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View Full Version : Have you lost your passion for the game?

10-21-2013, 08:53 PM
I think many players have lost their passion for the game. With the insane stat inflation where a player can achieve in a month or 2 what others have taken years has ruined the game for them. Its reverse customer loyalty. I don't think the people running MW have a clue. Flawed campaigns released giving tons of stats to everyone. Penalizing players over level 150 on boss event which gave out 200K of stats making it impossible to achieve without massive gold (multiple vaults). To eliminate prestaging they add the units just before campaign starts and they have ridiculous XP/Stat ratio. I think the next WD event will send a lot of players to the sidelines when very few targets are available with defense skyrocketing and the rewards are nothing compared to the 200K unit (for 5 faction and 100 bosses) that was just handed out. If they are trying to ruin the game they are doing an excellent job. I used to get so excited for the 10 box event and now I could care less, a 6K unit when they just handed out a 120K unit on the boss event. Yawn. I like many others stick around for the fun with my faction but I think that will come to an end after the next WD when players don't bother to spend piles of gold to finish in the top when a lower level faction built for consecutive wins gets a much better prize. The game now is like an airplane where the pilot and co pilot just parachuted out and its flying along with any guidance and crash is inevitable. My gold now consists of watching videos for games that are starting to look a lot more appealing than MW.

One man army
10-21-2013, 08:55 PM
First. In a way yes I am slowly degrading in interest of the game. If they integrate a new thing to do that is more interactive I might regain interest.

10-22-2013, 12:39 AM
Large stats and modifiers are there manly to hook new players. At the same time it will upset long term players like me. I suspect gree know that. Not every veteran all walk away but a lot of newbies will get the hook. I suspect more players will get addicted than the reverse.

10-22-2013, 03:06 AM
Why does everyone complain about stat inflation?

Lets say gree has an event that has a 100k/100k unit reward with a 50% defense bonus. If you take a noob that has 100k/100k then gets that unit now he is at 200k/300k (bonus adding 100k). If the same unit is giving to someone with 1m/1m stats. That person now has 1.1m/1.55m (bonus adding 450k) stats.

The noob will never catch you. As more and more units come out with bonuses the bigger players will always stay bigger. Even during a war your def will be so much higher then them that they will never hit you. Also if a noob is getting bonus units that a veteran player is not then their is something wrong with you.

The only exception to this would be a LLP that sits in high ranked faction during war time and faction events to get all the top units and does nothing else to gain xp. The problem here is that before stat inflation this was always possible. So that is nothing new.

Can we all start looking at this with some common sense and stop complaining?

10-22-2013, 03:23 AM
Yes - Feel burnt out at the end of each event, usually leave the game for a couple of days.

Gaps getting longer each time

The Pharoah
10-22-2013, 03:33 AM
Honestly...yes. But I think that's normal. I was playing like I was possessed, for the same reason that a lot of people do - dealing with in-game problems is way easier than dealing with your real-world problems, and unlike reality, you are instantly rewarded for it.

I think the introduction of factions, then the runaway stat inflation and the continuing influence of gold on the game has taken away a lot of fun from it for me. If there is no alternative to spending more money to get more reward units, then the reward units have no value, because you never have to work or wait for a new unit. The standard money, valour, and gold units are laughable in comparison, and you simply cannot go toe-to-toe with long-term faction players who have collected massive bonuses through factions throwing hundreds, or even thousands of pounds of gold at their goals.

Do I still enjoy it? Yeah, for now. But passion? No.

