment. Top 10 syndicates have a lot of stronger players. I'm one of the weaker players in my syndicate with my 2,5m A.

Jay Teez
11-06-2013, 06:12 PM
I think that some syndicates stopped looking at stats. The amount of gold you are willing to spend is more important. You only need one target to get the requirement in wars.

Normal stats for a top 100 syndicate are about 2 million A/D at this moment. Top 10 syndicates have a lot of stronger players. I'm one of the weaker players in my syndicate with my 2,5m A.
Yeah I know gold is really the only thing that matters anymore. It is pretty much impossible to be in a syndicate higher than top 250 or so as a strict free player. I used gold for a while but I'm going to stop feeding the beast since it seems to be the main reason people start complaining around here.

11-06-2013, 06:33 PM
I think that some syndicates stopped looking at stats. The amount of gold you are willing to spend is more important. You only need one target to get the requirement in wars.

Normal stats for a top 100 syndicate are about 2 million A/D at this moment. Top 10 syndicates have a lot of stronger players. I'm one of the weaker players in my syndicate with my 2,5m A.
Its not 2million for top 100 syndicates. maybe closer to 1million at this point. But you are correct, stats really dont matter to much at this point because of how quickly they are gained as long as you have 1 or 2 good targets that you get hit.

Its hard to place a number because it does vary based on what your level is and what new wave of inflation we will see next week

11-06-2013, 07:44 PM
Its not 2million for top 100 syndicates. maybe closer to 1million at this point. But you are correct, stats really dont matter to much at this point because of how quickly they are gained as long as you have 1 or 2 good targets that you get hit.

Its hard to place a number because it does vary based on what your level is and what new wave of inflation we will see next week

as a followup on this.. Those competing for top three may still have minimums. When we would take on fight club quite a few of our low level people didn't have a single target.. At 3 million attack I bet I would still have a tough time finding a target in fight club.

11-06-2013, 08:04 PM
Its not 2million for top 100 syndicates. maybe closer to 1million at this point. But you are correct, stats really dont matter to much at this point because of how quickly they are gained as long as you have 1 or 2 good targets that you get hit.

Its hard to place a number because it does vary based on what your level is and what new wave of inflation we will see next week

I have 800/800k at 72 and am in a top 50 syn. The requirements aren't 1mil/1mil for top 100.

out of names
11-06-2013, 08:04 PM
10000x your level is good stats now

11-06-2013, 08:07 PM
10000x your level is good stats now

Yep. Most (good) campers can have 20-30k times though

11-06-2013, 09:46 PM
The pseudo guideline that did exist is no more. Those who attempt to recreate it realize gree can take a nice steamy stat dump on any event it pleases. So who knows anymore. If anything war should be interesting this time around with so much change >.>

11-06-2013, 10:01 PM
Phần mềm kế toán Fast Accounting 10.2, Fast Construction 10.2, Fast 10.2, Fast 10.1, Fast 10.0, Fast 2008, Fast 2006, Fast Construction cập nhật các chế độ, thông tư kế toán, thuế mới nhất

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Phần mềm kế toán Fast Accounting 10.2, Fast Accounting 10.2R1, Fast Accounting 10.2R2, Fast Construction 10.2, Fast 10.2, Fast 10.2r1, Fast 10.2R2,Fast 10.1, Fast 10.0, Fast 2008, Fast 2006, Fast Construction cập nhật các chế độ, thông tư kế toán, thuế mới nhất, Phan mem ke toan Fast Accounting 10.2, Fast Construction 10.2, Fast Accounting 10.2R2, Fast Accounting 10.2R1, Fast 10.2, Fast 10.2R2, Fast 10.2R1, Fast 10.1R5, Fast 10.1R3, Fast 10.1R2

11-07-2013, 02:16 AM
its all gone nuts my level 25k mini is 20k times his level . People still attack him lol

11-07-2013, 03:14 AM
Phần mềm kế toán Fast Accounting 10.2, Fast Construction 10.2, Fast 10.2, Fast 10.1, Fast 10.0, Fast 2008, Fast 2006, Fast Construction cập nhật các chế độ, thông tư kế toán, thuế mới nhất

Nhận hỗ trợ tạo tên doanh nghiệp thể hiện khi in các chứng từ, hóa đơn, báo cáo, cấp mă key sử dụng phần mềm Fast Accounting các phiên bản Fast 10.2, Fast 10.1, Fast 10.0, Fast 2008, Fast 2006, Fast Construction.
Liên hệ:

Tiến ĐT: 0909 066 286

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Các bạn vào blog của ḿnh để tải phần mềm và các tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng chi tiết phần mềm nhé:

ketoantaichinhblog . wordpress . com

Phần mềm kế toán Fast Accounting 10.2, Fast Accounting 10.2R1, Fast Accounting 10.2R2, Fast Construction 10.2, Fast 10.2, Fast 10.2r1, Fast 10.2R2,Fast 10.1, Fast 10.0, Fast 2008, Fast 2006, Fast Construction cập nhật các chế độ, thông tư kế toán, thuế mới nhất, Phan mem ke toan Fast Accounting 10.2, Fast Construction 10.2, Fast Accounting 10.2R2, Fast Accounting 10.2R1, Fast 10.2, Fast 10.2R2, Fast 10.2R1, Fast 10.1R5, Fast 10.1R3, Fast 10.1R2
I agree
I have a lvl 51 account that missed out on the boss event and now it's worthless at 200k stats, another lvl 32 with 350k stats which had almost no work put into it compared to the 51.. most of my rivals at level 171 are getting to 1m+ stats and I was happy about getting to 700 club..

