View Full Version : Props to a Great Game

10-28-2013, 03:59 PM
I find all of the incessant whining perpetually amusing. Perhaps I have not been a part of enough forums on other games and so it has a novel quality, but I'm guessing this is normal. It would appear that once shrouded behind a cloak of anonymity us humans lose the inhibition of common decency and rant mindlessly about things we often clearly don't understand, and stupidly about things we do.

I would offer a thread of a different quality - one offering kudos and congratulations, one showing the good points of KnD. GREE -or funzio- has put it all together for us and is keeping it going (see suggestions thread sticky for more on this, and the need for continual improvement to retain the current player base).

KnD offers many quality game design elements. They have created a tiered system of armors quite effectively (for those not endowed with incredible chest luck that is), by making armors available to players based on their power level. * and ** Story armors lead to ***+ Story Armors which lead to epic boss armors, and then to + versions.

The gameplay is simple, yet addictive. Guild wars present players with an opportunity to use strategies and coordinate as a group, which adds a great social aspect and sense of accomplishment to the game when a hard fought battle is won.

New content is added readily, and GREE appears to be managing the inflation of stats well enough. Epics needed to be removed from fusions when they were, if not before, although there was an endless amount of griping over it. The stat gap is being bridged with new epic boss armors and the gradual release of epics back into the fusion pool.

We all have gripes about small things, or things we wish were different, but as far as I can tell GREE is keeping the game interesting with new developments in a somewhat timely manner. Whether they continue this trend and offer new content that will keep up playing for the next 6 months to a year remains to be seen. There are clearly many places they could improve. If they continue to provide an excellent mobile gaming experience, we will stay. If not, then not.

Let's pause to give some respect every now and again tho. This is the best mobile game I've ever played, and that should be recognized, for surely I am not the only one of such a mind.

Thanks GREE. I enjoy the hill out of ur game :p

10-28-2013, 04:07 PM
Great thread.

10-28-2013, 05:05 PM
Nice to see. And though many on here will just deny it. The game is great, hence why everyone began and is still playing it. Guilds was the best update by far. Builds great teamwork and friendships(our group chat goes basically 24/7).

10-28-2013, 05:37 PM
I'm not sure how long you have been playing, but soon you will grow tired of it. All new content is intertwined with getting you to spend more money, and this game has a lot of potential that will never be reached with GREE running it.

10-28-2013, 05:38 PM
Once you get to the level of badass, you quickly start losing interest, then you will want to quit because of the awful decisions Gree makes.

Micro Destroy
10-28-2013, 05:39 PM
I agree with the first post. I enjoy playing this game. It doesn't require a huge time investment if you just want to accomplish a few tasks, but you can sink literally hours into it if it suits your fancy. I like the wide array of armors and bosses, and the unique challenges that spring up from time to time. It's enough content to keep me hooked for such a simple game. I also like that you can get pretty powerful without paying, but if you want to spend a few bucks, you can get a fun edge without ruining it. I've managed a very decent set of knights without any real investment outside of time. Or, if you do want to spend absurd amounts of money you can be the best. Just like real life, lol. :D Anyway, I keep playing this game for one reason really: it's fun!

10-28-2013, 05:46 PM
I also like that you can get pretty powerful without paying, but if you want to spend a few bucks, you can get a fun edge without ruining it.

I don't really agree that you can be powerful without paying. This is not that type of game that you can be powerful without paying. The reality is that in order to be powerful you have to spend!

Sir Spunge ACE
10-28-2013, 05:48 PM
This was a much needed thread. While there are certain aspects of the game that could be improved, overall the game has much to offer. I think the people who gripe the most are the ones who have thrown so much money at the game that it loses it's intrigue. If you look at games you buy, you usually can't just throw money at it and get the best of everything. Typically you have to earn it. Those of us who have spent relatively little on the game are still fighting to gain better armors, etc., and it holds greater appeal. In time, I am sure there will be more content released, and those that "quit" will be back.

In the end, if you really hate the game so much, quit, find something else until Knights & Dragons is a challenge again, and come back and enjoy. Stop throwing out your money on something you do not intend to have fun with.

