View Full Version : Top250 family faction, 30-8 wins

10-19-2013, 01:05 AM
I'm an Officer in a great family faction, Lv 208, 1.05M Att, 1.54M Def, Officer in a strong and loyal top 250 faction, we did 30-8 wins/losses + 6 wins in a row!
Are you feeling frustrate with your faction because most of players are inactive and there are a weak interaction between each other?
I'm a Gold user, I scored over 100k WD points in the last war as our others 6 Officers, we have also other 10 Gold users so we have a very strong base.
If you are reading this message and you are a strong active player that are looking for a strong and loyal faction for grow you find it.
Come join our faction Texas; ID 667597272
We are a small but unite and loyal faction of 48 soldiers.
Placed 351. because we concentrated our efforts in a great and funny war strategy, we fought for the victories but next time we will be surely in top250.
We use Kakao Talk as chat, find my ID: Bancodilugano

Our bonus are:
+ 30% Infantry Def
+ 25%Ground Def
+ 25% Air Def
+ 20% Sea def
+ 15% Infantry Att
+ 15% Ground Att
+ 5% Air Att
+ 30% Building Def
+ 10% Def Buildings
+ 15% Building Output
- 26% Health Regen Time
+28 Guild member Increase

We are looking for just few strong active player for grow togheter and enjoy this game