La La594
10-22-2013, 04:03 AM
Well I have a hlp and now a new breed llp over 20 x level, I have enjoyed playing both accts and am loving these new faction events bc there fun and the stats are awesome, you always have a choice I decided that with the new events I though I'd start a new acct seems to be at just at the right time, in reality this will probably lengthen my time in mw as the hlp was starting to score badly at war and I wasn't gonna spend nearly another year building a new acct, but this is almost a different game now to the one I started, but like life its the most adaptable who survives, I am still spending and enjoying, I do feel for the player who have spent thousands of hours and pound building there accts slowly only to have a break for a couple of weeks to come back and find what was once an impenetrable fortress now been ran-sacked by some new guy only been player 6 weeks, but this is not our game but grees business and business has to make money or I wont be here anyway so the game that was could never last anyway, change is the law of life

10-22-2013, 04:05 AM
Same with cc, ka, and the rest of the gree games

Gen CheeBye
10-22-2013, 05:08 AM
I'm happy as long as I keep myself ahead of most LLPs. Personal choice to continue with my faction and spend money on this game. However, I've lost all passion when it comes to gree.

10-22-2013, 05:51 AM
I think many players have lost their passion for the game. With the insane stat inflation where a player can achieve in a month or 2 what others have taken years has ruined the game for them. Its reverse customer loyalty. I don't think the people running MW have a clue. Flawed campaigns released giving tons of stats to everyone. Penalizing players over level 150 on boss event which gave out 200K of stats making it impossible to achieve without massive gold (multiple vaults). To eliminate prestaging they add the units just before campaign starts and they have ridiculous XP/Stat ratio. I think the next WD event will send a lot of players to the sidelines when very few targets are available with defense skyrocketing and the rewards are nothing compared to the 200K unit (for 5 faction and 100 bosses) that was just handed out. If they are trying to ruin the game they are doing an excellent job. I used to get so excited for the 10 box event and now I could care less, a 6K unit when they just handed out a 120K unit on the boss event. Yawn. I like many others stick around for the fun with my faction but I think that will come to an end after the next WD when players don't bother to spend piles of gold to finish in the top when a lower level faction built for consecutive wins gets a much better prize. The game now is like an airplane where the pilot and co pilot just parachuted out and its flying along with any guidance and crash is inevitable. My gold now consists of watching videos for games that are starting to look a lot more appealing than MW.
Agree mostly with you, would add the constant -almost round the clock- faction events that drain players, both gold wise and mentally, as it's starting to feel a task to log on the App just to stay inside the curve. As a good buddy of mine has said, "it's an arms race", we can all complaint and ***** about the stats inflation, but in reality it is something you either do or better quit the game as overnight you could become cannon fodder. With that concept you need to engage in almost every event, faction or individual, regardless of xp or energy, complaint if you must, but gotta keep doing them.
Personally speaking took me 1 year to proudly reach a million mark in stats, in retrospect last year at this time was a solid 500k player, in lest than a 4 months have quintuple those stats along with most of every player, balance of power remains the same.
What will happen after Mexico who knows, but expect lots of faction changes

Badass action man
10-22-2013, 06:42 AM
Why does everyone complain about stat inflation?

Lets say gree has an event that has a 100k/100k unit reward with a 50% defense bonus. If you take a noob that has 100k/100k then gets that unit now he is at 200k/300k (bonus adding 100k). If the same unit is giving to someone with 1m/1m stats. That person now has 1.1m/1.55m (bonus adding 450k) stats.

The noob will never catch you. As more and more units come out with bonuses the bigger players will always stay bigger. Even during a war your def will be so much higher then them that they will never hit you. Also if a noob is getting bonus units that a veteran player is not then their is something wrong with you.

The only exception to this would be a LLP that sits in high ranked faction during war time and faction events to get all the top units and does nothing else to gain xp. The problem here is that before stat inflation this was always possible. So that is nothing new.

Can we all start looking at this with some common sense and stop complaining?

your not taking into account the fact that the noob can smash the bosses easily where the long term player has no chance without dropping vaults of gold, y should i have to pay $300+ to get what a newbie gets for nothing?

10-22-2013, 06:45 AM
Why does everyone complain about stat inflation?