10-28-2013, 06:02 PM
Once you get to the level of badass, you quickly start losing interest, then you will want to quit because of the awful decisions Gree makes.

Says the guy with Spartan as his avatar?

I'm not sure how long you have been playing, but soon you will grow tired of it. All new content is intertwined with getting you to spend more money, and this game has a lot of potential that will never be reached with GREE running it.

Zyn has been around for awhile.

Micro Destroy
10-28-2013, 06:14 PM
I don't really agree that you can be powerful without paying. This is not that type of game that you can be powerful without paying. The reality is that in order to be powerful you have to spend!

No, you're correct! I guess what I meant is that it's a perspective thing. My idea of powerful isn't really absolutely crushing everything that comes in my path and having the + version of evey Epic. My guild isn't great, but I don't care. I have fun with those guys, and for me, that's enough. It is a game, afterall. I think people forget that. Once it stops being fun...well, it's probably time to move onto something else. I'm satisfied with the fact that I can get the "+" versions of boss armors, and have fused an Epic. For my purposes, my characters are plenty powerful. But yes, those who bust out the Credit Card and fuse it with the game win every time :eek: I have nothing against folks who want to spend money...that's what it's for. If your wish is to spend $5000 on a game, then hey, who am I to judge? It's not my business what others do with their bucks. :)

10-28-2013, 06:28 PM
All hail the great zyntree! :D

10-28-2013, 06:43 PM
I too like this game. If I didn't I wouldn't play it. Not sure why people play games they dislike or hang around on forums for games they dislike.

10-28-2013, 07:06 PM
I too like this game. If I didn't I wouldn't play it. Not sure why people play games they dislike or hang around on forums for games they dislike.
Because they invested a lot of time in them and don't want to "let that investment go to waste"?
Because they keep hoping the company will start making less bad decisions even though deep down they know it won't?

10-28-2013, 07:36 PM
Some of us sank in more money into this game than people make in months... obviously we wont quit when we put this much dedication and hard work into it, but pushing people too far(which is what is currently happening with the game), than eventually they just wont give a crap anymore and quit anyway.

10-28-2013, 07:43 PM
Because they invested a lot of time in them and don't want to "let that investment go to waste"?
Because they keep hoping the company will start making less bad decisions even though deep down they know it won't?

Too true. I believe folks are misinformed on the 'value' of their investments. Spending all that money on a top 10 spot doesn't forever make you a bad a$$. It gives you a temporary edge that you will need to continue spending to keep. It is the basis of this game and the nature of inflation that the top is a moving target. The idea that this will change is absurd. The idea that money will ever not be the deciding factor in a top 10 spot is for someone living in fantasy world. GREE does this to make money. If there are ways for them to make more, they will do them. There is nothing wrong with this... If you feel you are being exploited, don't spend.

'Bad decisions' are all in ythe eyes of ythe beholder. Was it a bad decision when they removed epic fusing? Was it a bad decision when they made guild war epics bad ass... Disproportionately weighting the top players over everyone else? I play in the middle, and these decisions haven't made my gaming experience worse. It's like I play in the minors, and they play in the majors. If we fight, clearly I lose, but I don't chalk that up to bad decisions on GREEs part. We just play the game at different levels.

Once you get to the level of badass, you quickly start losing interest, then you will want to quit because of the awful decisions Gree makes.

Guess I'm not there yet... Haha. See the above text ;)

I'm not sure how long you have been playing, but soon you will grow tired of it. All new content is intertwined with getting you to spend more money, and this game has a lot of potential that will never be reached with GREE running it.

Yup... People spending money is what keeps the game alive. If they offered new content that was not aimed at getting people to spend money on their game, they would be a bad gaming company and would go out of business, rendering KnD truely dead... And I agree completely. KnD has a great potential, as many here recognize. That's we have that suggestions thread, among others. That's why we make some of the posts that we do. Maybe they will listen, maybe they won't... But they certainly won't listen if all we do is call them stupid and a bad company and trash talk them... That gets us no where here, same as it does everywhere else in life

10-28-2013, 07:45 PM
I'm not sure how long you have been playing, but soon you will grow tired of it. All new content is intertwined with getting you to spend more money, and this game has a lot of potential that will never be reached with GREE running it.

er... zyn had been around probably longer than you...

