View Full Version : Looking for a merge with a group of Euro/Asia players

10-23-2013, 09:55 AM
Come help us complete the WD win goals!! :cool:

As many as 15 spots can be made available.

Our team consistently ranks top 75
Bonuses rear maxed
We easily got 5 daily boss prizes
Our own active feeder/mini faction
15 faction intel alliance for WD
We're gonna kill it with Raid Bosses!
Fun and friendly!

40k absolute minimum in WD (more is better...)
Use of Groupme
7x IPH daily donations, not to exceed 10mil/day (unless you want to)
500k minimum UNBOOSTED attack for LLPs (high level players require more)
3mil minimum unboosted defense if over lvl 200 (negotiable for big WD earners)
No FvF requirement
Participation in FLTQ is not a requirement. However, if the prizes seem decent, we may go for it. If you don't want to participate, you may get temporarily moved to our feeder faction to make room for mercenaries.

PM me for more details