Lets say gree has an event that has a 100k/100k unit reward with a 50% defense bonus. If you take a noob that has 100k/100k then gets that unit now he is at 200k/300k (bonus adding 100k). If the same unit is giving to someone with 1m/1m stats. That person now has 1.1m/1.55m (bonus adding 450k) stats.

The noob will never catch you. As more and more units come out with bonuses the bigger players will always stay bigger. Even during a war your def will be so much higher then them that they will never hit you. Also if a noob is getting bonus units that a veteran player is not then their is something wrong with you.

The only exception to this would be a LLP that sits in high ranked faction during war time and faction events to get all the top units and does nothing else to gain xp. The problem here is that before stat inflation this was always possible. So that is nothing new.

Can we all start looking at this with some common sense and stop complaining?

you not listening properly, once over lvl 150, is much,much harder to win boss prizes etc,etc.easy for newbies.
how many newbies can get to lvl 100 on boss mission compared with lvl 150 and over players, much more is the answer.b4 long ive seen lvl 50 players with stats over a million, could never have done that when i first started.

10-22-2013, 07:34 AM
Why does everyone complain about stat inflation?

Lets say gree has an event that has a 100k/100k unit reward with a 50% defense bonus. If you take a noob that has 100k/100k then gets that unit now he is at 200k/300k (bonus adding 100k). If the same unit is giving to someone with 1m/1m stats. That person now has 1.1m/1.55m (bonus adding 450k) stats.

The noob will never catch you. As more and more units come out with bonuses the bigger players will always stay bigger. Even during a war your def will be so much higher then them that they will never hit you. Also if a noob is getting bonus units that a veteran player is not then their is something wrong with you.

The only exception to this would be a LLP that sits in high ranked faction during war time and faction events to get all the top units and does nothing else to gain xp. The problem here is that before stat inflation this was always possible. So that is nothing new.

Can we all start looking at this with some common sense and stop complaining?

As others have said, the big difference comes when doing the boss event. And if you have two of them in one month, it's like shrinking the gap between the LLPs and the 150+ crowd by 300-500k per month. If played right, I think it is possible to find LLPs with 10 million stats in about five months time. Some may laugh at this thought, but mark my words, you will see sub 150 players with 10 million stats.

The Major Wolf
10-22-2013, 08:06 AM
As others have said, the big difference comes when doing the boss event. And if you have two of them in one month, it's like shrinking the gap between the LLPs and the 150+ crowd by 300-500k per month. If played right, I think it is possible to find LLPs with 10 million stats in about five months time. Some may laugh at this thought, but mark my words, you will see sub 150 players with 10 million stats.

For me, it was a matter of getting with the times. I have not played for a long time. I started in August, did all the missions and basically leveled up way too quickly. It was until I was at level 60-70 that I discovered what a huge idiot I was doing this. I mean, after all, why get a game if not to play it. So i decided to create a new profile, and yes, this new profile is level 37 and due to defeating two bosses 100 times, along with getting 7/7 Wraith Goliaths (did not get 5/5 jets for last boss) I now have a profile with ONLY 68 allies, and stats of about 700k for both A/D. My faction is leveraging that as a new strategy in upcoming WD. For me it makes it more fun than being the sacrificial lamb that is only there to do a Power attack on a DL. I get where people are coming from, spending so much gold to get what they have just by being new (FYI, I have also spent money on gold - which astounds me, as I could get Grand Theft Auto V for $60 and just dropped $100+ bucks on a "free" game).

Bottom line, maybe you need to look at your faction and see if there is a room for someone like me. I mean after all, its pretty depressing being a new person, and see you listed as 54,0000 for individual rewards, and the same factions, same teams always in top 10. you will never have that thrill unless you were here on Day one.

I Will Merc You
10-22-2013, 10:28 AM
...lost the passion for this game? .......... No.

10-22-2013, 03:18 PM
I wish they would go back to the old LTQ missions hitting the same person 20 times gets real old fast.