Anyways, great thread! If this game is really so bad, all the whiners would be gone. The fact that they are still whining and b1tching means that there's nothing wrong with the game, they are just upset they didn't get their way. :-)

10-28-2013, 07:46 PM
Some of us sank in more money into this game than people make in months... obviously we wont quit when we put this much dedication and hard work into it, but pushing people too far(which is what is currently happening with the game), than eventually they just wont give a crap anymore and quit anyway.

That makes sense to me. Guess I'm not in the same boat with y'all, so it's hard for me to feel the same way. Props on yr ban of this war tho. If I were in a spot that would matter, maybe I would do the same... Too poor for it to matter with my guild :). We're still growing and getting our act together.

10-29-2013, 02:19 AM
@Zyntree: there are plenty of dumb decisions by Gree.
The whole system of Guild Wars becomes absurd once you realise that the only reason RR/Untouchables(sp?)/DK/Majestic don't get their top spots in guild wars with a 1-0 win/loss score is that there's a physical limit to how fast you can gem. If they would want to troll, those guilds could get something like a 15-50 win/loss score on next guild war and probably still be rank #1 or #2. Where else can you get a very negative win/loss score or hardly play and still get top spot?</rant>
(yes, I think guild war implementation is beyond horrible)

And plenty of cases where Gree puts money over player enjoyment instead of letting them go hand in hand.

I think I now spend a sizable chunk of my KnD time just leveling armors to screenshot both genders and the 3 visual evolutions for the wiki and soon I might not even bother getting further than 43 on epic boss anymore even if 51 or 60 would be viable, arena will probably soon also be a thing to only compete in if there's an armor I haven't screenshot as mid tier prize.

10-29-2013, 07:02 AM

I never intended to say GREE makes only good decisions, or great decisions. Clearly there are problems with the game, as you just pointed out and has been pointed out before. I just wanted to highlight the good things they have done, because we rarely see anyone noticing the things we like. I thought that was important too...

Don't worry, I shall get my gripe on elsewhere ;)

10-29-2013, 07:20 AM
Says the guy with Spartan as his avatar?

I don't even have the armor? lol? I do want it though just because.

I have Sky Majesty+ and Forgestone+ and 3 other Epics non-plus if that makes you feel better Euny :)

10-29-2013, 07:34 AM
I don't even have the armor? lol? I do want it though just because.

I have Sky Majesty+ and Forgestone+ and 3 other Epics non-plus if that makes you feel better Euny :)

I thought so, aren't you in Majestic?

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 07:43 AM
Because they invested a lot of time in them and don't want to "let that investment go to waste"?
Because they keep hoping the company will start making less bad decisions even though deep down they know it won't?

Only last one I can see who'd try to hold so desperately to K&D is Eunutroll coz he's so attached to this game emotionally. His first Gree game where he was finally able to make a name for himself ^^ Well, thanks to those RR gem spenders who are now gone and have either retired from the game, those who were set aside because they couldn't keep up with the gem requirement or whatnot. However, kudos to their early retirees as it's a wise move. Save your $$$ and save for the holidays ^^

10-29-2013, 07:58 AM
Mark do you ever just think about shutting your mouth?
It's getting annoyed I wish you stayed off the forums.
All you do is *itch and whine about rr.

I used to have respect for you.

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 08:05 AM
Mark do you ever just think about shutting your mouth?
It's getting annoyed I wish you stayed off the forums.
All you do is *itch and whine about rr.

I used to have respect for you.

Freedom of speech? Forums for all the players? Isn't this forums for ranting, sharing, debating, etc.? Why is it when RR people rant, insult, debate, share or whatnot you don't take notice? =) Okay, guess your pissed since karma came back to haunt Eunutroll and the things he's done in our K&D Community room. Having it sabotaged 3x isn't enough apparently so as you know, so it boomerang to you guys and all your RR rooms got sabotaged as well. And who's fault was it? Rediye and Eunutroll ^^

10-29-2013, 08:13 AM
*passes out food for the trolls*

Everyone is STUPID!!!!!

