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I don't know
11-03-2013, 05:35 PM
How can I do a transfer from iOS to iOS? And how long will the transfer take?

11-03-2013, 05:48 PM
Via support

Can take a month to a year

11-03-2013, 06:39 PM
It took 2 days for me. Phillip Newman in customer support is the man for that.

11-03-2013, 06:43 PM
Usually takes about 12 hours to 24 hours for me and some of my faction mates (Or maybe we are just lucky) as long as you provide the right information for support to proceed with the transfer.

-Your original and new device types

-Your old character's invite code (the 9-digit player ID associated with your game, which can be found under your profile)

-Your old character's exact name (case sensitive) and last known level

-Your last known login of your former character

-The invite code of the new character showing up on your new device (should be around a level 1 when you first install the app)

11-04-2013, 07:08 AM
I just got a iPhone 5s about a few weeks ago and I didn't need to contact support at all. The transfer only took a few minutes. I transferred from an iPhone 4s to 5s.

Here is what I did. I was using a Mac Pro by the way for my transfer. I had my iPhone 4s fully backed up on iTunes on my Mac Pro using iTunes and backup to this computer option. Then all I did was connect my brand new 5s to my Mac to iTunes via USB and from within iTunes used the restore backup function. After restore was completed my Modern War account was up and running fine on my new 5s. In fact even my text messages and call history were imported. I even happened to be in the middle of a boss kill event and needed 2 more hits on the boss to finish him off and that progress was imported as well so I was able to kill the level 45 boss without losing a beat.

I never contacted Gree for a transfer I just used backup and restore from iTunes and it worked fine. I did have the encrypt iPhone backup box checked under backups but not sure if that made any difference. I would try this before trying to use Gree.

11-04-2013, 11:49 AM
I requested at 9 pm PST Sunday night (out of business hours). I have not received any reply yet as of 11:48 AM Monday. Not a word. And I have spent just a little gold from time to time in the rarest of circumstances... :rolleyes: I've heard from 6 hours (minimum) to 2 weeks or more. Let us pray.

11-04-2013, 12:22 PM
I put in a ticket for a simple device swap of two accounts. Seems simple but they replied 3 days later, that One account would show up on the different device but a new account would be on the one it came from.
Then I am to contact them again to have the other account put over the top of the new account to complete the transfer.

In reality what they did was make it so the account that they would have to add later is on both devices, and my most powerful account is now in limbo.

I tried to uninstall/reinstall the program from the device the Account "A" was to be added to but it reinstalled the old game, not even a new copy.

Can't even do a simple game swap.

11-04-2013, 12:54 PM
if you are upgrading your phone (ie you are restoring your old ios on your new ios device) it works automagically.

if you are moving your account to another ios device where you cannot restore the old one (or you dont have a backup) then you have to call support

11-07-2013, 04:14 AM
didn't work with my backup...
but gree transfered it within 12h!!

Thanks a lot to Luke