10-22-2013, 03:30 PM
i quit yesterday and have absolutely NO intrest in the game anymore. if it makes a comeback, ill consider it again

Agent Orange
10-22-2013, 03:39 PM
As others have said, the big difference comes when doing the boss event. And if you have two of them in one month, it's like shrinking the gap between the LLPs and the 150+ crowd by 300-500k per month. If played right, I think it is possible to find LLPs with 10 million stats in about five months time. Some may laugh at this thought, but mark my words, you will see sub 150 players with 10 million stats.

It may come sooner than that. One of my LLPs is burning through the Expert levels of the LTQ right now. Basically 1 level per energy refill because it seems Gree did not take into account if someone only put their skill points into energy it is so easy to kill off each level if you are a fairly new account.

Then factor in the Attack/Def skill point botch and you can do some interesting things.

But as others have said this means those of us who also have very old players in the game are pretty much burned since it is easier for me to take a new account and NO gold and run it up to insanely high stats so easily now. And you know what I'm ok with that as I'm having a lot more fun not spending anything and beating the crap of out of guys in the lower levels that are camping and not realizing that they can get a lot more strength so easily.

10-22-2013, 03:43 PM
LLPs beating bosses easily is only the tip of the iceberg of frustration for HLPs. Stat inflation is the problem for the HLP. HLPs took a long time to build their stats. It frustrates them when they see a new player reach the HLP's previous milestones in a mere fraction of the time taken.

HLPs will be overtaken easily if they decide to chill out and relax. They will have to participate in almost every event to stay competitive. Participating in every event for a new player is not much of a grind because they're fresh to the game so they play with enthusiasm. The old timer has to grind away to remain competitive or quit altogether. Most of the older players feel they'll be leaving too much behind if they quit. So instead, they complain.

10-22-2013, 04:09 PM
But you know, I'm actually ok with this as I plan to eventually go free and just join others in retirement. And then I'll create a new account and come out of retirement!

10-22-2013, 04:14 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have bought all that gold and put up all those points when I could have been like all these low level players who either freeloaded or spent 250 gold or less during WD and thus saved XP.

What is someone to do when they have spent over 7k on this game to then visit a old faction member on their ally list and one to which was a extremely light gold spender with a total spend of under $250 and discover they are within 300k of them!?

Only one sensible decision really...

10-22-2013, 05:56 PM
I've been able to keep myself interested in this game for 20 months so far, so I think it'll continue for a long time. I think it's because I'm too fond of all the effort (NOT money) I've put into my player, and I just don't want to give it up. Also, my faction is a bunch of real cool guys, and I enjoy the company. I don't think the game is that bad at all.

Agent Orange
10-22-2013, 06:07 PM
Maybe I shouldn't have bought all that gold and put up all those points when I could have been like all these low level players who either freeloaded or spent 250 gold or less during WD and thus saved XP.

What is someone to do when they have spent over 7k on this game to then visit a old faction member on their ally list and one to which was a extremely light gold spender with a total spend of under $250 and discover they are within 300k of them!?

Only one sensible decision really...

Like me? But seriously, if you had fun then well it was worth it for you.

Two things I would say, you can't take it with you and life is unpredictable. I'm at the age range where I am starting to see friends and family pass away from illnesses and old age. So go out have fun, kick the crap out of some whiner in the game and don't take this stuff too seriously. It is NOT worth it.

10-22-2013, 09:50 PM
your not taking into account the fact that the noob can smash the bosses easily where the long term player has no chance without dropping vaults of gold, y should i have to pay $300+ to get what a newbie gets for nothing?

you not listening properly, once over lvl 150, is much,much harder to win boss prizes etc,etc.easy for newbies.
how many newbies can get to lvl 100 on boss mission compared with lvl 150 and over players, much more is the answer.b4 long ive seen lvl 50 players with stats over a million, could never have done that when i first started.