10-29-2013, 08:21 AM
Yes we are all so sad our chats were deleted :'(
Were you not banned once for *****ing, bashing, and accusing ?

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 08:29 AM
Yes we are all so sad our chats were deleted :'(
Were you not banned once for *****ing, bashing, and accusing ?

Yeah, I was banned for "using inappropriate language". And so as you know again, Eunutroll and Busterroaf were banned way before my first banning in the forums =)

Well, sad to have such a GM like yours Cj and guess what goes around, comes back around in our line chats. Karma hurts eh? =(

10-29-2013, 08:31 AM
We dont complain about something we utherly despise, we would simply get rid, stay away from it. We complaing actually because we like it and want to see it get better, or have it fixed what is 'wrong' with it...

Quit flaming and start complaining.

10-29-2013, 08:36 AM
Karma? Being #1 hurts? No I don't think so :).

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 08:42 AM
Karma? Being #1 hurts? No I don't think so :).

Okay, let's see how long RR can stay in your so called top 1 =) Also, I'd see how long you can stay in that guild wasting gems after gems for a mere epic+ that gets obsolete after a month. Epic armors which we can basically get better ones in chests. Anyway, I'm sure, sooner or later, you'd follow the footsteps of Thatzme, Fearick, etc. who are no longer with RR. Well, keep spending for it helps keep the game rolling =) But make sure you're saving some $$$ for the holidays buddy ^^

10-29-2013, 08:47 AM
Your sources are great eh? Fearrick... He was with us one war, he didn't retire.
Thatz? He retired months ago mark..
You say vets retire because the price.. Every team goes through people, is untouchables roster the same as the first war? Lol no, are we all dumb or have they not kicked 1/4 of their team?

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 08:59 AM
Your sources are great eh? Fearrick... He was with us one war, he didn't retire.
Thatz? He retired months ago mark..
You say vets retire because the price.. Every team goes through people, is untouchables roster the same as the first war? Lol no, are we all dumb or have they not kicked 1/4 of their team?

You might want to reread my post again. Especially the part where I said, "Like Thatzme and Fearick who are no longer with RR." I don't see anything wrong with what I've mentioned coz it's a fact they are some examples of people who are no longer in your guild =) Don't drink so much Eunutroll Kool Aid buddy, it depletes the neurons in the brain.

Anyway, keep bragging about the top 1, you never know how long it could stay there. Still, never will I spend a single gem for RR as your GM is pure classless so as the guild he founded. I'd rather spend my 10k gems opening chests where I can get better epic+ and other epic armors and fodders than support the likes of him & his infamous guild. I guess to each his own =)

10-29-2013, 09:05 AM
You don't make much sense. Your just ranting about the same **** over and over..
Rr wasting gems blah blah... Think about it mark maybe the team coming second every war are the ones wasting?
I do recall you joined them to try and help take us down.
So much hate at the top.


10-29-2013, 09:11 AM
Leave it KM to derail a perfectly good thread. I'll make a few key points:
-Lady Bad Touch came to me about joining RR with 5000 gems, but only for a W/F epic. I said sure, I can probably make room for them.
2 hours later:
-Uncle Bad Touch went to my sentinel about joining RR with 3500 gems for this war.

This caused some marital stress between them, so she went on his phone & used up his 4000 gems, & deleted everyone from our chat. Talk about going nutso.

As to King Marks chat, which he seems to think this has anything to do with, I deleted it because KM was going on & on about how armors will keep getting better & make current armors useless. Then he kicked Busterroaf for saying KM was an idiot because all games work like that. KM kicked Buster, followed by a thumbs up sticker & I was probably having a worse week than usual. I've no idea who erased your chat the following 2 times.

You talk about not spending money on this game, but I receive PMs like the following:

You say I'll be the only player playing the game soon because my ego? Something to do with other Gree games? I'm not sure.
You are still talking about how #1 is wasting money on obsolete epic+? What about the people paying for 2-10? Talk about obsolete epic(non+)

I am pretty sure my cloud & forge are pretty far from "obsolete" still.

