View Full Version : Looking for night fighters!

10-17-2013, 06:11 AM
JLA is looking for a couple guys to fight at night during WD. Sorry, we don't have spots right now for this event. We've committed to a few great players who needed help getting their 70% worth of cash boost. But you will be along for the next one! We've completed every faction event thus far. Our stats have all increased by over 600k since the last battle! We've been top 250, but that's not much fun! We're going for FLTQ in Mexico. Not sure how far we'll get, but we haven't failed at anything we've tried yet!

If you're looking for a group like ours, and are committed to or able to fight nights, shoot me a pm! Bonuses are below.

10-17-2013, 08:59 AM
And it does look like I have one spot open for the current event. 3/7 complete. We will finish 7. Come get some!