As others have said, the big difference comes when doing the boss event. And if you have two of them in one month, it's like shrinking the gap between the LLPs and the 150+ crowd by 300-500k per month. If played right, I think it is possible to find LLPs with 10 million stats in about five months time. Some may laugh at this thought, but mark my words, you will see sub 150 players with 10 million stats.

For the record I am over level 150. Since I started playing I have always scored higher on the boss event then the last time i did it. Every one else could have started out slow and built up a strong LLP but you decided to grow fast and now your feeling the pain. How is that anyone elses fault? I grew fast too in the begining then I realised really quick what was going on and I started playing smarter. Also I never used gold to increase any of its stats.

I have a LLP that has never even been in a faction or did any events and it is still stronger then anyone I have seen around its level. If you take care and go slow you can be on top with no problem.

357 233 166
10-24-2013, 05:49 AM
Hahah now i dont even buy gold anymore. Ive start playing other game. It becoming unworth to spend. No point of being pionnered or play the game early. At the stat of the unit now is more stronger. No point to keep spending and spending. That the facts. So whatever tactic wont work to me anymore.

10-24-2013, 07:59 AM
Why does everyone complain about stat inflation?

Lets say gree has an event that has a 100k/100k unit reward with a 50% defense bonus. If you take a noob that has 100k/100k then gets that unit now he is at 200k/300k (bonus adding 100k). If the same unit is giving to someone with 1m/1m stats. That person now has 1.1m/1.55m (bonus adding 450k) stats.

The noob will never catch you. As more and more units come out with bonuses the bigger players will always stay bigger. Even during a war your def will be so much higher then them that they will never hit you. Also if a noob is getting bonus units that a veteran player is not then their is something wrong with you.

The only exception to this would be a LLP that sits in high ranked faction during war time and faction events to get all the top units and does nothing else to gain xp. The problem here is that before stat inflation this was always possible. So that is nothing new.

Can we all start looking at this with some common sense and stop complaining?

Let me apply some common sense to your post, since that's what you favor. The individual event that provides that largest increase in stats is the boss event. HLP are at a severe disadvantage in this event. I have a HLP that I have spent real money over the last year +, and his stats were just matched by my LLP that I have spent $8 on (to get the composites factory) simply because that LLP has a huge advantage in the boss event. On the boss, my HLP only reached level 55, while my LLP reached 100. My HLP has far more bonuses from units and it's faction, but the LLP has caught it in stats.

So, the "common sense" missing from your post is that while all players "could" get all the prizes, it does not require the same effort, stats, or gold to complete the events for each player, and the HLP have been deliberately put at a disadvantage with a ridiculous tier grouping level 151 and level 300 players.

10-24-2013, 02:53 PM
Let me apply some common sense to your post, since that's what you favor. The individual event that provides that largest increase in stats is the boss event. HLP are at a severe disadvantage in this event. I have a HLP that I have spent real money over the last year +, and his stats were just matched by my LLP that I have spent $8 on (to get the composites factory) simply because that LLP has a huge advantage in the boss event. On the boss, my HLP only reached level 55, while my LLP reached 100. My HLP has far more bonuses from units and it's faction, but the LLP has caught it in stats.

So, the "common sense" missing from your post is that while all players "could" get all the prizes, it does not require the same effort, stats, or gold to complete the events for each player, and the HLP have been deliberately put at a disadvantage with a ridiculous tier grouping level 151 and level 300 players.

Totally agree - soon as I reach lvl 151 - aurevoir!

No patience/time to build llp etc - it's rat's race - al became too familiar and boring after a while, what;'s next - Boss of 200 lvl?!? So many brilliant ideas given on what novelties to add to game - ignored, instead endless boredom ltq's and now 2x more boss countdown times with 10x stat inflated and like you rightfully noted - 151-300 = punish zone = good bye GREE[d]

10-24-2013, 11:19 PM
yep Ive played for a year took me 8 months to break 100k now players are breaking 100k in 1 event such bs GREE quitting after this campaign maybe