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 09:14 AM
You don't make much sense. Your just ranting about the same **** over and over..
Rr wasting gems blah blah... Think about it mark maybe the team coming second every war are the ones wasting?
I do recall you joined them to try and help take us down.
So much hate at the top.


Yeah, ask your sentinel Rediye why he's even trying to break Gree's strict policy by selling his account to the highest bidder in Line ^^ Another great example of someone who'd soon bite the dust and perhaps, would get a permanent ban from Gree =)

I had fun fighting along with Untouchables and their GM has way more class than yours. So I'd take and waste gems enjoying my battles in other guilds than your egomaniac guild. I've fought along side lower guild & players too and wasted gems, but please, just not RR, because it's pure classless being associated to that GM.

Bye for now and see you around. Please don't bite the dust anytime soon ^^

Angel of Death
10-29-2013, 09:16 AM
This thread is dumb and stupid! Started by a weak player coming from a weak guild. Oh by the way, why did I call you weak? It's because you don't spend some cash or it's not enough ... :)

You mentioned strategy right? Well the best strategy to have a good ranking is to avoid the "strong ones" and spend some real money at "weaker guilds" like yours

Top ten guild are currently controlled by ethier RR or untouchables, so that makes the GW interesting? Alliances have been established so that these guilds will remain top 10...

After reaching level 100, nothing is left to do but epic boss and guild wars....
Who would play a game and grind so hard that he would just accept the fact that he could never be on top?

10-29-2013, 09:17 AM
Anyway, keep bragging about the top 1, you never know how long it could stay there. Still, never will I spend a single gem for RR as your GM is pure classless so as the guild he founded. I'd rather spend my 10k gems opening chests.

I love this guy. Does RR go around randomly bragging about being #1? lol
& trust me, Marky, we would never invite you to RR even if we had all the class in the world. Have fun being a hypocrite spending all those gems on chests. I found 400 ** with nothing to enhance frustrating. Much easier to win GW for epic+, not to mention save 7k gems.

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 09:29 AM
Leave it KM to derail a perfectly good thread. I'll make a few key points:
-Lady Bad Touch came to me about joining RR with 5000 gems, but only for a W/F epic. I said sure, I can probably make room for them.
2 hours later:
-Uncle Bad Touch went to my sentinel about joining RR with 3500 gems for this war.

This caused some marital stress between them, so she went on his phone & used up his 4000 gems, & deleted everyone from our chat. Talk about going nutso.

As to King Marks chat, which he seems to think this has anything to do with, I deleted it because KM was going on & on about how armors will keep getting better & make current armors useless. Then he kicked Busterroaf for saying KM was an idiot because all games work like that. KM kicked Buster, followed by a thumbs up sticker & I was probably having a worse week than usual. I've no idea who erased your chat the following 2 times.

You talk about not spending money on this game, but I receive PMs like the following:

You say I'll be the only player playing the game soon because my ego? Something to do with other Gree games? I'm not sure.
You are still talking about how #1 is wasting money on obsolete epic+? What about the people paying for 2-10? Talk about obsolete epic(non+)

I am pretty sure my cloud & forge are pretty far from "obsolete" still.

Preach like you never and don't derail good threads as well. As for your story, it seems twisted as the account given to us was lady made it clear they won't be joining this war, but the next. But I guess your guild so desperately needed more firepower to cling on to the top? Guess her request should have been respected, yet you guys still recruited her uncle and couldn't wait till next war? Even if you say it was uncle's decision to decide in the end, you should have showed some decency or should have asked lady first. Not that it should really be expected from you, but she's been nice to you and all. Congrats for causing such marital problems indeed to these nice fellows.

Anyway, as for the PM by Raichu I don't have any control as to what the members say. I'm in my baby guild so what spending are you talking about?