11-07-2013, 04:14 AM
Im lvl 111 with about 1.25mil atk 1.2mil def. Seems pretty good for my lvl. Of corse though there are people stonger.

11-07-2013, 04:16 AM
It depends on your lvl.. i am lvl 140 with 1,6 mio. Att.

<3 Hz
11-07-2013, 04:46 AM
I saw a level 31 player with 2,000,000 attack & defense.

Jay Teez
11-07-2013, 05:28 AM
Stats seem to be all relative to the type of player you want to be. For strict free players you want to be better than most at your level and several levels ahead of you. For heavy gold spenders stats matter less in respect to your level since you can compensate any issues you may have by spending. The next war should be interesting to see how recent stat inflation could shake things up a little bit. One thing for sure is the gap between the top 25 and top 250 just got even more insane.

11-07-2013, 06:37 AM
Stats matter in war for two reasons, if you can't find a target you are just going to be hitting the war. But if your defence is weak and you are a high level, you will be a target in war battles give the other team a lot of points, so you may have cost your team, a win, or lot of gold to counter the points you are giving away. My stats on my level 110 account were 2million but dropped to 1.88mill. And there are stronger. Players than myself at that level.

11-07-2013, 07:41 AM
Level 39. About 600k/600k. So I'm around 15000:1. But that is very unusual. Not unheard of but I am probably in the top 98% at my level. A buddy of mine is 4 levels lower and has stats 200K higher. His syn is top 150 and they beat the elite boss (and he mysteriously didn't lose any stats after the GREE f up). I'm in a "lowly" top 350 syn and we only got to around level 15 or so on the elite boss. That's the difference. And it's a big difference, just over the last 2 weeks.

And there's the guy above who said that he saw a level 31 with over 1M stats. That guy is clearly in a syn who accepts his camping in the shorter term so that they will have a monster in the longer term: As I always say: Short term pain for long term gain. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages vastly outweigh the disadvantages, so long as everyone cooperates and the LLP works his account properly.

As people have been saying, and this applies to all 3 games (CC, MW and KA), a 1000:1 ratio used to be fantastic. Then it grew to about 3000:1. Now 10000:1 is required to be of any use in any top 400 or better syn/guild/faction, and even that may be too low in some cases. Stat inflation completely screwed up the balance in every game. GREE is now trying to compensate. But it may be too late.

Jay Teez
11-07-2013, 01:27 PM
GREE is now trying to compensate. But it may be too late.
I really fail to see how GREE is trying to compensate. I would think they could care less about stat inflation as long as people keep spending money on the game.

11-07-2013, 02:55 PM
I'm level 238 9.3/8.1M. I still get robbed. Nobody has attacked me and won in a long time.

11-07-2013, 03:45 PM
Gree loves the stat inflation!!! It's how they get people to spend money on the game. People think that spending gold to get these great prizes makes them stronger relative to the competition but all it actually does is keep them even with everyone around them. If nobody spent gold the pecking order in the game would still look very similar to what it is now, the only difference is the stats wouldn't be as high. The ratio would still be roughly the same though.

Mackie Messer
11-07-2013, 04:05 PM
More and more Im convinced that Stats have no meaning.

Someone will always be able to rob you and you'll always be able to rob, And if you're above a certain IPH you don't really care if you're getting attacked for a few mil a day. So, then, whats the point in spending gold to improve stats that have negligible effect on gameplay?

and even if you are hell bent on improving your stats..someone starting a month from now will get the 2mil atk/def with the 20% mod that will completely nullify all your months or years of stat gaining.

Stats are for status. They serve no other purpose.

11-08-2013, 06:41 AM
With the stat inflation hard to say whats considered good stats nowadays , the weakest player in our syn has close to 8000x lvl. So we have to recruit someone with a better ratio than that.

11-08-2013, 08:51 AM
Gree loves the stat inflation!!! It's how they get people to spend money on the game. People think that spending gold to get these great prizes makes them stronger relative to the competition but all it actually does is keep them even with everyone around them. If nobody spent gold the pecking order in the game would still look very similar to what it is now, the only difference is the stats wouldn't be as high. The ratio would still be roughly the same though.

If nobody spent gold then we wouldn't have a game to play....

11-08-2013, 08:52 AM
More and more Im convinced that Stats have no meaning.

Someone will always be able to rob you and you'll always be able to rob, And if you're above a certain IPH you don't really care if you're getting attacked for a few mil a day. So, then, whats the point in spending gold to improve stats that have negligible effect on gameplay?

and even if you are hell bent on improving your stats..someone starting a month from now will get the 2mil atk/def with the 20% mod that will completely nullify all your months or years of stat gaining.

Stats are for status. They serve no other purpose.

There is no meaning to this game...it is what you make of it...show me something that isn't for "status"

Mackie Messer
11-08-2013, 11:00 AM
There is no meaning to this game...it is what you make of it...show me something that isn't for "status"

My point is most games have a goal players aspire to. A way that the conflict can be resolved so to speak.

This game doesnt have that..which makes sense for a mobile game. All Im saying is that we tend to consider this game a stat race when in fact, past a certain point stats don't really matter.

11-08-2013, 12:51 PM
Stats are needed to be able to win in syndicate battles, prevent yourself from being the weak link. Are you actually playing crime city?

Mackie Messer
11-08-2013, 05:41 PM
Stats are needed to be able to win in syndicate battles, prevent yourself from being the weak link. Are you actually playing crime city?

And you win battles to get better stats so you can win more battles and get better stats....etc ad nauseum.

Unless you're fightclub, you're always just a fish eating smaller fish and being eaten by bigger fish.