As for your the last 3 sabotaged in our K&D Community room and the first you did, STOP MAKING EXCUSES, twisting and turning in the stories. What you did was wrong. Period. You should have man up and apologized instead of the constant justification for such insanity. As for the 2nd and 3rd, why should I be convinced it wasn't also you or any of your minions who did it? All K&D community were peaceful and all until you set yet another great example of such indecency, classless act and disrespect to a lot of players. So don't act like all innocent and fault free like the one you're trying to portray here again.

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 09:37 AM
I love this guy. Does RR go around randomly bragging about being #1? lol
& trust me, Marky, we would never invite you to RR even if we had all the class in the world. Have fun being a hypocrite spending all those gems on chests. I found 400 ** with nothing to enhance frustrating. Much easier to win GW for epic+, not to mention save 7k gems.

I guess your signature says it all. "Your guild would do whatever it takes to win." Thus, I'd believe lady's account of the story on what happened to your chats earlier.

And trust me Eunutroll, I would NEVER in my whole life put a single trust to someone like you. And we both know and other people know the reason why. I'd rather trust my dog than someone like you. Never will I join RR as well as my chances of getting better epic+, epics, etc. are better in chests.

RR not randomly bragging being top 1? You might want to look at your sig, your previous posts, and your minions' posts ^^


10-29-2013, 09:41 AM
Preach like you never and don't derail good threads as well. As for your story, it seems twisted as the account given to us was lady made it clear they won't be joining this war, but the next. But I guess your guild so desperately needed more firepower to cling on to the top? Guess her request should have been respected, yet you guys still recruited her uncle and couldn't wait till next war? Even if you say it was uncle's decision to decide in the end, you should have showed some decency or should have asked lady first. Not that it should really be expected from you, but she's been nice to you and all. Congrats for causing such marital problems indeed to these nice fellows.

Anyway, as for the PM by Raichu I don't have any control as to what the members say. I'm in my baby guild so what spending are you talking about?

As for your the last 3 sabotaged in our K&D Community room and the first you did, STOP MAKING EXCUSES, twisting and turning in the stories. What you did was wrong. Period. You should have man up and apologized instead of the constant justification for such insanity. As for the 2nd and 3rd, why should I be convinced it wasn't also you or any of your minions who did it? All K&D community were peaceful and all until you set yet another great example of such indecency, classless act and disrespect to a lot of players. So don't act like all innocent and fault free like the one you're trying to portray here again.
omfg did I just read this right? u guys caused someone marital problems over a game. lmao what a weak relationship ( not being dik) . Not being mean but I have to say its funny a game could do such a thing.. I thought eun was joking writing all the stuff lol and now its confirmed. this is what happens when people take a game too far and make it more important than their lives. everyone should learn from this lmao btw to the TC I like this game a lot and there are a lot of good things it offers that why we are here but if u don't criticize something its never going to get better. its called constructive criticism :). this game has potential and we all wanted to reach it and hopefully gree will listen to the people. they are throwing out good suggestions left and right for free.

10-29-2013, 09:46 AM
I have no reason to make anything up. Nor do I have anything to do with recruiting. I let my round table of high commanders handle that. If someone comes to us wanting to spend 4000 gems to earn their epic+, they're gonna get into RR. Its not our problem if that person didn't ask his wife for permission or not.

That being said, I don't agree with erasing people's chats but I would do it again in a heartbeat to you Marky 😍

10-29-2013, 09:47 AM
I have no reason to make anything up. Nor do I have anything to do with recruiting. I let my round table of high commanders handle that. If someone comes to us wanting to spend 4000 gems to earn their epic+, they're gonna get into RR. Its not our problem if that person didn't ask his wife for permission or not.

That being said, I don't agree with erasing people's chats but I would do it again in a heartbeat to you Marky ��
guys don't fight here but omfg this story I have to share it. beast lmao im really a nice guy but this story lol. omfg u guys made my day im done lol

10-29-2013, 09:51 AM
That being said, I don't agree with erasing people's chats but I would do it again in a heartbeat to you Marky ��

The eunuchorn has spoken!

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 09:52 AM
That being said, I don't agree with erasing people's chats but I would do it again in a heartbeat to you Marky 😍

You're full of contradiction as always. On the one hand you don't agree for people erasing people's chats, but actually you started and did & keep doing behind another name. Then it's okay as long as it's not your chat rooms? Okay, so much for being hypocrite & .....

Well I wish I can sabotage your rooms myself as well, but I won't stoop down to your level of insanity...sad to say =(


10-29-2013, 09:56 AM
You're full of contradiction as always. On the one hand you don't agree for people erasing people's chats, but actually you started and did & keep doing behind another name. Then it's okay as long as it's not your chat rooms? Okay, so much for being hypocrite & .....

Well I wish I can sabotage your rooms myself as well, but I won't stoop down to your level of insanity...sad to say =(


That's probably the whole point of 'I would do it again in a heartbeat to you Marky"

It's funny how your whole accusation is based on the groundless accusation that Eunuchorn is this Ashton person you've been talking about.

Technically, I would consider insanity being obsessed enough to post in multiple threads mostly consisting of only flaming in such a short timespan.

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 09:57 AM
I have no reason to make anything up.

I'm sure you do as always and as your signature confirms, "You will do whatever it takes to win."


Technically, we both know the term "insanity" applies to only such person here right? Guess you're a replacement for the missing minions of your dear Eunutroll. Okay, have fun around =)

10-29-2013, 10:01 AM
I had this convo just before going to sleep.


Then I wake up to find all my chats deleted by Uncle Bad Touch (a person I have never spoken to).

You think I have time to change my UserID & mess with your chats. It's obvious you don't run a #1 guild & 4 subguilds. Change my name on your end of Line & you'll always know if it's really me destroying your chats. I assure you, it isn't.

None of you would even use Line if I hadn't started a bunch of threads about it.

10-29-2013, 10:02 AM
I'm sure you do as always and as your signature confirms, "You will do whatever it takes to win."

That means wasting money on gem refills. *pats puppy on head*

10-29-2013, 10:07 AM
All these sabre rattling. All i wanna know if. Can Revival mount a challenge to RR??

King Mark, can your guild actually match RR for 4 days?? Just say yes or no, else STFU.

II King Mark II
10-29-2013, 10:11 AM
You think I have time to change my UserID & mess with your chats. It's obvious you don't run a #1 guild & 4 subguilds. Change my name on your end of Line & you'll always know if it's really me destroying your chats. I assure you, it isn't.

None of you would even use Line if I hadn't started a bunch of threads about it.

Hmm, you're the one who claims to not sleeping. Who's got so much time playing and saying your other leaders handling most of the recruitment etc. Making another dummy line account isn't difficult for someone so dedicated as you in ruining other players.

Line? When did you start it exactly? I had mine and Kakaotalk way before you even made an account. The same as me playing other Gree games, being in Gree's forum way before you even came here. So stop "randomly" bragging again and talking nonsense will you?


If we ever match, SURE anytime of the day and night, LMAO ^^

10-29-2013, 10:16 AM
It's red's fault, not eun's. Eun is just a casuality.

10-29-2013, 10:17 AM
This thread is dumb and stupid! Started by a weak player coming from a weak guild. Oh by the way, why did I call you weak? It's because you don't spend some cash or it's not enough ... :)

You mentioned strategy right? Well the best strategy to have a good ranking is to avoid the "strong ones" and spend some real money at "weaker guilds" like yours

Top ten guild are currently controlled by ethier RR or untouchables, so that makes the GW interesting? Alliances have been established so that these guilds will remain top 10...

After reaching level 100, nothing is left to do but epic boss and guild wars....
Who would play a game and grind so hard that he would just accept the fact that he could never be on top?

I already said I play in the minors. I have no desire to be in the top 10. i don't make enough money to blow it on this game. And there is quite a lot of strategy that goes into a mid level guild (not weak) making it into the top 25 without spending gems left and right.

I get my kicks in this game from organizing and coordinating a guild of active and enthusiastic members who do what they can with free attacks or low gem spending. We play in different ways, but neither of those points have anything to do with the 'quality' of the thread. Strength from money does not elevate you opinion over mine nor make you have a better grasp on why this game is good or bad.

I don't deny being weak compared to the top 10. That doesn't make the game any less fun to me.